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Rand Research and Development Corporation 3 page

The pirates divvied-up the private stock in America's money supply and made Rothschild agent Paul Warburg head of the US Federal Reserve. To collect the interest on the money they lent to the American government and American people to use, they created the US federal Income act, to directly tax the people. With the stroke of President Wilson's treasonous pen, the international bankers became the FED in 1913 and have owned a virtual monopoly of the US economy and the tax-payer's money ever since. They create money out of nothing, control treasury loans, and profit from interest rates.

Since their biggest windfalls come from loan profits and weapons sales, wars and death are not only profitable, they are desirable and necessary.

2. The Great Depression.

The roaring twenties was a decade of peace and prosperity in the United States. Higher-purchase installment-plans were created to make buying high-priced items more affordable. Instead of shelling-out $100 for a new washing machine, consumers would put $5 down and pay $8 a month. The dangers of debt and high interest rates didn't enter the minds of most Americans, and shopping raged throughout the decade. Advertising became part of the fabric of American culture as ads dominated newspapers and magazines. Sex appeal, social snobbery, outrageous claims and fabricated scientific studies convinced consumers to buy more.

With massive corporate growth, high employment and a post-war bull-market on Wall Street, first time American investors went on a stock-market buying spree.

Everyone wanted a piece of this prosperity. People bought stock on margin or credit for as little as 10% down. They then used the stock as collateral to borrow more money to buy more stock. Then they did it again. The market was a free-for-all.

Although everything looked rosy, it was a castle made of sand and the party ended on October 29th. 1929 when the stock market crashed and caught everyone off guard. Everyone except the insiders that is.

In April of 1929, Paul Warburg, the father of the Fed, sent out a secret advisory warning his friends that a collapse and nationwide depression was certain, then in August of 1929 the Fed began to tighten money.

It is not a coincidence that the biographies of all the Wall Street giants of that era, John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Bernard Beruch etc. all marveled that they got out of the stock market just before the crash and put all their assets in cash or gold.

On October 24th, 1929, the big NY bankers called in their 24-hour broker call loans. This meant that both stockbrokers and customers had to dump their stocks on the market to cover their loans, no matter what price they had to sell them for. As a result, the market tumbled and that day was known as "Black Thursday".

Curtis Dall, a broker for Lehman brothers, was on the floor of the NY stock exchange the day of the crash. In his 1970 book, "FDR: my exploited father in law", he explained that the crash was triggered by the planned sudden shortage of call money in the NY money market.

Within a few weeks, $3 billion of wealth simply seemed to vanish. Within a year, $40 billion had been lost.

But did it really disappear? Or was it simply consolidated in fewer hands?

And what did the Fed do? Instead of moving to help the economy out, by quickly lowering interest rates to stimulate the economy, the Fed continued to brutally contract the money supply further, deepening the depression.

Between 1929 and 1933, the Fed reduced the money supply by an additional 33%.

Although most Americans have never heard that the Fed was the cause of the depression, this is well known among top economists. Milton Friedman, the Nobel Prize winning economist at Stanford University, said the same thing in a national public radio interview in January of 1996:

“The Federal Reserve definitely caused the Great Depression by contracting the amount of currency in circulation by one third from 1929 to 1933”

But the money lost by most Americans during the depression, didn't just vanish. It was just re-distributed into the hands of those who had gotten out just before the crash and had purchased gold, which is always a safe place to put your money just before a depression.

Following the crash the great depression put 1/3 of the US workforce out of work. The banks foreclosed on property and took possession of peoples' homes and farms. When panicked citizens lined-up at banks to withdraw their hard earned savings, the banks gave them only 10c on the dollar.

Homeless and desperate, many Americans set up tent cities and roamed the rails looking for work.

Congressman Louis McFadden, chairman of the House Banking Committee, claimed the crash was planned by the international bankers who sought to become rulers of us all. In his famous 1932 Congressional address he said "Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board has cheated the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt 3 times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States through the defects of the law in which it operates and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it. Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are government institutions. They are not government institutions; they are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves."

Following a series of death threats, McFadden died from food poisoning followed by a heart-attack, under suspicious circumstances.



1. World War I, The Balfour Declaration and the Overthrow of the Russian Tzars.

Adolph Hitler wasn't the only madman to rule over Germany. Kaiser Wilhelm II led Germany to its destruction in W.W.I. Crippled since birth with a useless arm, Keiser Wilhelm was the grandson of queen Victoria and the great-uncle of QE2. It was no accident that Kaiser Wilhelm chose Max Warburg as head of Germany's Secret Service. The Warburgs and the Rothschilds controlled Germany's Central Bank called the Reich Bank, which was founded by Mayer Rothschild. While Max and Felix Warburg helped finance Germany in W.W.I, their brother Paul Warburg of Kuhn and Loeb helped finance the American side by selling War Bonds through the US Federal Reserve Bank.

The Rothschild and Warburg printing-presses worked tirelessly on both sides of the Atlantic, rolling-out debt-money.

Germany won the first world war by 1916 without a single shot being fired on German soil. British convoys were blown out of the Atlantic by German U-boats, the French army mutinied and the Russian army was defecting. With British Prime Minister Lloyd George up against a wall, Lionel Rothschild and the Counterfeit-Jew-Zionists offered Britain a deal they couldn't refuse. We'll bring the United States into the war as your ally and win the war for you, if you promise us Palestine.

In April of 1917, President Wilson got the green light and declared war on Germany.

Because of overwhelming opposition to the war, Wilson evoked the draft and invoked the espionage act, forcing Americans to fight or be thrown in jail. Billions of US tax-payers' money was delivered to the British war-machine. Money that was never repaid. In return the British Government wrote the famous Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917 and addressed it to none other than to Lord Lionel Rothschild. The declaration promised the land of Palestine/Israel to the Rothschild Zionists.

The Versailles Treaty negotiations after W.W.1. were held behind closed doors at the luxurious private mansion of yet another Rothschild family member named Edmund Rothschild. Treaty negotiators included Rothschild agent Paul Warburg as the US delegate and his brother Max Warburg as a German delegate.

The Versailles peace treaty forced Germany to accept gilt for the war. As punishment, Germany lost its army, navy and colonies and had to pay the cost of the war through a debt to the International bankers which could never be repaid. W.W.1. killed 9 million solders, injured, crippled and impoverished millions and collapsed four Empires with large parts of France, Belgium and Russia left devastated.

Wars throughout history have always been waged by the Ruling Class for conquest, power and profit, and the Subject Class have always fought their battles. It wasn't until the close of W.W.1. that solders first began to ask why they were killing and being killed.

The League of Nations was established after W.W.1. as the Money Cartel's first attempt at world control, but Tzar Nicholas the second of Russia had caught-on to their plot and sabotaged it. That proved to be a deadly mistake. Schiff, Warburg, Rockefeller, Harriman and Morgan backed the uprisings that lead to the 1917 Russian revolution. Their strategy was to finance both sides of wars and revolutions, which gave them control over the winners, the losers and the outcome.

The execution and the removal of the bodies took 20 minutes. Three centuries of Tzarism in Russia was gone.

In the years that followed, between 1918 and 1921, 14 million Russians died from war and starvation under Lenin's Bolsheviks. By 1919 Lenin ran-up a national-debt to the Rothschild International bankers of 60 billion dollars, which put Russia firmly under their control.

As Mayer Rothschild once said "Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes it laws." To this day, the Rothschilds have stopped the heirs to the Tzar's fortunes from claiming their deposits held in Rothschild banks. Those fortunes are now worth an estimated 50 billion dollars.

Joseph Stalin, who was financed by the same Money Cartel, replaced Lenin as Russia's brutal dictator. Using terror and death threats, Stalin's job was to industrialize Russia and turn Communism into a powerful counter-force to Democracy.

Manufactured conflicts between these two powerful political forces would be the ideal excuse for future wars and for dividing, conquering and ruling the world.

2. The Rise of Hitler and WW2.

In his book Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Prof. Anthony C. Sutton shows documented evidence that US Corporations supplied money, fuel, vehicles and weaponry that helped Hitler launch WW2.

Prescott Bush, father of George Bush and grandfather of George W Bush supplied raw materials and funneled vast sums of money and credit to Hitler's Third Reich.

Under the trading with the enemies act, the US seized businesses operated by Prescott Bush and Averill Harriman, including New York's Union Banking Corporation. These seizures were based on evidence that Bush and Harriman had been operating front organizations for Hitler's Third Reich. Their German partner was the notorious Nazi industrialist Fritz Thyssen, who wrote a book of confessions called "I Paid Hitler".

Professor Sutton lists Rockefeller's Standard Oil, Henry Ford's Ford Motor Company, J P Morgan's General Electric, ITT and DuPont as suppliers for Germany's rearmament program. But why on earth would supposedly Jewish bankers and corporations finance a monster like Adolph Hitler? The truth is they aren't Jewish (descended from the Tribe of Judah) but Counterfeit-Jews and are Askenazi-Khazars and Edomites.

It is a well known fact that Adolph Hitler went to great lengths to cover-up his family history. Even arranging for the assassination of Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss, who investigated Hitler's family.

The Dollfuss file, now in the hands of the British Secret Service, reveals that Adolph Hitler's grandmother, named Maria Anna Schickelgruber, worked in Vienna as a live-in house-maid at Salomon Rothschild's manner next to his hotel. The information was traced through her compulsory registration card. Salomon Rothschild was one of Mayer Rothschild's five banker sons. Separated from his wife; Salomon had a reputation with Police as a lecherous womanizer. When Maria Ana Schickelgruber's pregnancy was discovered, she was dismissed.

Adolph Hitler, the grandson of Salomon Rothschild earned a reputation as the most evil man the world had ever known. But more evil than Adolph Hitler were the men who created and financed him.

Hitler's revolutionary activities in Germany landed him in prison for 5 years. This so-called prison was Landsburgh Castle, a comfortable privileged pastoral setting, where Hitler was groomed for the job of Furheir. His coaches, Rudolf Hess and Herman Goerin helped him write the infamous book Mein Kampf. Upon his release, the book was widely circulated and Hitler traveled throughout Germany, delivering prepared speeches with Rothschild / Warburg financing via the secret Thule and Vril societies.

"The Jews were to blame" shouted Hitler "for the humiliation of the Versailles treaty and for Germany's financial ruin.”

One of the world's dirtiest secrets and lies is the holocaust-hoax. The Jews that were rounded-up and placed in camps in Nazi Germany were placed there not for punishment and extermination. They were placed there for their protection and security, while the German nation and the rest of the world went to war and millions of people were fighting and killing each-other; suffering and dying. The only reason the Jews were found starving in the camps at the end of the war was because Germany's resources became depleted during the war-effort and supplies to the camps were failing as they had failed throughout the nation and were failing the German army.

The evil people behind the war didn't mind sacrificing "a few of their own" in the concentration-camps to achieve their evil aims. They intended to use the world-wide sympathy that the holocaust-hoax would generate towards the counterfeit-Jews as a lever to help them gain and justify the creation of the Counterfeit-Jewish State in Israel.

Prescott Bush, George W. Bush's grandfather enjoyed an illustrious banking career; became a respectable republican senator and played golf with Eisenhower, until his past caught up with him.

Prescott Bush in the 1940s had an interesting role. He was an investment banker for Brown brothers Harriman. Unfortunately at the very same time he was doing those things, he was the secret banker for Adolph Hitler and the Thissen family. And he moved money for the Nazis. All of Prescott Bush's companies were taken over by the government due to his co-operation with the 3rd Reich and trading with the enemy. Documents and death-bed confessions now show that the Bush family actually were and still are Nazis and have always been working to a hidden agenda.

Other documents which have now come to light show that at the end of W.W.II. the Nazis already were planning the creation of the European Union, in order to achieve through stealth what they were unable to achieve through force using Hitler - a single empire ruling over Europe.

Meanwhile Masonic US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was the grandson of Opium-smuggler Warren DeLeino Jr., was busy bombing the Japanese and developing weapons of mass destruction. Roosevelt chose Skull and Bones man Henry Stimson as secretary of war. Roosevelt and Stimson ordered massive fire bombing raids on Japan's 6 largest cities, killing and burning alive a quarter-million Japanese men, women and children. In the United States, innocent Japanese-American families were thrown into internment prison camps. Japanese assets were frozen, Japan's oil lifeline was cut off and crippling trade sanctions were imposed. This godless campaign of terror and merciless overkill demanded nothing less than total surrender and the removal of Japan's Emperor.

When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, it was the desperate act of a devastated nation. Like the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Center, US intelligence had well documented advanced warnings of the planned attack on Pearl Harbor. Yet, like Bush and Rumsfeld, Roosevelt and Stimson did nothing to stop it. The big question is why?

Historians like Robert Stinnett and John Toleman believe that because US citizens would not participate in another world war, a direct attack on US soil would change their minds. The attack could also be used to justify the testing of Roosevelt's new atomic-weapons of mass-destruction on a human population. Einstein introduced Roosevelt to the atomic-bomb in 1939. Harry Truman, a relatively unknown, uneducated business school drop-out and the son of a mule-trader, replaced Roosevelt as US President in 1945. Truman owed his political career to Tom Prendergast. A gun running, boot-legging, prostitution and narcotics ring crook, who sponsored Harry Truman's election into the US senate. On the advice of James Burns and Henry Stimson, dirty Harry dropped the first radio-active atomic bomb on the human population of Hiroshima at 8.15am on August 6th. 1945, without any warning.

Heat from the center of the explosion reached 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit, melting buildings and setting bridges on fire. Rivers and streams throughout the city began to boil. People evaporated where they stood, leaving shadows of their bodies scorched onto the streets. In a matter of seconds, four square miles of Hiroshima became an atomic wasteland. Several minutes passed then a black rain began to fall on the wasteland. Pebble-sized pieces of black radio-active ash. 80,000 people died from the atomic explosion.

Three days later while Japanese survivors were still reeling from the radio-active fall-out, the United States dropped a second type of atomic bomb, nick-named "fat man", testing it on the human population of Nagasaki.

In retaliation for 2,400 American military deaths at Pearl Harbor, that were provoked and could have been prevented because of advanced warnings, two US atomic bombs of mass-destruction evaporated 130,000 Japanese civilians and their families and killed another 90,000 in the horrendous aftermath.

To this day, Japanese survivors and their off-spring suffer related genetic deformities, cancers, nightmares and permanent environmental destruction.

Years later, Harry Truman was asked if he did any soul-searching before giving his approval to use the A-bombs against Japan. His reply was "Hell no, I made it like that" and he snapped his fingers in the air.

In May 1952, Harry Truman was awarded an honorary plaque, and a village in the Counterfeit-Jewish State in Israel was named in his honor.

W.W.II. took the lives of 35 million trusting, patriotic, flag waving people, willing to "Die for their Country", or "Die for Freedom", or "Die a Hero". But what they really died for was the lies and the propaganda of the Ruling Elite.

With the fall of Nazi Germany right on schedule, Stalin officially announced to the world that Hitler had escaped. But U.S. and British spin-doctors quickly changed the story, claiming that Hitler had committed suicide, and that his body had been burned beyond recognition by his own officers. The key words being "beyond recognition".

Adolf Hitler survived and was relocated to the USA, along with hundreds of other Nazis, in Operation Paper-clip, where he lived-out the rest of his life.

3. Establishment of the Zionist State in Israel.

With the fall of Nazi Germany, the Rothschild's wasted no time waving their Balfour Declaration (of November 2, 1917) at the British Government and reminded them of their written promise to give them Palestine. But how could the British promise the Arab land of Palestine to the Jews?

In 1917, the British parachuted free Opium and Hashish to the Turkish troops and took Palestine from them.

During W.W.II., the British needed Arab oil and signed an agreement with the Arabs which forbade Jewish immigration into Palestine, then at the end of the war, the British broke their agreement with the Arabs and allowed the Rothschild Counterfeit-Jewish Zionists to smuggle hundreds of thousands of Counterfeit-Jews from around the world into Palestine. People who were in many cases forced to leave their homes and immigrate to the new Jewish State.

To win public support, the Rothschild's, who own Reuters and the Associated Press, bombarded their media empire with images of homeless Jewish Holocaust refugees crowded together in ships off the coast of Palestine.

On October 24, 1945, the Banker Global Conspirators gave birth to their most powerful weapon of global control, The United Nations. According to plan, the British pulled-out of Palestine and gave the land to the Counterfeit-Jewish-Zionists.

In 1948, the Banker controlled United Nations officially set up the Zionist State in Israel. To deal with millions of Palestinian residents, the Israeli Jews massacred and drove them from their homeland. The Jews herded the Palestinians into two separated regions called the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip.

The Rothschild's soon began financing Jewish Holocaust refugees to build illegal Jewish settlements on Palestinian land. These illegal Jewish settlements set the stage for Israel's prime minister Ariel Sharon's reign of terror against Palestinians who dared to defend what was left of their stolen homeland.

Like Saddam Hussein's treatment of Iraqis, Sharon violated dozens of UN resolutions by using hundreds of tanks and American supplied gunships and planes in an unrelenting campaign of bombing, murdering, bulldozing, starving and terrorizing thousands of Palestinians off what remained of their land.

In violation of international law, Israel also secretly developed over 100 nuclear weapons of mass destruction, capable of vaporizing the entire middle-east.

Defenseless against Israel's US backed media and military campaign, the Palestinian Muslims fought back with sticks and stones and suicide as their only means of defense against the wholesale theft of their land.

The Bible prophesies that the world will eventually be ruled from Jerusalem by the coming Messiah. Many fundamentalist Jews and Christians wrongly believe that the Messiah will be a descendent of king David of the tribe of Judah, and think it is their duty to bring this to fulfillment. But the Bible book of Genesis clearly says that the Kingship will not depart from the line of David of the Tribe of Judah until Shiloh/Christ comes, but that then the Messiah will come from Joseph, and not Judah.

Genesis 49:10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a law-giver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and unto him [shall] the gathering of the people [be].

Genesis 49:22 Joseph [is] a fruitful bough, [even] a fruitful bough by a well; [whose] branches run over the wall:
49:23 The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot [at him], and hated him:
49:24 But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty [God] of Jacob; (from thence [is] The Shepherd, The [Corner] Stone of Israel:)

The Rothschilds, whose front companies had helped finance Hitler, have turned Jewish Holocaust victims into victimizers. Imprisoned inside barbed-wire refugee camps, the Palestinians began to resemble the victims of Nazi concentration camps.

According to author Simon Shama, the Rothschild's own 80% of the land of Israel.

4. The Zionist claim on the land of Israel - Is it legitimate?

The Zionist extremists call themselves God's Chosen people, and believe they have an unconditional God-given right to the “Promised Land” of Israel, but the Bible records a different story:

The Passover - 1500 B.C. - The Hebrew Israelites were in Egypt, in slavery, under the rule and laws of men. The Passover was where the "angel of death" passed over the houses of the Israelites and killed the first-born of Egypt, from Every household including the pharaoh's (the king). It foreshadows the Second Passover because a lamb was sacrificed and its blood used to paint around the door of every Israelite house, to save them from death, just as the death of "The Lamb of God" - Jesus and His blood, saved the entire nation from death at Passover, 1500 years later.

The Passover and the lamb's blood was the thing, that brought about, the end of 400 years of slavery and oppression, under the rules and laws of man, to Freedom under the Rule of God; His Laws and Economics, given to Moses and the Israelite people at Sinai.

As the Israelites left Egypt and slavery, hoping to never become slaves again, they swore that they would never kneel to any man, ever again, only to God, Who had given them freedom from the rule of evil men.

At Sinai, in Horeb, Moses was given God's Laws; Statutes; Judgments; Agricultural and Economic Policies, so that Israel could live in prosperity and freedom, from oppression under selfish men's laws and economic policies.

The entire nation accepted the Covenant/contract. Under The Covenant, Israel swore a solemnly binding oath, to keep and do everything that God had commanded to Moses, for ever and would be God's servant nation, His wife and faithful to the marriage-contract (The Covenant) and His Demonstration People to the rest of the world.

That demonstration, was, to show the rest of the world, how wonderful it was to live under God's Laws and Economics, as opposed to men's evil systems (all of them including so-called democracy).

Under the terms of the marriage-contract God gave Israel the "Land Flowing with Milk and Honey" - the land of Israel. Their right of possession of the land of Israel was not unconditional, but was totally dependent upon them keeping the Covenant and God's Law.

God said that as long as they kept His Ways and did not commit adultery (unfaithfulness to Him or each other), He would bring the sun and rain in their seasons and He would make their crops grow abundantly and they would want for nothing. They would live in peace and safety and be happy and prosperous, with no need for crime, as there would be no poverty or deprivation and everyone would love and help each other. ("Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself").

The idea behind this, was, so that the gentile nations, outside of Israel, would see how wonderful it was to live under God's system and want it for themselves.

They would have two options. The first and wrong option would be to try to take Israel by force and steal what they had. But, under The Covenant (marriage-contract), God had promised that He (as a husband protects his wife) would fight their enemies for them, and defeat them and that one man would chase a thousand and they would flee in terror.

The second and right option was - "if you can't beat them, join them" - where they would come to Israel and ask if they could join them. Whereupon, they would be told, yes, if they agreed to keep The Covenant too. This was to be "the grafting into Israel of the Gentiles", so that, little by little, the borders of Israel would enlarge to take in these gentile nations and eventually the whole world would become the Kingdom of Israel and God's Kingdom on Earth, with justice; freedom; safety and prosperity for everyone, not just the strong, powerful and rich, like under men's evil laws.

However, they broke their promise and The Covenant and allowed greedy; selfish; evil people, from amongst their own nation, to make up their own laws; economics and customs, to make the Commandments of God of no effect. Because of this going away from God's Laws and Economic Policy, given in the Books of Moses (the first five Books of the Bible), and turning to man's laws, the people became slaves again. This time they were not the slaves of foreigners but of the rich people whom they had allowed to make up laws to cheat them and make them poor and themselves rich - people from within their own nation.

So they had broken the contract and were not giving God's Demonstration, as they had promised, and would not be able to help God to bring the Gentiles into the Kingdom, as there was nothing worth joining. The system had become no better than a gentile one.

The curse then came into force. Under The Covenant were blessings for keeping the contract and penalty clauses or "curses" for breaking the contract. As they had broken the contract they came under The Curse (penalty clause) and that curse was death, for the whole nation.

In 997 B.C. under David's grandson Rehoboam, the son of Solomon; the Twelve Tribes of Israel fell-out with each other and split-up into two separate kingdoms, with two separate kings and they lived side by side but in two separate countries, called Israel and Judaea. The twelve tribes divided into the ten-tribed "House of Israel" who lived in Israel in the Northern section of the Holy Land under king Jeroboam and the two-tribed "House of Judah" who lived in Judaea, in the South of the Holy Land, under the sovereignty of Solomon's son, king Rehoboam, with whom Jacob's Pillar (the British Coronation Stone) and The Ark of the Covenant remained.

The Northern kingdom was called Israel and its capital city was Samaria. The Southern kingdom was called Judaea and its capital was Jerusalem. The ten Northern tribes of the "House of Israel" were taken from the Holy Land into slavery by the Assyrians in 722 B.C. as a punishment from God under the curse of The Law for not keeping the Covenant, where they lost their true identity as Israel, becoming the "Ten Lost Tribes of Israel", and later spread throughout Europe and to the British Isles where some remained, while others later spread to the United States of America and throughout the Commonwealth.

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