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Black English is a social dialect of American English, originated and formed as a result of language interaction in the process of historical development.

The topic of the course paper is to study Black English as a sociolect of American variant of English language, analyze its linguistics aspects, especially phonetic, grammatical, lexical formed in the process of historical development. The historic development and linguistics characteristics make up the core content of work. Black English is the communicative and social system, originally created at the intersection of three dimensions – social class, ethnic and territorial

Black English is a term going back to 1969. It is used almost exclusively as the name for a dialect of American English spoken by many black Americans.

Black English is a variety of English, spoken in America and it is the subject of many controversies, the problem being that of whether considering it a language, a dialect or simply a slang talk. This language variety, also known a Ebonics, is nearly as old as Standard American English, but it has often been misinterpreted as defective, it has never been standardized and has always had lower status compared to Standard American English.

From the 1960’s to the present, African American English has increasingly become also acceptable term for Black English, and the corresponding official name for the language variety used by Africans Americans is thus African American English or African American Vernacular English (AAVE).

Black English Vernacular (BEV) as coined by William Labov in 1972 defines the variety American English spoken by Black People. Its pronunciation is in some respects common to Southern American English, which is spoken by many African Americans in the United States and by many non-African American.

Ebonics is a recent and controversial neologism, coined by Robert L. Williams during a 1973 conference in St. Louis, Missouri, “cognitive and Language Development of the Black Child”. It is a blend of ebony (a synonym for black that lacks its pejorative connotations) and phonics (pertaining to speech sounds) and by definition it refers specifically to an African-language-based Creole (from an earlier pidgin) that has been relexified by borrowing from English, resulting in what African Americans now speak in the United States.

The aim of this work is to research the linguistic aspects of Black English language.

The tasks of the paper are:

1. to analyze the origin of Black English;

2. to analyze the development of Pidgin and Creole;

3. to research the phonetic peculiarities of B.E;

Theoretical base of research are comprised by the works of D.Crystal, C.Baugh and T.Cable, A.D.Schweitzer, F.S. Duisebayeva and etc.

The investigation of Black English Language and its linguistic aspects contribute for a further development of sociolinguistics theory, American studies etc.

The following methods are used in the paper: comparative, descriptive, analytical.

The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion and bibliography. Bibliography covers 24 units of materials, used in the course paper.


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