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Detachable front seat belt. (Hardtop models). The shoulder belt can be detached from the front seat belt

1. Insert the tongue (B) of the shoulder belt into the buckle (S).

2. Insert the tongue of the waist belt into the buckle.

When the front passenger seat is not occupied, detach the shoulder belt and hang it on the ceiling hook in order to provide good side visibility.


When fastening the seat belt, always insert the tongue B into the buckle A and the tongue C into the buckle D. If the waist belt alone is used with the tongue C inserted into the buckle D, the effectiveness of the entire seat belt is reduced and is very dangerous.

Rear Seat Belts. 2-point type with auto-locking.

3-point type with emergency locking retractor. Slowly and in one motion, pull out the retractor.

1. Slowly pull out the lap-shoulder belt and insert the belt tongue into the buckle - until you hear a snapping sound.

If the retractor locks while pulling out the pulling motion is interrupted, the retractor-belt will be locked. If this happens, let - the belt rewind into the retractor a little. It can then be pulled out again.

2. To unfasten the belt press the button on the buckle.

3. To adjust the belt, hold the adjusting device at a right angle to the belt and pull the lap belt or the free end of the lap belt.

3-and 2-point type without retractor

1. Insert the tongue into the buckle until you hear a snapping sound.

2. To unfasten the belt, press the button on the center of the buckle.

The seat belt buckle for the center seat cannot be fastened with the tongue of the right and left seats. Fasten with the correct tongue, observing the alignment mark.

Cleaning. The seat belt webbing can be cleaned by an occasional wipe with a sponge of warm, soapy water. Wipe with a cloth and dry the webbing in the shade. NEVER use bleach or dye as they may affect the efficiency of the webbing. Do not allow the belts to retract until they are completely dry.


• Belts that have been cut, frayed, damaged or used in vehicles involved in severe accidents must be replaced.

• The belt should not be altered or modified and disassembly must not be attempted. Any problem regarding the operation and use should be reported to your authorized service agent.

Tachometer. Operating the engine when the needle is in the red zone can lead to serious engine damage.

Select indicator. (Automatic transmission models). This indicator shows the corresponding position of the select lever.

Warning lights. (D High beam indicator light. Turn signal/hazard indicator light.


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