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Alternative dispute resolution

Key words: enforceable, legally binding, litigation, settlement, facilitator.


1. Before you read to the passage, talk about these questions.

1) What are some ways people can settle their problems without going to court? 2) Why would some people choose to do this rather than going to court?

3) How many methods of ADR are there? What is each about?

Then read the text:

KING and WEBB (Facilitators)


Are you involved in a dispute? Do you want a speedy, cheap and private resolution? There is an alternative to litigation, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) may be the solution you’re looking for. There are two main methods of ADR – mediation and arbitration.

In mediation, the parties reach a voluntary settlement by discussing the situation between themselves and with the help of a skilled facilitator This mediator acts as an advisor. He may offer suggestions, but the resolution of the case lies with the parties themselves,

In arbitration, a disinterested neutral party listens to the case. These impartial persons are experts in their field. They decide on a ruling after hearing each side argue its case. The ruling is final, legally binding and enforceable in most jurisdictions.

In both cases, the parties have control over the issues to be resolved, the procedural aspects and the scope of the relief. The case is less formal than a court trial. Almost all kinds of disputes can be mediated or arbitrated. Our caseload includes disputes involving business, insurance, environment, family, employment, and many other areas.

So, if you are looking for a private, economical, fast and

informal solution to your dispute, contact us today.


2. Choose the correct answer.

1) What is NOT an advantage of ADR?

A It is cheaper than going to court

B Parties reach a resolution sooner

C The rulings are not final

D It is more private than court.

1) Which of the following people will decide on a ruling?

A a facilitator C an arbitrator B a mediator D an advisor

3) What can be inferred about the company King and Webb?

A It is a new ADR firm.

B They help a wide range of clients.

C They are cheaper than other ADR firms.

D The staff are legal experts.

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