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Talking Points. Exercise 16.Ask and answer with a partner

Exercise 16. Ask and answer with a partner.


1. Is overcoming drug abuse possible without professional assistance?

2. What is the specific prevalence of drug abuse?

3. What are negative influences of substance abuse among young people?

4. Where can teenagers get information about the influence of drugs: via the mass media, social clubs, rehabilitation centres or schools?

Exercise 17. Present your own views on the following:

Ø Health risks of drug abuse.

Ø Concerns of the countries for potential problems of drug abusing in the future.

Ø The role of the governments in solving this problem.

Ø The drug problem in sport.

Exercise 18. In class, discuss the following:

You are attending the conference on drug abuse. Present some of your solutions. Prepare a plan of action to combat drug-taking in sport. Use the information from the text:


Ex-Olympics Chief Wants to ‘Go Soft’ on Drugs

Juan Antonio Samaranch, the former president of the International Olympics Committee (IOC) has angered many British sportsmen, sportswomen, and sports administrators. In an interview with a Spanish newspaper, he demanded that some performance-enhancing drugs be legalized in sport. In his opinion, only drugs which harm health need to be banned.

Cycling has one of the worst reputations for drug abuse in sport.

Many officials and cyclists really believe that using certain drugs is no different from having a special diet. So it is perhaps not surprising that the directors of Spain’s top two cycling teams agreed with Mr. Samaranch’s point of view, saying that such a decision would improve the image of their sport.

However, Mr. Samaranch’s comments upset British experts, who have been asking for stricter controls, fearing that more freedom would make the current problems even worse. Sir Arthur Gold, an anti-doping campaigner, and the president of the Amateur Athletic Association, called Mr. Samaranch’s comments ‘unwise’.

Craig Reedie, the chairman of the British Olympic Association (BOA) said that the BOA was opposed to the use of all performance-enhancing drugs, whether they can harm an athlete’s health or not.

The former British world-record holders Steve Oven and Steve Cram also spoke out against Mr. Samaranch’s views. Mr. Oven asked, “How do you define dangerous? Is it when someone dies?”

Meanwhile, a leading British distance runner, Jon Brown, said that the banned performance-enhancing drug EPO was being used as much in his own sport as in cycling.

As a result of the controversy, the IOC announced a special conference in Lausanne to review the fight against doping in sport.

Exercise 19. Make notes on the text. Speak on the following:


1. Mr. Samaranch’s opinion.  
2. People who support his opinion.  
3. Reasons for their support.  
4. People who disagree with Mr. Samaranch.  
5. Reasons for their disagreement.  
6. Further action suggested.  


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