![]() Полезное:
Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным
Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками
Как сделать то, что делать не хочется?
Как сделать погремушку
Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами
Как сделать идею коммерческой
Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног?
Как сделать наш разум здоровым?
Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше
Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили?
Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям
Как сделать свидание интересным?
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АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
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Focus on Grammar. Exercise 16. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English
Exercise 16. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 1. У вас есть ценные вещи: предметы старины или искусства? 2. В декларации необходимо указать все изделия из драгоценных камней, которые вы везете с собой. 3. Пассажиры обязаны внести в декларацию все ценные вещи при въезде в страну. 4. Для вывоза за границу предметов старины и искусства требуется разрешение Министерства культуры Российской Федерации. 5. Отсутствие в декларации предметов, подлежащих декларированию, является нарушением таможенных правил и влечет за собой штраф, задержание и/или конфискацию ценных вещей и денег. 6. Вы должны предъявить таможеннику чек о приобретении (покупке) данной иконы и разрешение Министерства культуры на ее вывоз. Exercise 18. Open the brackets using the correct Passive form. Example: I’m going to a party tonight. I (invite) by my friend. – I was invited by my friend. 1. Tom didn’t go to the meeting yesterday. It (cancel). 2. They (take) to hospital by ambulance. 3. I have a beautiful jumper which (to knit) by my grandmother. 4. The new bridge (build) already. 5. Breakfasts (serve) every day from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. 6. This secret must (not reveal) to anyone. 7. He (consider) to be a very talented musician. 8. Tickets (sell) until the day of the concert. 9. The instructions must (follow) very carefully. Exercise 19. Open the brackets using the correct Active or Passive form. Example: This tree is very old. It ( plant) in the 19th century. – It was planted in the 19th century. 1. This piece of music (not record) yet. I’ve just composed it. 2. The thieves (steal) the jewellery from the safe yesterday. 3. We began work early, but we (not finish) until late. 4. Jenny (complain) to the manager about the faulty items at the moment. 5. This photograph (take) by my grandfather when I was five. 6. We (delay) because there was a lot of traffic this morning. 7. I (not know) much about this complicated subject. 8. I’m going home now because all the work (do). 9. His house is very modern. It (build) only two years ago. Exercise 20. Rewrite the sentences in Passive. Example: John opened the door. – The door was opened by John. 1. Their mother takes them to the park every day. 2. Meg asked the policeman for directions. 3. The postman delivered the letter two days ago. 4. Sam took these photographs. 5. Do they teach Latin at this school? 6. Michael has made the preparations. 7. Is she cleaning the house? 8. Who built the Pyramids? 9. I expect they will deliver my new car soon. 10. The police are questioning the suspects. 11. Did your next door neighbours see the thieves? 12. A lot of children use computers nowadays. 13. They may not deliver the parcel today. Exercise 21. Choose the best way to change the sentences into Passive. 1. Esther gave Sue a nice present. a) Esther was given a nice present by Sue. b) Sue was given a nice present by Esther. c) A nice present was given to Esther by Sue. d) A nice present was given to Sue from Esther. 2. A thief stole Bob’s painting. a) Bob’s painting has stole by a thief. b) Bob’s painting was stolen by a thief. c) Bob’s painting was stole by a thief. d) Bob’s painting was stealed by a thief. 3. The news surprised us all. a) We all surprising by the news. b) We all surprised by the news. c) We all are surprised from the news. d) We all were surprised by the news. 4. Joan spread the newspaper out on the floor. a) The newspaper was spreaded out on the floor by Joan. b) The newspaper has spreaded out on the floor. c) The newspaper is spreaded out on the floor. d) The newspaper was spread out on the floor. 5. Where did he put the suitcase? a) Where did the suitcase put by him? b) Where was the suitcase put? c) Where has the suitcase been put by him? d) Where was the suitcase putted? 6. Ben drove me to the airport. a) I was drove to the airport by Ben. b) I was driven to the airport by Ben. c) I was drived to the airport by Ben. d) I been drive to the airport by Ben. 7. He may forget the password. a) The password may be forgot. b) The password may been forgot. c) The password may have been forgotten. d) The password may be forgotten. 8. He should have done the assignment. a) The assignment should have been done. b) The assignment should be done. c) The assignment should had been done. d) The assignment should have been did. 9. John has completed the project. a) The project completed by John. b) The project has been completed by John. c) The project was completed by John. d) The project has completed by John. 10. They had to change the law. a) The law had to been changed. b) The law had been change. c) The law had to be changed. d) The law had to have been changed.
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