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New Rules at the International airport

The new passenger pre-boarding screening rules went into force at the Russian airports on October 1, 2004. Security and screening were introduced in the wake of the Tu-134 and Tu-154 deadly bomb attacks.

The new procedure differs from the old one in what is called for an item-by-item inspection of passen­gers’ belongings. Not only passen­gers’ luggage but also their footwear, suits, shirts, and even underpants are subject to screening.

Passengers will be checked for possession of prohibited items or substances by airport security staff, just like before. Now security staff has long been using security profiling [7], including psychological tests.

They include person­al questions, such as:

- What is the purpose of your visit to the country?

- What places are you going to visit there?

- Why are you carrying a particular baggage item?

These tests are not as yet obligatory, but they may become such in the foresee­able future.

Introduction of psychological testing was recommended by a state commission that investigated the causes of the Tu-134 and Tu-154 accidents. Security profiling and psychological tests have been used in Israel and the US for three years now – after September 11, 2002 tragedy.

Exercise 19. Comprehension questions.

1. Why did the new passenger pre-boarding screening rules go into force at the Russian airports?

2. What items can be subject to screening?

3. What does security profiling include?

Exercise 20. Complete the sentences using the text above.

1. Security and screening at the Russian airports were introduced in the wake of _________.

2. Not only passen­gers’ luggage but also _________ are subject to screening.

3. Passengers will be checked for ___________.

4. Now security staff has long been using ___________.

5. Introduction of psychological testing was recommended by ________.

Exercise 21. Translate the text below into Russian.

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