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Аssessment criterion

Form of control Assessment Аssessment criterion
Oral questioning Exellent Consistent with the Assessment: А (95-100%); А- (90-94%)   Put in case that a student during an answer not it admits some errors, inaccuracies. Oriented in theories, conceptions and directions on the studied discipline and gives a critical estimation to them, draws on scientific accomplishments of other disciplines.
Good Consistent with the Assessment: В+(85-89%); В (80-84%); В- (75-79%).   Put in case that Student during an answer not it admits flagrant errors at an answer, assumed the unfundamental inaccuracies or fundamental errors, corrected by a student, managed to systematize programmatic material by means of teacher.
SatisfactorilyConsistent with the Assessment С+ (70-74%); С (65-69%); С-(60-64%); D+(50-54%) Put in case that a student during an answer assumed inaccuracies and unfundamental errors, limited to only the educational literature indicated by a teacher, tested difficulties in systematization of material.
Unsatisfactorily Consistent with the Assessment Р (0-49%)   put that case, if a student during an answer assumed fundamental errors, did not work out basic literature on the topic of employment; ңе is able used scientific terminology of discipline, answers with flagrant stylistic and logical errors.

Decision of situatioonal tasks, analysis of situatioonal tasks used on practical employments:

Control form Estimation Criteria of estimation
Preparation and decision of situatioonal tasks, analysis and discussion.   Exellent Consistent with the Assessment: А (95-100%); А- (90-94%)   Actively participated in work, showed the original thinking here, showed thorough knowledge of material. used the scientific achievements of other disciplines for a discussion
Good Consistent with the Assessment: В+(85-89%); В (80-84%); В- (75-79%).   Actively participated in work, showed зна-ние material, assumed the unfundamental inaccuracies or fundamental errors, corrected by with the students
Satisfactorily Corresponds to the estimations: С+ (70-74%); С (65-69%); С-(60-64%); D+(50-54%) During work in a group was passive, assumed of inaccuracy and unfundamental errors, tested large difficulties in systematization of material.
Unsatisfactorily Consistent with the Assessment Р (0-49%)   Did,t take part in-process group, answer the questions of teacher, assumed fundamental errors and inaccuracies, did not use scientific terminology for answers.

Implementation of test tasks is used on practical employments, during realization of border control, SIW:

Control form Estimation Criteria of estimation
Implementation of test tasks exellent     90-100% right answers    
    good 75-89% right answers
    Satisfactorily   50-74% right answers
    unsatisfactorily   Менее 50% правильных ответов

Preparation of test tasks is used for preparation of SIW:


Control form Estimation Criteria of estimation
Preparation of test tasks. Exellent Consistent with the Assessment: А (95-100%); А- (90-94%)   Test tasks are contained no less than 20 questions. Handed over in the appointed term. Basis of test is rich in content. Test tasks are set forth clearly, correctly, certainly. Of the same type and adequate variants of answers. Present firs answers. Right answers are Right marked.
Good Consistent with the Assessment: В+(85-89%); В (80-84%); В- (75-79%).   Test tasks are contained no less than 20 questions. Handed over in the appointed term. Basis of test is rich in content. Test tasks are set forth clearly, correctly, certainly. Of the same Untype variants of answers, there Is an algorithm of answers. Right answers are Right marked.
Satisfactorily Corresponds to the estimations: С+ (70-74%); С (65-69%); С-(60-64%); D+(50-54%) Test tasks are contained no less than 20 questions. Handed over in the appointed term. Basis of test is unrich in content. There are the test tasks set forth unclearly, uncorrectly, неконкрстно. The same not type variants of answers. There is an algorithm of answers. Not all faithful answers are marked correctly.
Unsatisfactorily Consistent with the Assessment F (0-49%)   Test tasks contain less than 10 questions. Unrich in content basis of test, unclear statement of a question. Of the same Untype variants of answers. Not present algorithm of answers. It is Unright marked more than 50% of right answers.

- preparation and defence of report is used for preparation individual work (SIW)::

Control form Estimation Criteria of estimation
Preparation and defence of report and lecture Exellent Consistent with the Assessment: А (95-100%); А- (90-94%) Put in case that a student during defence of report and lecture not it admits some errors, inaccuracies. Oriented in theories, conceptions and directions on the studied topic and gives an estimation to them, draws on scientific accomplishments. Text collected on a computer, made a glossary on the topic, maintenance and registration conform to the requirements produced to writing of report and lecture, used literatures in a sufficient volume.
Good Consistent with the Assessment: В+ (85-89%); В (80-84%) В- (75-79%).   Put in case that a student during defence of report and lecture not it admits flagrant errors, assumed the непринципи-альные inaccuracies or errors, corrected by a student, managed to systematize material by means of teacher. Text collected on a computer, made a glossary on the topic, on maintenance and present registration insignificant errors. The used literatures are in a sufficient volume.
Satisfactorily Corresponds to the estimations: С+ (70-74%) С (65-69%) С- (60-64%) D+ (50-54%) Put in case that a student during defence assumed inaccuracies and unfundamental errors, limited to only the educational literature indicated by a teacher, tested large difficulties in systematization of material. On maintenance there are considerable remarks registration. Text is presented in the handwritten variant. The table of contents of report exposes subjects not fully. Sources of literatures in a few. Used the prepared materials from Internet.
Unsatisfactorily Consistent with the Assessment F(0-49%) Put in case that a student during defence assumed fundamental errors, did not work out basic literature on the topic of СРС, not able to use scientific terminology on discipline, answers with flagrant stylistic and logical errors. Used the prepared materials from Internet.A theme is exposed not fully. Source of literature in a few and SIW is not handed over in time.

Presentation of theme is used for preparation of SIW:

Control form Estimation Criteria of estimation
Presentation Exellent Consistent with the Assessment: А (95-100%); А- (90-94%) Put in case that a student during presentation not it admits some errors, inaccuracies. Oriented in theories, conceptions and directions on the studied topic and gives an estimation to them, draws on scientific accomplishments. The table of contents and registration conform to the requirements produced to implementation of presentation. Amount of sliding seats on the topic no less than 15.
Good Consistent with the Assessment: В+ (85-89%); В (80-84%) В- (75-79%).   Put in case that a student during presentation not it admits flagrant errors, assumed the unfundamental inaccuracies or принщпиальные errors, corrected by a student, managed to systematize material by means of teacher. On maintenance present registration of presentation insignificant errors.. Amount of sliding seats on the topic no less than 15.
Satisfactorily Corresponds to the estimations: С+ (70-74%) С (65-69%) С- (60-64%) D+ (50-54%) Put in case that a student during presentation assumed inaccuracies and unfundamental errors, limited to only the educational literature indicated by a teacher, tested large difficulties in systematization of material. On maintenance there are considerable remarks registration of presentation. The table of contents of presentation not fully corresponds to the chosen subjects. On maintenance present registration of presentation considerable errors. Amount of sliding seats on the topic no less than 15.
Unsatisfactorily Consistent with the Assessment F(0-49%) Put in case that a student during presentation assumed fundamental errors, not able to use scientific terminology of discipline, gives a report with logical errors. The table of contents of presentation not fully corresponds to the chosen subjects. On maintenance present registration of presentation flagrant errors. Amount of sliding seats on the topic less than 15.

2.11.2. Intermediate work:

Intermediate control of progress is conducted according to a time-table on employments on independent work with a teacher (SIWT).

Criteria of estimation:

Control form Estimation Criteria of estimation
Testing/ Writing control Exellent Consistent with the Assessment: А (95-100%); А- (90-94%)   Put in case that a student during an answer not it admits some errors, inaccuracies. Oriented in theories, conceptions and directions on the studied discipline and gives a critical estimation to them, draws on scientific accomplishments of other disciplines. 86-100% of right answers on tests.
Good Consistent with the Assessment: В+ 85-89%); В (80-84%); В- (75-79%).   Put in case that a student during an answer not it admits flagrant errors at an answer, assumed the unfundamental inaccuracies or errors, corrected students, managed to systematize programmatic material by means of teacher. 75-85% of right answers on tests.
Satisfactorily Corresponds to the estimations: С+ (70-74%); С (65-69%); С-(60-64%); D+(50-54%) Put in case that a student during an answer assumed inaccuracies and unfundamental errors, limited to only the educational literature indicated by a teacher, tested large difficulties in systematization of material. 50-74% of right answers on tests
Unsatisfactorily Consistent with the Assessment   F (0-49%)   Put in case that a student during an answer assumed fundamental errors, did not work out basic literature on the topic of employment; not able to use scientific terminology of discipline, answers with flagrant stylistic and logical errors. Less than 50% of right answers on tests


Control form Estimation Criteria of estimation
decision of situational tasks Exellent Consistent with the Assessment А (95-100%); А- (90-94%) Actively participated in work, showed the original thinking here, showed thorough knowledge of material, used the scientific achievements of other disciplines for a discussion
Good Consistent with the Assessment: В+ (85-89%); В (80-84%) В- (75-79%).   Actively participated in work, showed knowledge of material, assumed the unfundamental inaccuracies or fundamental errors, corrected by a student
Satisfactorily Corresponds to the estimations: С+ (70-74%) С (65-69%) С- (60-64%) D+ (50-54%) During work in a group was passive, assumed inaccuracies and unfundamental errors, tested large difficulties in systematization of material
Unsatisfactorily Consistent with the Assessment F (0-49%) Did not take part in-process group, answering the questions of teacher, assumed fundamental errors and inaccuracies, did not use scientific terminology for answers.

The final estimation of border control is proposed by a middle point, after the estimation of decisions of tests and writing control and situatioonal tasks.

2.11.3. Final control:

Final control is conducted in a form testing.

To examination students are admitted, fully mastering the program discipline and collecting rating of admittance.


Calculation of rating of admittance:

ERA (estimation of rating of admittance) = middle estimation for practical employments + middle estimation SIW х 0,6%.

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