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The king and the critic
Приложение 1. A king liked to write stories, which he thought were very good. The people to whom he showed them were afraid to criticize them. They said that his stories were good. One day he showed some of them to a well-known critic, who said that his stories were bad. The king got angry with him and sent him to prison. After some time the king pardoned the critic and when he returned, invited him to dinner. Again he showed some of his stories and again asked him what he thought of them. The critic turned to the guards who were standing behind him and said: "Take me back to prison. "
Ex.1. Answer the questions: a) What did the king think of his stories? b) Did the people criticize the king's stories? Why? c) Who did the king show his stories one day? d) What was the critic's opinion about the king's stones? e) How did the king react to the critic's words? f) What happened to the critic after some time? g) Why did the critic ask the guards to take him back to prison? h) The king pardoned the critic, did he? Ex.2. Fill in the blanks with the missing words from the story: A king_______to write stories which he_______ were very good._____to whom he showed them were afraid to_____ them. They said that his________ were good. One day he showed_______of them to a____critic, who said that his stories were_____. The king got________ with him and ________ him to prison. After some_______ the king pardoned the_______ __ and when he______, invited him to dinner. Again he_____ some of his stories and again_____ him what he ______ about them._______ turned to the________ who were standing behind him and said: "_______me back to_______”.
Ex. 3. Insert the missing prepositions: A king liked to write stories, which he thought were very good. The people____ whom he showed them were afraid _____ criticize them. They said that his stories were good. One day he showed some _____ them____a well-know critic, who said that his stories were bad. The king got angry____him and sent him _____ prison _____ some time the king pardoned the critic and when he returned, invited him____dinner. Again he showed some_____ his stories and again asked him what he thought____them. The critic turned_______ the guards who were stand ing _____ him and said: "Take me back______ prison."
Ex.4. Insert the missing pronouns: A king liked to write stories, which _____ thoughts were very good. The people to whom ______ showed _______ were afraid to criticize _____. _____ said that_____stories were good. One day _____showed some of_______ to a well-known critic, who said that _____stories were bad. The king got angry with_____and sent __prison. After _____ time the king pardoned the critic and when ___returned, invited _____ to dinner. Again_____ showed some _____stories and again asked _____ what_____thought of ______The critic turned to the guards who were standing behind __ said: "Take ______ back to prison." Ex. 5.Find the antonyms to the underlined words from the list given below: A king liked to write stories which he thought were very good. The people to whom he showed them were afraid to criticize them. They said that his stories were good. One day he showed some of them to a well-known critic, who said that his stories were bad. The king got angry with him and sent him to prison. After some time the king pardoned the critic and when he returned, invited him to dinner. Again he showed some of his stories and again asked him what he thought of them. The critic turned to the guards who were standing behind him and said: " Take me back to prison." To praise, to answer, notorious, good, bad, a slave, to pronounce, to punish, happy, to free. Ex. 6. Find the synonyms to the underlined words from the list given below: A king liked to write stories, which he thought were very good. The people to whom he showed them were afraid to criticize them. They said that his stories were good. One day he showed some of them to a well-known critic, who said that his stories were bad. The king got angry with him and sent him to prison. After some time the king pardoned the critic and when he returned, invited him to dinner. Again he showed some of his stories and again asked him what he thought of them. The critic turned to the guards who were standing behind him and said: "Take me back to prison.'1
Nice, to find faults with, a tsar, to compose, court, to request, to be furious, famous, to excuse, a reviewer, poor, to produce. Ex.7. Choose a proverb that best suits the story: a) Live and learn. b) Honesty is the best policy. c) All is not gold that glitters. d) Every man is the architect of his own fortune.
Date: 2015-10-19; view: 1946; Нарушение авторских прав |