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Упражнение 213

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. The cat (to take) a piece of fish and then (to run) away. 2. He (to read) a newspaper when I (to come) in. 3. Yesterday I (to get) up at seven o'clock.

4. The train (to start) at fifteen minutes to ten.

5. He (to put) on his coat and cap, (to open) the door and (to go) out. 6. At this time yesterday I (to sit)


Употребление времен


in the theatre. 7. Не (to come) back to St. Peters­burg on the 15th of January. 8. I (to go) to the in­stitute when I (to see) him. 9. At this time yester­day we (to have) dinner. 10. He (to write) a letter when I (to come) in. 11. He (to make) a report when I (to leave) the meeting. 12. Yesterday he (to write) a letter to his friend. 13. When I (to look) at them, they (to smile) at me. 14. What you (to do) at six o'clock yesterday? 15. I (to go) to bed at half past eleven. 16. Yesterday the lesson (to begin) at nine o'clock. 17. When somebody (to knock) at the door, she (to argue) with her husband. 18. When Pete (to jog) in the park in the morning, he (to lose) his Walk­man. 19. When the police (to take) the thief to the car, I (to go) to the cinema to see the new Tom Cruise film. 20. He (to shave) when he (to hear) her scream.

Упражнение 214

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. Lena (to sweep) the floor on Sunday. 2. Lena (to sweep) the floor from eleven till twelve on Sun­day. 3. They (to go) to the wood last Sunday? 4. When they (to sail) down the river they (to see) a little island. 5. We (to work) the whole morning yesterday. 6. Mother (to cook) dinner at three o'clock yesterday. 7. She (to finish) cooking at four o'clock yesterday. 8. At half past four yesterday we (to have) dinner. 9. They (to translate) a difficult text yesterday.

10. I (to open) the window at six o'clock yesterday.

11. You (to go) to the cinema yesterday? 12. I (not to see) Mike last week. 13. When I (to open) the door, my friends (to sit) around the table. 14. When you (to begin) doing your homework yesterday? 15. We (to discuss) the latest news from three till

four yesterday. 16. When I (to read) the newspaper yesterday, I (to find) an interesting article on UFOs. 17. You (to watch) TV yesterday? — Yes, we (to watch) TV the whole evening yesterday. 18. When you (to go) to bed yesterday? 19. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 20. At half past ten yester­day I (to sleep). 21. When I (to come) home from school yesterday, my little brother (to sit) on the floor with all his toys around him. He (to play) with them. I (to tell) him to put his toys into the box as he (to make) too much noise.

Упражнение 215

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. I (to feed) my cat with fish yesterday. 2. What you (to do) at four o'clock yesterday? — I (to feed) my cat. 3. What your brother (to do) yesterday? — He (to play) computer games. 4. I (to begin) repair­ing my camera at six o'clock yesterday. 5. At five o'clock yesterday Helen (to cook) soup. 6. What you (to do) when your sister (to come) home yesterday?

7. You (to have) supper at nine o'clock yesterday?

8. He (not to go) to the shop yesterday. 9. Nick (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 10. Rick (to sleep) at eleven o'clock yesterday. 11. When we (to play) in the yard yesterday, it suddenly (to start) raining heavily. 12. I (to see) Mike when he (to cross) the street. 13. He (to begin) repairing his bicycle in the morning yesterday. 14. He (to repair) his bicycle the whole day yesterday. 15. He (to finish) repairing his bicycle in the evening yesterday. 16. We (to play) badminton from nine till eleven yesterday. 17. Kate (not to go) for a walk yesterday. She (to write) a com-


Употребление времен


position the whole day yesterday. 18. When your father (to come) home yesterday? — He (to come) home at seven o'clock. 19. When my father (to come) home yesterday, my mother (to make) sup­per. 20. We (not to go) on a tramp last summer.

Упражнение 216

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

We (to walk) down the street in the direction of Mike's house, when we (to see) him in the window of a bus that (to pass) by. He (to recognize) us, too, but he could not get off as the bus (to be) overcrowd­ed. We (to be) very sorry that we (to have) no chance to speak to him. But we could do nothing and (to decide) to go back. At that very moment we (to hear) Mike's voice behind us. "How funny," he (to say), "I (to go) to your place when I suddenly (to see) you here. I am so glad to see you."

Упражнение 217

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

The sun (to go) down behind the hills when I (to reach) a village which (to be) only a few miles from the sea. The working day (to be) over, and the vil­lagers (to come) home from the fields. Along the road two boys (to drive) cows and sheep in the direction of the village. I (to approach) a group of people standing near the road and (to ask) them if I could find a place in the village to spend the night. An old man (to say) he would help me. He (to take) me to his small cottage at the far end of the street. A fire (to burn) in the stove when we (to enter) the house.

One girl of about eighteen (to prepare) supper in the kitchen while two other girls still (to do) some­thing in the kitchen garden near the house. The old man (to invite) me to have supper with them. They all (to seem) to be nice people and we (to have) a friendly talk. After supper my new friends and I (to go) out into the garden. The moon (to shine) high in the sky, and the night (to be) warm and beauti­ful. That evening (to be) very pleasant, and I'll re­member it a long time.

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