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Веб-сайты. Alfred Adler Institute of San Francisco

Alfred Adler Institute of San Francisco


База данных по статьям, излагающим адлерианский подход, обсуждение адлерианской философии, теории и практики, концепции воспитания и образования детей; классические цитаты из работ Адлера; вопросы и ответы, а также информации о предоставляемых психотерапевтических услугах. Кроме того, вы найдете на сайте информацию, касающуюся заочных тренинговых программ по адлерианской психотерапии.

North American Society of Adlerian Psychology


Сайт включает программы конференций и других мероприятий, тренинговых программ и списки публикаций.

Journal of Individual Psychology


Форум, на котором обсуждаются вопросы практики, принципов и теории Адлера.


Ackerknecht, L. (n.d.). Recent influences of Adierian psychology an general psychology. Unpublished manuscript.

Adler, A. (1912). The neurotic constitution. New York: Moffat, Yard.

Adler, A. (1928). Understanding human nature. London: Alien & Unwin.

Adler, A. (1929). The practice and theory of individual psychology. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Adler, A. (1930). The science of living. London: Alien & Unwin.

Adler, A. (1931). What life should mean to you. Boston: Little, Brown.

Adler, A. (1956). The individual psychology of Alfred Adler: A stematic presentation in selections from his writings H. L. Ansbacher & R. R. Ansbacher, Eds.). New York: Harper & Row.

Adler, A. (1964a). Social interest: A challenge to mankind. New York: Capricorn Books.

Adler, A. (1964b). Superiority and social interest: A collection of later writings (H. L. Ansbacher & R. R. Ansbacher, Eds.). New York: Viking Press.

Adler, A. (1973). Sex. In J. Miller (Ed.), Psychoanalysis and women. Baltimore: Penguin Books.

Adler, K., & Deutsch, D. (Eds.). (1959). Essays in individual psychology. New York: Grove Press.

Ansbacher, H. L. (1971). Alfred Adler and humanistic psychology. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 2, 53-63.

Ansbacher, H. L. (1974). The Adlerian and Jungian schools. [Part] A: Individual psychology. In S. Arieti (Ed.), American handbook of psychiatry. New York: Basic Books.

Ansbacher, H. L. (1990). Alfred Adler's influence on the three leading cofounders of humanistic psychology. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 30, 45-53.

Bottome, P. (1957). Alfred Adler: A portrait from life. New York: Vanguard Press.

Carlson, J. (1995). Adlerian parent consultation. In A. Dougherty (Ed.), Case studies in human services consultation. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Dreikurs, R. (1950). Fundamentals of Adlerian psychology. New York: Greenbcrg.

Dreikurs, R. (1957). Psychology in the classroom: A manual for teachers. New York: Harper & Row.

Dreikurs, R. (1964). Children: The challenge. New York: Dutton.

Ellenberger, H. (1970). The discovery of the unconscious: The history and evolution of dynamic psychiatry. New York: Basic Books.

Ellis, A. (1970). Tributes to Alfred Adler on his hundredth birthday. Journal of Individual Psychology, 26, 11-12.

Frankl, V. (1970). Tributes to Alfred Adler on his hundredth birthday. Journal of Individual Psychology, 26, 12.

Grey, L. (1998). Alfred Adler, the forgotten prophet. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Hall, C., & Lindzey, G. (1957). Theories of personality. New York: Wiley.

Hoffman, E. (1994). The drive for self: Alfred Adler and the founding of individual psychology. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Kawulich, В., & Curlettc, W. (1998). Life tasks and the Native American perspectives. Journal of Individual Psychology, 54, 359-367.

Kern, C. (1993). Adlerian counseling. TCA Journal, 21, 85-95.

Kottman, T. (1995). Partners in play: An Adlerian approach to play therapy. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.

Lakein, A. (1974). How to get control ofyour time and your life. New York: New American Library.

Manaster, G. J., & Corsini, R. J. (1982). Individual psychology. Itasca, IL: F. E. Peacock.

Martinex, D. (1998). Transcending cultures: the American process. Journal of Individual Psychology, 54, 346-358.

Maslow, A. (1970). Tributes to Alfred Adler on his hundredth birthday. Journal of Individual Psychology, 26, 13.

May, R. (1970). Tributes to Alfred Adler on his hundredth birthday. Journal of Individual Psychology, 26, 13.

Mosak, H. (1989). Adlerian psychotherapy. In R. Corsini & D. Wedding (Eds.), Current psychotherapies (4th ed.). Itasca, IL: F. E. Peacock.

Mosak, H., & Maniacci, M. (1993). Adlerian child psychotherapy. In R. Kratochwill & J. Morris (Eds.), Handbook of psychotherapy with children and adolescents. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Mosak, H., & Mosak, B. (1975a). A bibliography of Adlerian psychology (Vol. 1). Washington, DC: Hemisphere.

Mosak, H., & Mosak, B. (1975b). A bibliography of Adlerian psychology (Vol. 2). Washington, DC: Hemisphere.

Nystui, M. (1995). A problem solving approach to counseling. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, 29, 297-302.

Orgler, H. (1939). Alfred Adler: The man and his work. London: Daniel.

Pryor, D. & Tollerud, T. (1999). Applications of Adlerian principles in school settings. Professional School Counseling, 2, 299-304.

Roberts, R., Harper, R., Tuttle-Eagle-Bull, D., Heideman, P., & Heideman, L. (1998). The Native American medicine wheel and Individual Psychology. Journal of Individual Psychology, 54, 135-145.

Scott, C., Kelly, F., & Tolbert, B. (1995). Realism, constructivism, and the individual psychology of Alfred Adler.

Individual Psychology Journal of Adlertan theory, Research and Practice, 51, 4-20.

Sweeney, T. (1998). Adlerian counseling: A practitioner's approach (4th ed.). Philadelphia: Accelerated Development.

Watts, R. (1998). The remarkable parallel between Rogers's core conditions and Adler's social interest. Journal of Individual Psychology, 54, 4-9.

Way, L. (1950). Adler's place in psychology. London: Alien & Unwin.

Wilder, J. (1959). Introduction. In K. Adler & D. Deutsch (Eds.), Essays in individual psychology. New York: Grove Press.

Wittels, F. (1939). The neo-Adlerians. American Journal of Sociology, 45, 433-445.

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