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Watching the Time

One of the most difficult things about holding an effective meeting is staying within the time limits. A good agenda will outline how long each item should take. A good chairperson will do his or her best to stay within the limits. Here are some expressions that can be used to keep the meeting flowing at the appropriate pace.

  • I think we've spent enough time on this topic.
  • We're running short on time, so let's move on.
  • We're running behind schedule, so we'll have to skip the next item.
  • We only have fifteen minutes remaining and there's a lot left to cover.
  • If we don't move on, we'll run right into lunch.
  • We've spent too long on this issue, so we'll leave it for now.
  • We'll have to come back to this at a later time.
  • We could spend all day discussing this, but we have to get to the next item.

Regaining Focus

It is easy to get off topic when you get a number of people in the same room. It is the chairperson's responsibility to keep the discussion focused. Here are some expressions to keep the meeting centered on the items as they appear on the agenda.

  • Let's stick to the task at hand, shall we?
  • I think we're steering off topic a bit with this.
  • I'm afraid we've strayed from the matter at hand.
  • You can discuss this among yourselves at another time.
  • We've lost sight of the point here.
  • This matter is not on today's agenda.
  • Let's save this for another meeting.
  • Getting back to item number 5...
  • Now where were we? Oh yes, let's vote.


When issues cannot be resolved or decisions cannot be easily made, they are often put to a vote. Most votes occur during meetings. Votes can be open, where people raise their hands in favor or in opposition of the issue. In an open vote, the results are evident immediately. Other votes, such as who should be elected to take on a certain role, are private or closed. During private votes, attendees fill out ballots and place them in a box to be counted. The results may not be counted until after the meeting. Here are some specific expressions used during open voting:

  • All in favor?
    (Those who agree raise their hands or say "Aye".)
  • All opposed?
  • Motion to hire more tour guides, moved by Thomas.
    (Suggestions or ideas that are put to a vote are called motions. When a person makes a suggestion, the term to use both during the meeting and in the minutes is moved.)
  • Motion to hire more tour guides seconded by Nolan.
    (When another person agrees with the motion, it is seconded.)

When a motion is voted and agreed upon it is carried. When it is voted and disagreed upon it is failed. Most often votes are put to a majority. If there is a tie vote, the chairperson will often cast the deciding vote.


Sample Voting Session:

Pierre: Okay, now that we've covered most of the business, it's time to vote on the staff picnic. Jane and I have come up with two different ideas. I'll give Jane the floor now, and she'll outline these two options. After that we'll vote. I don't think there is any reason to have a private vote, so I'll just ask to see a show of hands. Jane, would you do the honors?
Jane: Thanks Pierre. Okay, so, as you all probably assumed, we are going to wait until most of the tours have passed through before we have the staff picnic. That way most of you should be able to attend. So we've chosen the last Sunday of September. I hope that works out for all of you. Now, the first option is to have a BBQ at Mariposa Beach. We would do this on the last Sunday of September. The second option is to have a potluck dinner/pool party in Pierre's backyard. The only problem with this is if it rains, there isn't much in the way of shelter there. I don't think Pierre and his wife will want all of us dashing inside in a thunderstorm.
Pierre: Well, if we had to we could probably squeeze everyone in the basement. Anyhow, those are the options, so let's put it to a vote. All in favor of option number one? Raise your hands please...okay, one vote. And, all in favor of option number two? That's four. Okay, so it looks like a pool party at my house.
Jane: Great. I'll put up a sign up sheet and everyone can write down what they plan to bring.


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