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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Exercise 11. Insert the appropriate form of the Subjunctive Mood. Comment on the form and the use of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate into Russian

1. Strickland was certainly forty, and I thought it disgusting that a man of his age __ himself with affairs of the heart, (to concern) (Maugham) 2. He brightened as if he __ a gift. (to. receive) (Lawrence) 3, I wish you __ me alone now. (to leave) (Dreiser) 4. It's time I __ it out again from the beginning, (to think) (Snow) 5. When I suggested that he __ to bed he said he could not sleep. (to go) (Maugham) 6....glancing sidelong at his nephew, he thought: "I wish I __ his age!" (to be) (Galsworthy) 7. If I __ you and __ going to be a banker, I __ first __ a year or so in some good grain and commission house, (to be, to be, to spend) (Dreiser) 8. "God __ us always," I said, "from the innocent and the good." (to save) (Greene) 9. She held her baby up to the window that she __ the pretty silvery tinkle of the little bells on the pagoda, (to hear) (Buck) 10. She had a conviction that, long as she __, her aunt would live at least as long, and always retain her brilliancy and activity, (to live) (James) 11. The arrangement was that Miss Everdene __ them by coming there for a day or two... (to honour) (Hardy) 12. She was by now feeling so happy that she __ for joy if it __ for the delicious spell which she felt herself to be under and which still enjoined silence, (to shout, to be — negative) (Murdoch) 13. Why __ he __ the one to hurt her, when really he had wanted to be her friend from the beginning? (to be) (Saroyan) 14. For a fortnight it was necessary that someone __ with him all night, and she took turns at watching with her husband, (to stay) (Maugham) 15. Lady Bracknell, I admit with shame that I do not know. I only wish I __ (to do) (Wilde) 16. Hunter was anxious that a certain person __ it. (to see — negative) (Murdoch) 17. Except for the unexpectedly sad lines which ran from his nose to the corners of his mouth he __ like a boy. (to look) (Mailer) 18. Her face looked strange, as if she __ to cry and __ how. (to want, to forget) (Galsworthy) 19. But I still don't begin to understand why these people, however silly they __ about their beliefs, __ ready to risk murder, (to be, to be) (Priestley) 20. They were a pleasant pair, and I told myself it was far better that Avice __ him than Roger. (to marry) (Snow) 21. Heaven __ me, I left you alone with that scoundrel, (to forgive) (Shaw) 22. Mrs. Mann gave him a piece of bread-and-butter, Test he __ too hungry when he got to the work-house. (to seem) (Dickens) 23. He was still puffing and blowing as if he __ just __ a mile, (to run) (Priestley) 24. I regret to say, Miss Chiltern, that I have no influence at all over my son. I wish I __.. If I __, I know what I __ him do. (to have, to have, to make) (Wilde) 25. "I want to marry Aileen," Cowperwood repeated, for emphasis' sake. "She wants to marry me. Under the circumstances, however you __, you can have no real objection to my doing that, I am sure." (to feel) (Dreiser) 26. Besides, it's high time you __ down, (to settle) (Maugham) 27. Sir Gregory Hatchland was a poor public speaker,... but he had seen to it that there — some good speakers on the platform, (to be) (Priestley) 28. She ran down to her cabin that she __ the ship pulling away and widening the chasm between her and her beloved shore, (to see — negative) (Buck) 29. I wish you __ me. (to interrupt — negative) (Maugham) 30. There had been a time when I __ surprised to see girls like Avice and Tonia drink spirits, but I had come to accept it as another of the things which are inevitable in these troubled days of ours — and I could not see any possible reason why they __ whisky if they liked it. (to be, to drink — negative) (Snow) 31. Far __ it from me to marry any woman on account of her money, (to be) (Trotlope) 32. Your father tells me you think highly of his accomplishments whatever they __ (to be) (Lindsay) 33. A little Jater Fox suggested that he __ her a monthly allowance, in addition to the rent of the room, (to pay) (Murdoch) 34. She __ to bed last night just as if nothing __ if I __ her. (to go, to happen, to let) (Shaw) 35. She [Aileen] was greatly outraged to think you __ detectives on her trail, (to put) (Dreiser) 36. Perhaps, if such a thing __ again, Mrs. de Winter will tell me personally? (to happen) (Du Maurier) 37. It seemed to me important that the weather __, not the least cloud __ on the horizon; I was almost frightened to stare too long at the colour of the water lest it __ or darken by the least degree, (to change — negative, to appear, to dull) (Hansford Johnson) 38. He wished now that he __ to look at. Fleur's portrait; it __ him something to talk of. (to stop, to give) (Galsworthy) 39. My people told me this story about the man so that I __ what a fool he was and not be like him. (to understand) (Saroyan) 40. I am feeling very drowsy, and it is time I __ to bed. (to go) (Maugham) 41. As she spoke to me she was glancing about the bar, her gaze hopping from one face to the next, as if it __ imperative that she __ nothing of what was going on in a shrivelling world, no matter how trivial it __ (to be, to miss, to be) (Hansford Johnson) 42. I wish you __ with your work instead of interrupting me all the time, (to get on) (Maugham) 43. Why __ there __ one law for men, and another for women? (to be) (Wilde) 44. She proposed that in a little while she and 1 __ married, (to get) (Coppard) 45. Anything's better than to sit there as if you __ you __ a thousand miles away, (to wish, to be) (Shaw)

Exercise 12. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood. (Based on an episode from David Copperfield by Ch. Dickens.)

1. Мисс Мердстон держала себя так, словно она была хозяйкой дома, словно она прожила там всю свою жизнь. 2. Она обращалась с миссис Копперфильд, как будто та была ребенком и совсем не знала жизни. 3. «Вам давно пора отдать ключи моей сестре», — сказал мистер Мердстон жене. 4. Мистер Мердстон не раз говорил, что очень важно, чтобы миссис Копперфильд была строга с Давидом. 5. Миссис Копперфильд никогда не ласкала Давида в присутствии мужа, чтобы не рассердить его. 6. «Странно, что мисс Бетси ни разу не написала нам, — сказала Пеготти. — Не может быть (it is impossible), чтобы она совсем забыла нас». 7. «С какой стати она будет нам писать? — возразила миссис Копперфильд. — Она не любит ни меня, ни моего ребенка!» 8. Мистер Мердстон просил сестру посмотреть за тем, чтобы Давид не был так часто в обществе Пеготти. 9. Давид боялся, как бы мистер Мердстон не увидел, что он пошел на кухню к Пеготти. 10. «Что бы ни говорила миссис Копперфильд, я знаю, чтб она несчастна»,—думала Пеготти. 11. Мистер Мердстон настаивал на том, чтобы его жена уволила Пеготти. 12. «Как бы меня ни уговаривал мистер Мердстон, я ни за что не уволю Пеготти»,—думала миссис Копперфильд. 13. «Если бы случилось так, что Пеготти ушла от нас, наша жизнь стала бы невыносимой»,— думал Давид. 14. Как ни горячо (dearly) любила Давида миссис Копперфильд, она допустила, чтобы с ним плохо обращались. 15. Давид знал, что как бы он ни старался, он не сможет хорошо ответить уроки в присутствии отчима. 16. Давид боялся, как бы миссис Копперфильд не сочла его дурным и ленивым мальчиком. 17. «Как жаль, что матушка вышла замуж за мистера Мердстона, — не раз думал Давид. — Если бы не он, мы были бы очень счастливы». 18. В Салемской школе (Salem House) Давид чувствовал себя очень одиноким. «Как бы я хотел быть сейчас дома с матушкой и Пеготти», — часто думал он. 19. После смерти миссис Копперфильд Пеготти предложила, чтобы Давид поехал с нею в Ярмут. 20. Пеготти взяла мальчика в Ярмут, чтобы он отвлекся там от своих печальных мыслей (to divert oneself from something).

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