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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Дорогие выпускники! 1 page

Начиная с 2012/2013 учебного года по завершении обучения и воспитания на III ступени общего среднего образования проводится обязательный выпускной экзамен по учебному предмету «Иностранный язык».

Сборник, который вы держите в руках, поможет Вам подготовиться к III этапу экзамена по английскому языку - беседе по ситуации общения, предлагаемой членами экзаменационной комиссии.

На данном этапе экзамена Вам предстоит продемонстрировать владение устной речью: умение вести беседу, дать совет, выразить пожелание, используя отдельные реплики и развернутые высказывания; логично и последовательно делать сообщение и высказывать оценочные суждения.

Задача данного этапа экзамена будет заключаться в проверке умений монологической и диалогической речи, а содержание выполняемых заданий будет направлено на стимулирование к спонтанной речи.

Содержание заданий:

1. Задание, выполняя которое, Вы будете иметь возможность опереться на изученный в процессе обучения материал.

Например: Давай поговорим о здоровом образе жизни. Ты следишь за своим здоровьем? Что ты делаешь для того, чтобы быть здоровым?

2. Задание уточняющего характера, содержание которого будет касаться Вашего личного опыта, и будет предполагать утвердительную или отрицательную реплику, которую нужно прокомментировать.

Например: Согласен ли ты с мнением о том, что курение действительно опасно для здоровья человека? Почему?

3. Задание, побуждающее Вас инициировать беседу, проявить заинтересованность в чем-то, задать встречные вопросы.

Например: Представь, что ты беседуешь с зарубежным сверстником о здоровом образе жизни. Что бы ты у него спросил, прежде всего?

4. Задание, побуждающее Вас дать совет, аргументированную рекомендацию.

Например: В школе есть ребята, которые курят. Посоветуй, что нужно сделать, чтобы они поняли, что это вредно.

5. Задание, требующее от Вас выражения своей точки зрения, рассуждения о фактах, событиях, приведения примеров и аргументов.

Например: Тебе приходилось пропагандировать здоровый образ жизни среди молодых людей? Если да, расскажи, как ты это делал. Если нет, как ты это сделаешь?

Тематика предлагаемых для беседы ситуаций определяется в соответствии с предметно-тематическим содержанием, указанном в образовательном стандарте и учебной программе.

Вас не знакомят с содержанием беседы предварительно. Задания (пять) будут предъявляться непосредственно во время беседы.

Чтобы получить высокий балл на III этапе выпускного экзамена, Вы должны уметь достаточно свободно говорить на иностранном языке, а чтобы свободно говорить, нужен словарный запас. Конечно, его нужно постоянно пополнять, а именно учить лексические единицы! Во время III этапа экзамена Вы начинаете говорить сами, а затем уже строится беседа, участниками которой становятся члены экзаменационной комиссии.

Начните с элементарного – выучите вопросительные слова, порядок слов в вопросительном предложении, порядок слов в простом и сложном предложении, вопросительные и указательные местоимения, наречия. Умение дать совет требует знания определенных грамматических структур. Вместе с тем, главное – чтобы при ответе лексические и грамматические ошибки не препятствовали экзаменаторам понять Вас. Если они поймут, что Вы сказали, даже с недочетами, то это коренным образом не повлияет на отметку.

Данный сборник представляет собой тематическое руководство, которое может служить основой для подготовки к устной речи на выпускном экзамене, для создания собственных монологических высказываний.

Надеемся, что данные материалы сослужат Вам добрую службу и помогут с честью выдержать нелегкое испытание – выпускной экзамен по английскому языку.

Желаем успехов!



С.А. Неверович,

методист отдела образования



Сферы общения и предметно-тематическое содержание речи

Социально-бытовая сфера общения
1. Let’s talk about family. What role does it play in your life? (What is family for you? Why is family important for you?)
2. Let’s talk about family relationships. What can you tell about your family? Do you get on well with your parents?
  There is a wise saying “Blood is thicker than water”. It means that our friends are unstable while our parents and relatives stay with us all our life. I think friends don’t understand us as much as our parents. In happy, friendly, united families parents are honest with their children without moralizing and bossing them. And children in their turn try to be honest and loving. Members of such families treat one another with understanding and compassion. They always share household chores. Children in such families feel safe at home. They trust their parents, share their secrets and problems, ask parents for useful advice and rely on them. My family is important for me. Wehave close relations; we trust and value one another. I resemble my father. My father Sergei is a businessman. He is honest, hardworking and generous. We have much in common, that’s why we are best friends. My mother Helen is a shop-assistant. My mum is a pretty woman. She is kind and patient. She has a lot of household chores and I always try to help her. Sometimes we argue because of my marks but I never lie to my parents. I know that I can rely on them. They give me confidence in my future. I have many remote relatives: grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. I visit them very often. For me my family is the only place where I can find support and relaxation.
1. Do you agree that family ties are the strongest? Comment on the saying “Blood is thicker than water”.
  I absolutely agree with a wise saying “Blood is thicker than water”. Our friends are unstable while our parents and relatives stay with us all our life. Our parents know us well, so they can give us some valuable advice. I think friends don’t understand us as well as our parents and relatives. Our parents will never let us down.
2. Do you agree that children should be brought up strictly? Why (not)?
  It’s common knowledge that family is a crucial instrument for the development of a child’s personality. That’s why it is necessary to live in a friendly and happy family where everyone is loving, caring and understanding. In my opinion, when a child is brought up in a friendly family, he will become a responsible person with a strong character. But parents should be strict if their children break moral laws.
3. Do you think it is necessary to have family traditions?
4. Do you have your own family traditions?
5. Are there any family traditions that you follow?
  I think that it is necessary to have family traditions. They help to unite family members. We also have some family traditions. We celebrate the birthdays of each member of the family. All my relatives gather together at one big table. It’s also our family tradition to spend summer holidays in the country.
6. Are there any things that you do with your parents together?
  I should say that my parents are very busy, but at the weekends we try to spend time together. I help my mother about the house. On Sunday we usually watch TV and have dinner together. Sometimes we visit our relatives and friends.
7. Are you on good terms with your parents and grandparents?
  First of all I should say that there is no problem of generation gap in my family. We try to be understanding, caring and loving. I can rely on my relatives in any situation. We can discuss everything and try to trust each other. So, we are on good terms.
1. Imagine you are talking to foreign teenagers. What would you ask them about family traditions they have in their country?
2. Imagine you are invited to spend a couple of days in your pen-friend’s family in London. Ask him about their family holidays and traditions.
  1. Do you have your own family traditions? 2. How do people in your country observe family traditions? 3. What is your favourite family tradition?
3. What questions would you ask your foreign (British) friend about his family(relatives, family relations)? 1. Is your family large? 2. What are your parents? 3. Are there any problems in your family? 4. What is your parents’ attitude to your friends? 5. Do you like to spend time together with your parents?
1. What can you advise people who want to have a close and happy family?
2. What can you advise a person who wants to get on well with his/her parents and grandparents?
  If you want to have close relations in your family you should spend your free time together. You may go to the cinema or to a café together. You should help your relatives with household chores. Try to be open, friendly, caring, understanding and loving. Try to forgive your relatives. Don’t hurt them. And, of course, say a lot of words of love.
3. Your friend is going to marry. What is your advice? (What advice would you give him/her?)
  I think you should marry only if your partner really cares for you. It’s necessary to have much in common, to be positive and reliable. If you trust your partner and decide to be only with him you should marry.
1. Divorce doesn’t seem to be extraordinary any more. Has family become an outdated form of relationships?
2. Is the family ever likely to disappear as an institute? Why (not)?
  Family is a very important unit of our society. It’s an emotional centre of people’s lives and a transmitter of culture. But today there are a lot of divorces. People don’t want to understand each other; they don’t want to solve problems together. For example, my friend’s parents divorced because of misunderstanding. Besides, they also had financial problems. But I’m sure that family will exist forever. We just need to make the right choice.
3. Why are there many one-parent families? How does the state help such families?
  Today there are a lot of divorces. People don’t want to understand each other; they don’t want to solve problems together. For example, my friend’s parents divorced because of misunderstanding. Besides, they also had financial problems. But the state tries to help such families. Such families have some privileges and allowances (пособия). There are also laws protecting the interests of one-parent families.
4. They say that parents and children have difficulties in understanding each other because of generation gap. What do you think about this problem?
  The problem of generation gap exists only in families where people don’t want to understand each other. Sometimes parents give too much freedom to their children or parents are too strict. Sometimes teenagers don’t respect their parents and don’t want to obey. I’m lucky to say that there is no problem of generation gap in my family. Sometimes we disagree on some issues but we try to be honest and loving.
5. Nowadays an average family has one child. From your point of view, how many children should there be in a family?
  I think that parents should decide how many children they want to have. If parents have enough love, time and money they can have even 10 children. But nowadays an average family has one child. I think this is because today’s life is hard and unstable. As for me I want to have 2 children: a boy and a girl.
  Appearance and Character. National Character
1. Let’s talk about appearance and character. What kind of appearance appeals to you?
2. Now, let’s talk about appearance and character. Describe your close relative. (Describe a person you know well).
  It’s common knowledge that our appearance is very important. Everyone wants to be good-looking. Being attractive is like being rich-it can help you find happiness. Psychologists say that 85% of the information people accept is visual information. We often judge people by their clothes. The clothes we wear tell a lot about us. For example, people in expensive clothes are called wealthy (rich) and beautiful. And, on the contrary, we think that people in old and dirty clothes are ugly. There are also a lot of stereotypes connected with people’s appearance. For example, some people, especially men, say that women with long blond hair, long legs and a slim body are real beauties. Other people practise the art of face-reading. They are sure that people with full lips are responsible, but bossy. People with a high forehead are called very clever. In my opinion, a beautiful person is sociable and cheerful. Such people like the world around them and have their own individuality. My mother is a person of that kind. She is not very tall. My mom has an oval face, long dark hair, a small nose and brown eyes. She usually wears casual clothes because she thinks they are very comfortable. My mom is a good professional and people respect her for that. She is very sociable, cheerful and charming. I should mention that my mom is understanding, caring and loving. She gives me a good example of how beautiful a person must be. So, this is my idea of what a beautiful person is. In conclusion, I should say that a person is beautiful only if he lives in harmony with his inner world.
1. What traits of character do you value most of all? Why?
2. What traits of character do you dislike in people? Why?
  To my mind, honesty is the best quality that people may have. Honest people tell the truth, they always keep promises and never betray friends. I admire brave people who are not afraid of being criticized or punished. I absolutely agree that «honesty is the best policy». Honest and brave people are «the soul of the nation». On the contrary, I don’t like people who tell lies. To my mind, lie becomes popular in our modern society. For example, many pop stars lie about their life; they even change their names to be famous. I think it is stupid and useless.
3. Do you find some type of appearance especially attractive? Why?
  For some people, especially men, women with long blond hair, long legs and a slim body are real beauties. Other people, especially women, think that a lot of make-up, long nails and long eyelashes make a woman pretty. I am sure that a person is beautiful only if he lives in harmony with his inner world. I like people who have individuality, who have their own style. But the first thing I notice is person’s eyes. I like people with beautiful and open eyes because our eyes reflect our inner world. They are «the mirror of the soul».
1. What questions will you ask about the specific qualities of the British (Belarusian) national character?
2. Ask a British teenager what British people are like.
  1. What are British (Belarusian) people like? 2. Are they hard-working? 3. What are the negative (positive) qualities of the British (Belarusian) national character? 4. What are the stereotypes connected with British (Belarusian) people? 5. What makes British (Belarusian) people different from Belarusian(British) people?
1. Your friend has got acquainted with a girl/boy and wants to know her/his character better. Give him/her a piece of advice on how he/she can do it.
  If you want to know one’s character better you should spend a lot of time with this person. You can do the shopping, walk, visit other people or chat together. You will see this person in different situations. You just need to be very attentive and notice what he is saying or doing. His habits, deeds and words will tell a lot about this person’s character. I wish you good luck.
2. A boy/a girl wants to change something about the way he/she looks like. Give him/her a piece of advice on how he/she can do it.
  When you want something new but don’t know how to do it, you need a piece of good advice. You can ask your friend to help you. Your friend’s advice will be very valuable. You can use the Internet blogs or special style programs to find out what styles or clothes suit you. But the best thing is not to worry about your clothes and appearance, but just try to be an interesting person. I wish you good luck.
1. What stereotypes connected with the British do you know? What do you think about them?
  Stereotypes are mostly connected with appearance, language, food, habits and character. Many stereotypes are wrong, but some are true. People say that the British have a 5- o’clock tea every day but they drink a lot of cups of tea during the day. There are many stereotypes connected with British cuisine: they eat many toast and puddings. But the British eat different food: Chinese, Indian, etc. British people are considered to be snobbish and conservative. But such people live in any other country. The British humour is well-known all over the world: it’s sometimes specific and strange. I don’t always understand it. British teenagers are called clubbing lovers. And I think it’s true. In general, the British are polite and friendly. And I like this.
2. You have to write a short article about Belarusian people for a foreign newspaper. How would you describe our people?
3. Foreign people usually admit that Belarusian people seldom smile. Do you share this point of view?
  First of all, I should say that the geographical position of Belarus influences our national character. The international contacts of our country make Belarusian people tolerant and hospitable. But our geographical position is also a disadvantage. Belarus has been the arena of many wars and invasions. Besides, Belarusian people always need to work hard. That’s why we are hard-working, patient and peace – loving. Foreign people usually say that Belarusians seldom smile. And I think this is true because we had difficult past. Belarusian people are intelligent, tactful, and imaginative. The Belarusian music, songs and folklore may say a lot about the national character. Belarusian people are fond of legends about ghosts and angels, miraculous icons and herbal medicine. In conclusion I’d like to say that Belarusian tolerance and hospitality are well-known all over the world.
1. Let’s talk about friendship. What role do friends play in your life?
2. Let’s talk about friendship. What is your best friend like?
3. Let’s talk about friendship. How important is friendship for you?
4. Let’s talk about friendship. People say that friendship isn’t a big thing, its a million little things. What do you think about it?
  Friendship plays an important role in our life because we all need friends. Friendship is a million little things: talks, common interests, smiles, having fun and sharing sorrows. In my view, friendship is a unique thing that happens between two people. And it’s a great gift. It is necessary to have a person you can rely on. Close friends usually have similar ideas and beliefs. They understand, respect and trust each other. Your best friend helps you when you have problems or troubles. I have a lot of friends, but my best friend is Helen. She is energetic, active, and good at sports, especially basketball. She has different interests, one of them is music. She knows everything about modern music groups and singers. Helen has a good character and a good sense of humour. One of her best features is honesty. She never speaks badly of other people. I admire her for that. I should say that Helen is a pretty tall girl with short dark hair and a pleasant smile. Her favourite clothes are jeans and sweaters. Helen is very sociable but sometimes impulsive. She can lose self-control when things don’t go well. But this doesn’t spoil our relations. I know I can trust her. To my mind, this is what real friendship means. I am proud of having such a friend.I just hope that our friendship will last forever.
1. Can you rely on your best friend? Why (not)?
  I should say, I can discuss anything with my best friend. She always knows what mood I’m in, and what I need. My best friend is true, reliable and never lets me down. She never fails to help or share sorrows. I can trust her as much as I do myself. These are the qualities I like about her most of all.
2. Do you have a good friend among adults?
  I think I can say that my parents are my best friends among adults. They have been with me all my life and they know my positive and negative features. I can rely on them in any situation and they are eager to help me. Besides, we have much in common and can understand one another well.
3. Do you agree that friendship involves two people? What qualities do you think your best friend appreciates about you?
  I should say that I am shy with other people. And I’m afraid they can think that I’m boring. Sometimes I’m passive and disorganized. My best friend is more mature. She is very tolerant and tries to see only my positives features (sides). She thinks I am helpful and honest. She is sure she can rely on me in any situation. And I don’t want to let her down.
4. Is it easier to make friends when you are an adult or a child? There are no certain rules of how to make friends and everything depends on a person. Usually friendship between people grows when they have common interests and views. But I think it’s easier to make friends when you are a child because children are more open and sincere.
1. What questions do you usually ask when you want to get acquainted with someone?
  1. What’s your name? 2. Where are you from? 3. What are your hobbies? 4. What do you do?
2. What questions can help you to understand if a person can become your friend or not?
  1. Do you have many friends? 2. What problems do you disagree with your friend on? 3. What will you do if your friend tells you a lie? 4. What is true friendship in your opinion?
1. What can you advise a teenager who wants to make friends in a new school?
2. What can you advise a teenager who is moving to a new place?
3. What can you advise a teenager who has no friends?
  In my opinion there are no rules of how to make friends. Usually friendship between people grows when they have common interests and views, common ambitions. I think you should be attentive and find a person who has the same views, interests and ambitions. Make the first step, start a conversation and show that you can be a real friend.
4. What can you advise a teenager who doesn’t want to go to school because of bullying?
  If there are problems with bullying in your school it’s better to change school. But first you should try to talk with the administration. Sometimes they can stop bullying at school. In other cases only the police can solve this problem.
1. Nowadays friends have got up 300 friends in “Contact”. (But in reality they haven’t got any) What do you think about it?
2. They say “If you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything”. What do you think?
  A survey conducted by “Get Connected”, a telephone helpline in the USA, found that nowadays young people rely more on their friends than parents. They want to have a lot of friends to share problems, secrets and gossip. Some teenagers have a wide circle of friends in “Contact” but I think these people can’t be real friends. They just look like friends but true friendship needs personal meetings, smiles, touches, and hugs. It is important to see your friend’s eyes. So, I’m sure true friendship needs a personal contact, not printed words in the chat.
3. Nowadays people prefer to have more money than friends. What do you think about it?
  I disagree. Friends are an important part of our life. There are a lot of wise sayings that having a lot of friends is better than having a lot of money. Nowadays young people even prefer to rely more on their friends than on their parents. A survey conducted by “Get Connected”, a telephone helpline in the USA, proves it.
4. They say “A person has just one true friend”. What do you think about it?
  As you know, it’s not an easy thing to find a real friend. In my opinion, a real friend is a person whom you trust and respect, who is “a friend in need” and who never lets you down. We may have much in common with a lot of people; we may share problems, gossip, jokes and hobbies with them. But there can be only one true friend who treats you with total understanding, sympathy and compassion. My best friend Helen is such a person. I have a lot of friends but she is the closest one.
  Food. National Cuisine
1. Now let’s talk about food. What do people eat in Britain?
2. Now let’s talk about food. What can you tell me about eating habits in Belarus?
3. Now let’s talk about food. What can you tell me about eating habits in your family?
  Food plays an important role in our life because we can’t live without food. Food gives us all necessary vitamins and elements; it reflects our eating habits and even national character. Besides, when you travel you always try national cuisine to know what people eat, how they cook it and what it tastes like. People of every country have their own cuisine and eating habits. Let’s remember British cuisine. English breakfast is usually a quick meal, so the British eat cornflakes with milk and toast with tea or coffee. 1-2 o’clock is lunch time and the British go to a café to have different salads, fish, fruit and tea. People, who prefer to have meals at home, usually eat soup, chicken and vegetables. Nowadays the British don’t have 5 o’clock tea. But at 6 p.m. they have dinner. It is the last meal of the day for most English people. The most typical dinner consists of fish, meat, omelet, cheese, salads, and of course, tea. In Belarus people usually eat at home because they prefer home-made food.. Home-made food is healthier, tastier and cheaper. For breakfast Belarusian people eat bread with butter or cheese, sometimes porridge or sausages. For dinner we have soup, meat and our national dish-potatoes. Supper is usually eaten at home. It can be porridge, spaghetti, sausages and salad. What concerns my family, I should say that we don’t have meals together, because we are very busy and work till late evening. Everyonehas what and when he wants. My mum usually cooks for the whole family. We usually have soup, potatoes, spaghetti, sausages, meat, fish and cakes. I’d like to say that we like Belarusian cuisine and we usually eat nalistniky, porridge and of course, draniki. They are my favourite. In conclusion, I should say that all people are fond of their national cuisine.
1. Do you like cooking? Why (not)?
2. Do you know many recipes?
3. Do you personally follow the rules of a healthy way of life? Why (not)?
4. Do you often invite guests to have a meal together?
  I should say that I am too busy for cooking and my mom cooks for the whole family. But I like cooking because I can cook the dishes I like. I don’t know many recipes, but my favourite dish is Belarusian draniki. I think our national food is very tasty and healthy because we use a lot of vegetables, mushrooms and fish. They contain a lot of vitamins and useful elements. I think we should eat only healthy food because a healthy body has a healthy mind. I personally try to cook healthy food and often invite guests to have a meal together. My friends come to try my salads, especially new recipes, and of course, my draniki. May I invite you???
1. What questions will you ask a friend who has invited you to a pot – luck party?
  1. Who will come to the party? 2. Shall I bring some food with me? 3. What dishes will be served at the party? 4. What shall we have for a dessert? 5. Shall we buy some ready-made food for theparty?
2. What questions can you ask a waiter when you are ordering a meal in a café?
  1. Can I get the menu? 2. What dish will you recommend to try? 3. What salad can you recommend? 4. What do you have for a dessert? 5. Where shall I pay the bill?
3. What questions can you ask a British friend about their national cuisine?
4. What questions can you ask a British friend about their eating habits?
  1. What is the most favourite dish in Britain? 2. How often do the British eat puddings? 3. Do you eat at home or at a café? 4. Do you have 5 o’clock tea? 5. What British dish would you recommend me to try?
1. Which national dish can you recommend a tourist to taste in Belarus?
2. Can you tell me how to cook one of your favourite dishes?  
3. My friend wants to know more about national cuisines. Which national dishes would you recommend him to taste?
  Belarus is famous for its cuisine. Many tourists come to our country to try Belarusian food. But I advise to try «draniki». They are potato pancakes, sometimes with meat, mushrooms, eggs or vegetables. They are served with sour cream. I think «draniki» is the tastiest Belarusian dish and every family in our country has its own recipe. Grate raw potatoes; add some salt, pepper, onions and eggs. Fry pancakes and serve with sour cream. I’m sure you will like them.
4. What cafes would you recommend to visit in your place? Why?
  There are not many cafes in Pinsk but I would recommend you to visit «Grant». They serve high-quality food, the waiters are friendly and the food is great. You can go to this café with your friends, you can try tasty food and have fun. Besides, the music in the café is really good and the prices are not very high. I like everything in this café.
1. Scientists say that fast food is unhealthy but teenagers can’t stop eating it. What do you think about it?
2. Scientists say that fast food is unhealthy but people go on eating it. What do you think about it?
3. A lot of pupils refuse to have meals at school. What do you think about it?
  Modern world makes a person be flexible and mobile. People don’t have time to cook food at home. Fast food is not only cheap, but also tasty. That’s why teenagers all over the world can’t stop eating it. Such companies as McDonald’s and Starbucks sell high-calorie and high-fat food full of fat, salt and spices. Children like such food, that’s why they don’t want to eat healthy food at school. They say school food is not tasty. I think we should eat more healthy home-made food, because a healthy body has a healthy mind.
4. Most of the families want to have a big kitchen, but at the same time they have a meal together less and less often. What do you think about it?
  I agree that nowadays most families want to have a big kitchen, but at the same time they have meals together less and less often. Modern kitchens are rather big and have a lot of modern household appliances and utensils: big fridges, different types of knives, modern stoves and washing machines. But they don’t use themvery often because nowadays people are too busy and work till late evening. People prefer to go to a café or buy ready-made food. And everyone has meals when he can do it, but not together.
  Healthy way of life. Sport. Keeping fit.
1. Let’s talk about health. Do you keep yourself healthy? What do you do to stay healthy?
2. Let’s talk about sport and a healthy way of life. What influences a person’s health?
3. Let’s talk about sport and a healthy way of life. What do you do to keep fit? (What can you do to become a healthier person? What steps do you follow to stay healthy?)
  Our modern world makes a person be flexible and mobile, that’s why people should be healthy and fit. Sport makes us strong. It quickens our reaction, teaches us to win and to lose. Sport helps us to have a healthy mind in a healthy body. For some people sport is a pleasure orhard work, even business, for others it’s a lifestyle. Many people do their morning exercises, jog in the morning, attend sports sections and clubs. Besides, physical training is a compulsory subject in our schools. We play basketball, football or table tennis. In winter we usually ski. I personally can’t imagine my life without sport. I jog in the morning and sometimes play sport games with my friends and go to the swimming pool. I also like to watch the Olympic games, especially figure skating competitions, on TV. For me, sport is a source of exciting emotions and feelings. But I understand that not only sport helps us to keep fit. Healthy lifestyle is necessary. There is a wise saying “You are what you eat” or “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”; which means that a balanced diet is the best way to get a healthy body. We should eat more fresh fruit and vegetables full of vitamins. We should cut down the amount of fatty, salty and sweet food. Scientists say that such food increases danger of cancer and heart disease. We should limit the amount of fizzy drinks, alcohol and fast or junk food. It leads to health problems. I personally try to eat only healthy food. I don’t eat a lot of meat or fried food. I try to eat porridge,fish, soup, salads, fruit and vegetables. In conclusion I’d like to say that today people realize how important it is to stay healthy if they want to be active and successful in life.
1. Do you agree that bad habits, like smoking, can be dangerous? Why (not)?
2. Do you agree that smoking is harmful and it can lead to serious health problems? Why?
  I am absolutely sure that bad habits are dangerous. For example, smoking is the most common bad habit nowadays. Some people start smoking because they think it’s a kind of relaxation. Others always mention peer pressure or a protest against parents. But smoking is very addictive and very difficult to stop. Besides, smoking leads to lungs and heart diseases. And it shortens our life.
3. Do you agree that home-made food is better than junk (fast) food? Why (not)?
  I absolutely agree that “You are what you eat”. Food is not only something tasty and pleasant. Food can be dangerous for our health, especially fast or junk food. Fast food is cheap, but also fatty, salty and even toxic. Such food leads to different health problems. Home-made food is better. First, it is made with love. And, besides, you know what you eat.
1. What questions will you ask a professional sportsman?
  1.Is sporthard work for you? 2.Do you agree that professional sport is a risky thing? 3.Have you ever won any competition? 4.What is your best result?
2. What questions will you ask a fitness coach?
  1. Do you believe in the effect of fitness? 2. What is the most effective exercise? 3. Does fitness help people to look attractive?
3. What questions will you ask a person who keeps to a slimming diet?
  1. Do you believe in the effect of diets? 2. What is your favourite dish? 3. Does your diet help you to look attractive?
4. What questions will you ask a dietitian?
  1. Do you think diet is the most effective way of keeping fit? 2. Can you give me recipes of useful dishes? 3. What fruits and vegetables are the most useful?
5. Imagine you are talking to your friend about healthy lifestyle. What questions would you ask her/him?
  1. Do you keep fit? 2. What sports do you go in for? 3. Do you think we should keep to a diet to be healthy and strong?
1. What can you advise a person who wants to lose weight?
2. What activities can you advise a person who wants to have a healthy way of life?
3. What would you advise your friend who wants to look attractive and fit?
  If you want to be healthy and fit you should choose a healthy lifestyle. First, you should eat balanced food: more fruit and vegetables, less bread and meat. Don’t eat junk or fast food; don’t drink alcohol and fizzy drinks. Don’t smoke. And, of course, you should do sports. It’s important to do exercises every day. Exercise is necessary to keep a healthy body. As a result of regular exercise, your body will become healthier, stronger and more attractive. I wish you good luck.
4. What can you advise a person who doesn’t know what kind of sport to take up?
  I’d like to say that you should choose a sport that suits you. If you like team games, try hockey, football, volleyball or basketball. If you want to play with your friends, take up badminton, tennis. But if you enjoy doing things on your own, you may take up swimming, riding, golf or athletics. You choose!
5. What can you advise a person who can’t give up a bad habit?
  I’d like to say that it’s sometimes difficult to give up a bad habit. If you have true friends and close relatives ask them to help you. They will support you in your desire to give up a bad habit. Then try to do sports and try to keep to a balanced diet. It will help you to feel better and to lead a healthier life. Good luck!
1. Why is a balanced diet important for our health?
2. What health problems does fast food lead to? What should you do to avoid them?
  To have a healthy body you need a balanced diet: more fruit and vegetables, less bread and meat. Fruit and vegetables have a lot of vitamins useful for our health. But if you eat a lot of fast food you will have health problems. Fatty, salty and sweet fast food leads to cancer, dangerous cholesterol in blood, high blood pressure or heart disease. That’s why we should eat only healthy food.
3. What is the best way to promote a healthy way of life among young people?
4. Why is it important to stay healthy?
5. Have you ever promoted a healthy lifestyle? If yes, tell us how you did it. If no, tell how you would do that?
  First of all I’d like to say that youth is the future of our planet. It’s necessary to promote a healthy way of life among young people. I absolutely agree that a healthy lifestyle helps to have a healthy mind in a healthy body. I think the best way to promote a healthy way of life is organizing different sporting events and projects. Last year I and my friends organized a project “Sport for everybody”. A lot of people took part in different team games and sport quizes. They liked the project and games very much. I think we should organize such projects more often.
6. If you had an opportunity to open a health centre, what would it be like? What would you offer to the visitors?
  If I had a chance to open a health centre, it would be a fitness club, where different people can choose activities according to their interests and tastes. I will have all modern devices in the club that can be useful and even necessary for doing exercises. We will have Health Days when our visitors can taste useful and healthy food and drink a cup of herbal tea. I just hope I’ll have such a club one day.
  Money. Shopping
1. Let’s talk about shopping and money. What do you know about the history of money?
2. Let’s talk about shopping. Who does the shopping in your family?
3. Let’s talk about shopping. Are you a shopaholic?
  To begin with, I would like to say that money plays an important role in our life. People use money every day to pay for things they buy. People work for money, they go out to spend money. Some people even make friends for money. In the past people used different objects, for example shells, salt, tobacco. The objects were used to buy goods. But it was difficult to divide them or to save up for a rainy day. Later people invented another kind of money. The first coins were made in Turkey; the first paper money appeared in China. Today money is produced and controlled by the government. Nowadays there are many ways of earning money. Some people become rich due to their talents. Some people win money in lotteries. When we want to spend money and to buy something, we go to a shop. Going shopping is a part of our everyday life. For some people it’s a pleasant pastime, for others it’s an everyday routine. There are all kinds of shops everywhere, but practically everything a family needs can be found in a supermarket. Here you can buy food, clothes, toys, furniture, electric and other goods. In our family my mother does most of the shopping. She usually shops in the nearest supermarket and buys everything we need for our family: meat, fish, fruit, vegetables and sweets. She usually does it twice (once) a week. I am not a shopaholic, but sometimes I do the shopping with pleasure. Before holidays I look for presents for my relatives and friends. The nearest supermarket has a good selection of souvenirs, cosmetics, books, sweets and the prices are not very high. In conclusion, I should say that shopping is a pleasant pastime when you can afford to buy the things you like.
1. Do you like shopping? Why (not)?
  I do theshopping with pleasure only when I look for presents for my relatives and friends. I do theshopping in the nearest supermarket which has a good selection of goods and nice prices. I usually buy flowers, sweets, funny toy animals, photo albums. Sometimes I buy something useful or tasty for myself: sweets, clothes, books. And I like to do this. But in general shopping is a necessity for everyone.
2. Is Minsk a shopper’s paradise? Why (not)?
  Minsk is the capital of Belarus, it’s the biggest cultural, industrial and business centre of the country. There are a lot of big shops, supermarkets and shopping centres in Minsk. So, Minsk is a shopper’s paradise. There you can find everything you want: exotic food, fashion clothes, the most beautiful furniture and souvenirs. But I think that prices in Minsk shops are too high.
3. Are your parents happy about the way you spend your money? Why (not)?
  I am happy to live in a united family. Having pocket money makes me feel confident and independent. But I’m not a shopaholic. I save money to buy presents for my relatives so they are happy that I don’t buy unnecessary things. Sometimes I save money to buy something expensive but useful and necessary for me and my family.
4. Is it easy to buy a good birthday present? Why (not)?
  Well, sometimes it’s very difficult to buy a good birthday present especially if you don’t know what a newborn wants or likes. But if you know his likings, it’s easy. Besides, modern shops have a good selection of presents, from cheap to expensive. You just need to choose a present, pay money and wrap this present beautifully. I am sure, buying presents is a great pleasure.
1. What questions will you ask a shop assistant to help you to choose a purchase?
  1. How much does it cost? 2. Can I try it on? 3. Does it suit me? 4. Can I look at something else? 5. What size is it?
2. What questions will you ask your friend who has bought an expensive telephone?
  1. Where did you buy it? 2. How much does it cost? 3. What functions does it have? 4. Do you like it? 5. Can I borrow it?
3. What questions can you ask your friend about the best shopping places in his/ her native city (town)?
  1. What are the best shopping places in your city? 2. How often do you do theshopping there? 3. What do you usually buy there? 4. Are the prices high? 5. Can we go shopping there together?
1. What can you advise a person who wants to buy many things (clothes, foodstuffs, etc.) but has little time?
  If you want to buy many things but have little time you should go to the nearest supermarket. In the supermarket you will buy everything you need: meat, fruit, vegetables, sweets. Here you can also buy clothes, toys, furniture, electric and other goods. The prices in a supermarket are not high and you can afford to buy different things from different countries. I wish you good luck.
2. What can you advise a teenager who wants to buy a birthday present for his/ her friend?
  Well, sometimes it’s very difficult to buy a good birthday present especially if you don’t know what a person wants or likes. So, first you should know what your friend likes. If he is fond of music, buy him a new MP3 or a CD with his favorite music. If he likes souvenirs you can buy something exotic and unusual. If he is a sport fan you should buy 2 tickets to any sport competition and go there together. Good luck.
3. Advise me on how to make my own budget.
  Of course, having money makes us feel confident and independent. The proverb says “Money makes the world go round”. I think you should be careful making your budget. And I hope you are not a shopaholic. Don’t buy unnecessary things, don’t buy unhealthy food and, of course, you shouldn’t buy a lot of clothes. Be careful and save your money.
4. Foreigners like going shopping in Minsk. Advise them where to go and what to buy.
  Minsk is the capital of Belarus, it’s the biggest cultural, industrial and business centre of the country. There are a lot of big shops, supermarkets and shopping centres in Minsk. For example, in “UniversamNemiga” you can buy everything you want: exotic food, fashion clothes, furniture and souvenirs. Foreigners like Belarusian souvenirs and flax bedclothes, they also like straw things. You can buy all these souvenirs in a shop “Pavlinka”. I wish you good luck.
1. Parents usually give pocket money to their children. How do you usually spend your pocket money?
2. Some teenagers think that parents should pay them for doing their household chores. Do you share their opinion?
3. Parents usually give pocket money to their children. But some people think they shouldn’t do it as teenagers don’t work. What do you think about it?
  Teenagers don’t earn money, but they can do it if they have a part-time job. But in general, parents give pocket money to their children. To my mind, parents shouldn’t give much money to their children as it may spoil them. Some parents even pay their children for doing their household chores. I think it’s not good because children must do their duties for free. As for me I respect my parents’ work and when they give me some pocket money I think twice before spending it. I can buy some food at school or buy presents for my relatives and friends.
4. Do you agree that if you have problems, money can help you to solve them? Why (not)?
  I understand that nowadays a lot of people find their happiness in having a lot of money. It gives them a chance to be independent, to buy expensive things, to travel all over the world. Our modern society is called “the consumers society” and I agree with it. Modern people are influenced by material values. But I’m not a person of that kind.I think money can’t solve your problems.I try to get good education, find an interesting and well-paid job, become a professional and be useful for our society. Money is not everything in this world.
  Clothes. Fashion
1. Let’s talk about clothes and fashion. What style in clothes do you prefer and why?
2. Let’s talk about clothes and fashion. What role does fashion play in your life?
3. Let’s talk about clothes and fashion. What clothes do you prefer to wear in different situations?
  Clothes are very important in our everyday life. People choose clothes according to their personal style. Fashion reflects a social and economic status of each person. TV, music, magazines, our friends and even our parents influence our style. The style is like a language because it can tell much about a person. There are many reasons for our manner of dressing: physical attraction, emotions, religion, traditions. For example, at school we wear formal uniforms. I think that everybody has the freedom to choose the clothes he/she likes, but we should be appropriately dressed for the occasion. School is a place where students get knowledge, it’s not a playground. So, in general I like my school uniform, but when the school is over I wear my favourite clothes: jeans and sweaters. I am sure casual clothes are more comfortable than formal clothes. I should also mention that in our modern society fashion models, singers, actors and sportsmen are the idols of teenagers who try to copy their style, hair-do, even walk. You can see the lifestyle of celebrities on TV, in magazines and in the Internet. Their lifestyles play on our feelings and emotions. Some young people spend a lot of money to buy fashionable and expensive clothes. But I’m not a person of that kind. Of course, I like good and attractive clothes, but I try to think twice before spending money on clothes. Besides, the world of fashion is always changing. Many people think that those who have expensive clothes are much happier in their lives because being attractive is like being rich. That’s why we often judge people by their clothes. The clothes we wear tell a lot about us. For example, people in expensive clothes are called wealthy, rich and beautiful. And, on the contrary, we think that people in old and dirty clothes are ugly. I’m sure it’s better to have your own style in clothes and your own hairstyle to show your individuality. In conclusion I should say that the best thing is not to worry about your clothes, but just try to be an interesting person.
1. Do you follow the latest fashion trends? Why (not)?
2. Do you prefer fashionable clothes to comfortable ones? Why (not)?
  To my mind, things that a person wears should be comfortable. It’s better to remain true to yourself. Fashion is not the most important thing in my life, but it helps me to be in harmony with the world I live in. I can’t say that I am a fashion fan, but I always try to keep up-to-date. So I can say that I prefer fashionable but comfortable clothes.
3. Do you try on clothes before buying them? Why (not)?
  When you want to buy clothes it’s necessary to try them on. You need to know the size and the colour of the clothes you want to buy. But the main thing is to know if they suit you. When I do the shopping I always ask a shop-assistant to help me. And I always use afitting-room. Besides, our parents’ or friends’ advice can be very valuable.
1. What questions would you ask a fashion designer?
  1. What qualities does a person need to become as famous as you? 2. What would you advise a person who wants to become a fashion designer? 3. Why did you decide to become a designer? 4. Is it hard to be a designer? 5. Do you think thejob of a designer is the most interesting in the world?
2. What questions would you ask a fashion show organizer?
  1. What would you advise a person who wants to become a fashion show organizer? 2. What qualities does a person need to become a fashion show organizer? 3. Is it hard to be a fashion show organizer? 4. Why did you decide to become a fashion show organizer? 5. Is it an interesting job?
3. What questions can you ask a shop assistant in a big shop?
  1. How much is this thing? 2. Can I try it on? 3. Does it suit me? 4. Can you show me the other one? 5. Can I pay in cash?
1. What can you advise a person who wants to change something about his/her style but doesn’t know how to do it?
2. What can you advise your friend who wants to buy some new clothes?
  When you want something new but don’t know how to do it, you need a piece of good advice. You can ask your friend to help you. Your friend’s advice will be very valuable. You can use the Internet blogs or special style programs to find out what styles or clothes suit you. But the best thing is not to worry about your clothes, but just try to be an interesting person. I wish you good luck.
3. What can you advise a person who wants to pay a compliment to his/her friend but doesn’t know how to do it?
  The best way to pay a compliment to your friend is to speak about his positive personal features. You should tell him/her that he/she is always very helpful and cheerful and that your friendship makes you happy. And, of course, don’t forget to mention that your friend always looks very good but today he/she is especially beautiful. Try to be positive and honest. Good luck.
1. They say that young people pay a lot of attention to their style and want to be fashionable. What do you think about it?
2. A famous person once said: «Fashions come and go, style is forever». What do you think about it?
3. A famous person once said: «Style is knowing who you are and what you want to say”. Do you agree with this? Why (not)?
  I absolutely agree that «Style is knowing who you are and what you want to say” because «Fashions come and go, style is forever». Our clothes reflect our feelings and emotions. The style is like a language because it can tell much about a person, his likings and beliefs. Today a lot of young people want to be fashionable, but it’s better to remain true to yourself. The best thing is not to worry about your clothes, but just try to be an interesting person. Let it be your style.
  Living in the country VS living in a city. Types of houses. Houses and flats. My household chores. Helping about the house. Pinsk.
1. Let's talk about different types of houses (dwelling). Tell me about the house (flat) you live in. (Describe your place).
  I quite agree with the proverb «East or West home is best». There are some basic types of houses: detached houses, semi-detached, terraced houses and flats. The most popular type of home in Britain is semi-detached, but in Belarus most people live in flats. In my view, a man's home is the reflection of his personality. Houses and flats reflect the ways of life and habits of their owners. I'm sure, to live comfortably means to live in the relaxing friendly atmosphere, not in a luxury in a detached house. My flat reflects characters and tastes of my family. I'm proud to say that my home is the place where everybody understands, respects and loves me. There is a living-room, my parent’s room and my room in our flat. We also have a kitchen, a bathroom, a lavatory (toilet) and a hall there. Our flat has a good layout. All the rooms are separate. The flat is nicely furnished. All our rooms look stylish and attractive. We try to keep our flat clean. My room is my haven. Everything in it is dear to me. It gives me the atmosphere of independence and privacy. On the right there is my bed. On the left there is my desk with my computer on it. Here I do my homework, surf the Internet, watch films and listen to music. You can see posters, photos and beautiful pictures on the walls. Frankly speaking, I'm not keen on tidying up. But every Saturday I do the room: I vacuum it, mop the floor and arrange books in their usual order. I think my room is a cozy place for a teenager.
2. Let's talk about city life. Many people prefer to live in big cities, others dream of small towns. What are your preferences? (Where do you live?)
  I quite agree with the proverb “East or West home is best”. It's common knowledge that tastes differ. Many people prefer to live in big cities, others dream of small towns. As for me, I would like to live in a big city. There are a lot of theatres, cinemas, museums, art galleries, libraries and big shopping centers. So, the cultural life in a big city is very diverse. In a big city a person has more possibilities to get good education and to find a well-paid job. It's an easy place to make friends in. But there are also some disadvantages: long distances, traffic jams, accidents, air and noise pollution. Besides, life in a big city is very stressful and expensive. Now I live in Pinsk. It is often called the capital of Palesye. The first record of Pinsk dates back the year of 1097. The town developed as a trade centre. In different years Pinsk was a part of the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania, Poland and Russia. During the Great Patriotic War my town suffered greatly. But now you can see that Pinsk is a beautiful ancient town on the river Pina. You can visit a lot of historical monuments, churches, museums and festivals of folk art. Pinsk is proud of its Drama Theatre, the Chamber Concert Hall and Palesye State University. There are over 50 plants and factories in Pinsk: Palesye Textile Producing Company, Pinskdrev Timber Plant and others. Some famous people lived and worked in Pinsk: Y. Kolas, A. Blok, Stieve Bulmer and the first president of Israel Khaim Weitzman. In conclusion I should that life in Pinsk is caln and comfortable. Pinsk is a nice place to live in. I love my town very much.
3. Let's talk about different types of houses. Tell me about your dream house. (Tell me about the house / flat you would like to live in).
  I quite agree with the proverb «East or west home is best». There are some basic types of houses: detached houses, semi-detached, terraced houses and flats. The most popular type of home in Britain is semi-detached, but in Belarus most people live in flats. In my view, man's home is the reflection of his personality. Homes and flats reflect the ways of life and habits of their owners. My f

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