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Crawford: What happened to you. Bob:(emphatically) plenty. Mrs. Jordan: BOB, this is Charlie CHAN. Mr. Crawford
SCENE 67 BOB:(Grinning) I think he recognizes me. CHAN:(Smiles and nods) Fondly recall many races from cookie jar to back door. SCENE 68 CRAWFORD: Why didn't you meet him at the station? SCENE 69 BOB:(His words cause interest and alarm in the others' faces) Because a hard looking bird followed me down there in another taxi and stuck to me like a leech on the dock. He wanted to go see who I was going to meet, so I didn't meet anyone. SCENE 70 BOB'S VOICE:(Off scene...quietly) My taxi driver was in on it, too. CRAWFORD'S VOICE:(Off scene...anxiously) Did the follow you back uptown? BOB'S VOICE:(Off scene) Yes...but I ditched them at the club...ducked out the kitchen door. Crawford's fears are confirmed. He whirls on Victor. CRAWFORD:(Explosively) Itoldyou that something's wrong.(To Bob) Someone called me this morning and pretended to be Madden. He tried to find out who was bringing the necklace. When I questioned him, he hung up. SCENE 71 BOB: Not so good. SCENE 72 CRAWFORD:(Grimly) Worse than that. About an hour later Madden phoned from the desert. He wants the pearls delivered there...tomorrow. SCENE 73 BOB: But I thought he insisted on our sending them to New York. CRAWFORD: That's just the point. The whole thing looks rotten. SCENE 74 CHAN:(Quietly) Humbly beg to interrupt. You're sure this was the real Mr. Madden? SCENE 75 CRAWFORD: Yes...I'd swear it was his voice. I put in a return call to the desert. He was there, all right...and repeated his orders. CHAN: He offers excuse for changing? CRAWFORD:(Nodding) He said his daughter was coming from Chicago. He wants to meet her there and give her the necklace. SCENE 76 Date: 2015-09-22; view: 397; Нарушение авторских прав |