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III. Grammar Exercises. Forms and Functions of Participle I. Active Voice Passive Voice Present Participle using 1

Forms and Functions of Participle I.

  Active Voice Passive Voice
Present Participle using 1. определение: применяющий (иногда: -вший) 2. обстоятельство: применяя being used 1. определение: применяющийся, применяемый, который применяется 2. обстоятельство: будучи применен, когда применяется
Perfect Participle having used обстоятельство: применив (-яв, -вшись) having been used обстоятельство: после того как применили, так как применили, когда применили.


7. Define the form of Participle I:

enjoying, being emptied out, having asked, having developed, working, having been invited, being built, living, being assisted.

8. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the forms and functions of Participle I:

1. Having done that, they let investors determine the risks for themselves.

2. The governments of 50 states have structures closely paralleling those of the federal governments.

3. Prices paid by consumers also include Value-Added Taxes, reflecting the costs of providing goods and services for sale.

4. VATs are the principal means of indirect taxation in many countries, including the member states of the European Union.

5. In most extreme form, chromic price increases become hyperinflation, causing the entire economic system to break down.

6. Being shown this document, he said it belonged to the well-known S-corporation.

7. Having been written the balance sheet was given to the chief executive officer.

8. Having been completed so carefully the material didn't need any corrections.

9. The trademark, a two- or three-dimensional insignia symbolizing a company or industry, dates from about the 16th century.

10. The agency spends most of its time planning, creating, and producing the advertising for its clients.


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