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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Тесты I уровня

1. Choose the correct word.

a) toath

b) toth

c) +tooth

d) taoth

e) toith


2. Choose the correct word.

a) stomatologest

b) stomotologict

c) stomatologisd

d) +stomatologist

e) stamotologist


3. Choose the correct word.

a) +dentist

b) dantisty

c) dentyst

d) dentest

e) dentisd


4. Choose the correct word.

a) therophy

b) +therapy

c) theraphi

a) thyraphy

b) tharephy


5.Choose the correct word.

a) assistanci

b) assestance

c) assystance

d) +assistance

e) assistanse


6.Choose the correct word.

a) haidache

b) headyche

c) headachi

d) hedache

e)+ headache

7. Choose the correct word.

a) mooth

b) moath

c) +mouth

d) mouht

e) mauth


8. Choose the correct word.

a) diagnosys

b) diagnasis

c) +diagnosis

d) diognosis

e) dyognosis


9. Choose the correct word.

a) +enamel

b) enamol

c) anemel

d) anymel

e) enemal


10. Choose the correct word.

a) dantine

b) dentyne

c) dendine

d) dintine

e) +dentine


11. Choose the correct word.

a) caviti

b) covity

c) +cavity

d) cavety

e) kavity


12. Choose the correct word.

a) enjektion

b) injectyon

c) injaction

d) +injection

e) enjuction



13. Choose the correct word.

a) +filling

b) felling

c) fillign

d) filleng

e) fillyng


14. Choose the correct word.

a) polyclynic

b) palyclinic

c) policlinic

d) +polyclinic

e) polyklinic


15. Choose the correct word.

a) laborotory

b) +laboratory

c) labarotory

d) loborotory

e) laborotare


16. Choose the correct word.

a) physycion

b) phisicion

c) physision

d) physicyon

e) +physician


17. Choose the correct word.

a) mirrar

b) merror

c) +mirror

d) myrror

e) mirar


18. Choose the correct word.

a) +people

b) peaple

c) poeple

d) peeple

e) peolpy



19. Choose the correct word.

a) seringe

b) saringe

c) siringe

d) syrynge

e) +syringe


20. Choose the correct word.

a) infoction

b) infaction

c) enfection

d) +infection

e) infuction


21. Choose the correct word.

a) syrgoen

b) sargeon

c) +surgeon

d) surgoen

e) surgeen


22. Choose the correct word.

a) origen

b) +origin

c) origan

d) orygin

e) origyn


23. Choose the correct word.

a) nervy

b) nurve

c) nerfe

d) nyrve

e) +nerve


24. Choose the correct word.

a) +discovery

b) discoveri

c) discavery

d) dyscovery

e) diskovery


25. Choose the correct word.

a) skillphul

b) +skillful

c) skilful

d) skillfyl

e) skellful


26. Choose the correct word.

a) +gentle

b) gendle

c) gantle

d) gemtle

e) gentli


27. Choose the correct word.

a) polate

b) palote

c) +palate

d) palati

e) palade


28. Choose the correct word.

a) knawledge

b) knowletge

c) knovledge

d) +knowledge

e) knowlydge


29. Choose the correct word.

a) stracture

b) strocture

c) structere

d) strucdure

e) +structure


30. Choose the correct word.

a) +toothache

b) toathache

c) doothache

d) toothashe

e) tootheche



31. Choose the correct word.

a) forkeps

b) farceps

c) +forceps

d) forcebs

e) forcips


32. Choose the correct word.

a) lyquid

b) +liquid

c) liqiud

d) liquit

e) liqyid


33. Choose the correct word.

a) pryck

b) prikk

c) pricc

d) preck

e) +prick


34. Choose the correct word combination.

a) +waiting- room

b) waiting- room

d) wayting- room

c) waiting- roum

e) waiding- room


35. Choose the correct word.

a) doorsteb

b) doorstip

c) +doorstep

d) doarstep

e) doorctep


36. Choose the correct word.

a) institutoin

b) instutition

c) instidution

d) inctitution

e) +institution



37. Choose the correct word.

a) scientivic

b) +scientific

c) sceintific

d) sciendific

e) scientifik


38. Choose the correct word.

a) medycine

b) medecine

c) medisine

d) meticine

e) +medicine


39. Choose the correct word combination.

a) human bady

b) human bodi

c) +human body

d) hyman body

e) humen body


40. Choose the correct word.

a) physiolagy

b) physiologi

c) phisiology

d) +physiology

e) physialogy


41. Choose the correct word.

a) pathologyc

b) pothologic

c) pathalogic

d) pathologik

e) +pathologic


42. Choose the correct word.

a) experimend

b) +experiment

c) experyment

d) expiriment

e) expirement



43. Choose the correct word.

a) +education

b) educotion

c) iducation

d) edukation

e) educadion


44. Choose the correct word.

a) eqiupment

b) equibment

c) eqyipment

d) equipmend

e) +equipment


45. Choose the correct word.

a) extroction

b) exdraction

c) +extraction

d) extraktion

e) extractoin


46. Choose the correct word.

a) avolution

b) evolytion

c) evolutoin

d) evalution

e) +evolution


47. Choose the correct word.

a) technelogy

b) technologi

c) technolagy

d) +technology

e) technalegy


48. Choose the correct word.

a) +disinfectant

b) dysinfectant

c) dizinfectant

d) desinfectant

e) disenfectant



49. Choose the correct word.

a) drell

b) +drill

c) drall

d) trill

e) dryll


50. Choose the correct word.

a) crawn

b) croun

c) crovn

d) +crown

e) krown


51. Choose the countable word.

a) health

b) fat

c) coffee

d) +tablet

e) sugar


52. Choose the countable word.

a) +chamber

b) blood

c) sputum

d) sugar

e) water


53. Choose the countable word.

a) rain

b) air

c) +tree

d) snow

e) water


54. Choose the countable word.

a) rice

b) tea

c) cheese

d) +carrot




55. Choose the word different from others.

a) fortress

b) palace

c) castle

d) tower



56. Choose the word different from others.

a) rich

b) large

c) small

d) famous

e) +stomatological


57. Choose the word different from others.

a) old

b) new

c) young

d) modern

e) +famous


58. Choose the word different from others.

a) canine

b) enamel

c) dentine

d) crown

e) +label


59. Choose the word different from others.

a) molar

b) premolar

c) cuspid

d) incisor

e) +reaction


60. Choose the word different from others.

a) permanent

b) deciduous

c) temporary

d) primary

e) +sensitive



61. Choose the correct variant of a word.

а) +valuable

b) voluable

c) valeable

d) vyluable

e) valuably


62. Choose the correct variant of a word.

a) +environment

b) invironment

c) envyronment

d) onvironment

e) envoronment


63. Choose the correct variant of a word.

a) +healthy

b) hialthy

c) haelthy

d) healthe

e) heelthy


64. Choose the correct variant of a word.

a) triatment

b) traetment

c) treatmint

d) +treatment

e) treatmynt


65. Choose the correct variant of a word.

a) camplication

b) cymplication

c) cemplication

d) +complication

e) complecation


66. Choose the correct variant of a word.

a) privention

b) provention

c) +prevention

d) previntion

e) pryvention


67. Choose the correct variant of a word.

a) domage

b) dimage

c) dymage

d) +damage

e) damoge


68. Choose the correct variant of a word.

a) bactiria

b) bocteria

c) bycteria

d) bactyria

e) +bacteria


69. Choose the correct variant of a word.

a) faceal

b) faceel

c) +facial

d) focial

e) fecial


70. Give the antonym of the word “enormous”.

a) large

b) thick

c) small

d) +tiny

e) big


71. Find the right word combination.

a) +permanent teeth

b) pyrmanent teeth

c) permonent teeth

d) pirmanent teeth

e) permanend teeth


72. Choose the correct variant.

a) +tweezer

b) tueezer

c) twizer

d) tweecer

e) tweeser


73. Give the antonym of the word “clever”.

a) interesting

b) intelligent

c) +stupid

d) slow

e) active


74. Find the antonym to the word “to separate”.

a) +to connect

b) to invite

c) to come

d) to examine

e) to become


75. Choose the correct variant of a word.

a) serface

b) syrface

c) sorface

d)+ surface

e) sarface


76. Choose the correct variant of a word.

a) pharinx


c) phirinx

d) phyrynx

e) pherinx


77. Choose the correct variant of a word.

a) chiwing

b) chawing

c) chowing

d) +chewing

e) chywing


78. Choose the correct variant of a word.

a) swalowing

b) swelowing

c) swillowing


e) swallawing



79. Choose the correct variant of a word.

a) enjury

b) +injury

c) injery

d) injuri

e) enjiry


80. Choose the correct variant of a word.

a) malar

b) mylar

c) malor

d) +molar

e) molir


81. Choose the correct variant of a word.

a) cenine

b) conine

c) +canine

d) caneni

e) canen


82. Choose the correct variant of a word.

a) +achievement

b) acheevement

c) ashievment

d) achivement

e) acheivment


83. Find the synonym to the word “regularly”.

a) +often

b) seldom

c) already

d) yet

e) never


84. Find the synonym to the word “solid”.

a) +hard

b) soft

c) large

d) mild

e) sharp


85. Find the synonym to the word “always”.

a) +often

b) never

c) rare

d) seldom

e) sometimes


86. Find the antonym to the word “small”.

a) +large

b) soft

c) middle

d) ancient

e) hard


87. Find the synonym to the word “form”.

a) +shape

b) height

c) length

d) volume

e) weight


88. Find the synonym to the word “to cure”.

a) to define

b) to visit

c) +to treat

d) to cover

e) to extract


89. Choose the antonym of a word “dependent".

a)+ independent

b) famous

c) acute

d) weak

e) severe


90. Find the plural form.

a) man

b) woman

c) child

d) person



91. Find the antonym to the word “to connect”.

a) to change

b) to give

c)+ to separate

d) to get

e) to become



92. Choose the antonym to “hard”.

a) hot

b) tasty

c) cold

d) +soft

e) difficult



93. Choose the antonym to “permanent”.

a) +temporary

b) strong

c) weak

d) large

e) sharp


94. Choose the antonym to “upper”.

a) +lower

b) middle

c) anterior

d) posterior

e) next to


95. Choose the antonym to “extract”.

a) take

b) put

c) +save

d) damage

e) examine


96. Choose the correct word.

a) +temporary

b) temporaru

c) temporari

d) temparary

e) temporory


97. Choose the correct word.

a) permanend

b) permanant

c) permonent


e) perminent


98. Choose the antonym to “after”.

a) +before

b) next to

c) under

d) between

e) above


99. Choose the antonym to “inner”.

a) internal

b) anderior

c) posterior

d) +outer

e) front


100. Choose the antonym to “thick”.

a) large

b) little

c) long

d) +thin

e) short


101. Choose the antonym to “external”.

a) outer

b) upper

c) lower

d) +internal

e) posterior


102. Choose the correct word.

a) +conveniences

b) canvniences

c) conviniences

d) conveniencis

e) conveninces


103. Choose the correct word.

a) cushin

b) cuchion

c) cusheon

d) cushioon

e) +cushion

104. Choose the correct word.

a) +hospitable

b) hospitabli

c) haspitable

d) hospitoble

e) hospetable

105. Choose the correct word.

a) therapeuticol

b) therapuetical

c) +therapeutical

d) therapeutikal

e) thirapeutical


106. Choose the correct word.

a) shiipbuilding

b) shepbuilding

c) shipbulding

d) +shipbuilding

e) shipbuelding

107. Choose the correct word.

a) chimist

b) +chemist

c) chemest

d) chimest

e) cemist


108. Choose the correct word.

a) +architectural

b) architecturel

c) arcitectural

d) architictural

e) arshitectural


109. Choose the correct word.

a) fortrees

b) fortriss

c) +fortress

d) fotress

e) fottress


110. Choose the correct word.

a) financil

b) financiale

c) financal

d) +financial

e) financeial



111. Choose the correct word.


b) Cathedrall

c) Cahedral

d) Cafedral

e) Cathidral


112. Choose the correct word.

a) Westminister

b) Westminste

c) Westmister

d) Wistminster

e) +Westminster


113. Choose the correct word combination.

a) nathional status

b) + national status

c) nathionale stattus

d) nathieonale statuse

e) nationalle status


114. Choose the correct word combination.

a) intrance exzamination

b) entraince examination

c) + entrance examination

d) entrance ekamination

e) entranece exramination


115. Choose the correct word combination.

a) +practikal training

b) practical training

c) practical treining

d) practicale training

e) practical traininge


116. Choose the correct word combination.

a) deep nowledge

b) deep knewledge

c) deep knewlegde

d) depe knowledge

e) +deep knowledge



117. Choose the correct word.

a) +surgery

b) seergery

c) suirgery

d) surgeri

e) syrgery


118. Choose the correct word combination.

a) commercial bisas

b) commecireal basis

c) +commercial basis

d) commeralci basis

e) commercial bassi


119. Choose the correct word combination.

a) generalle madicine

b)+ general medicine

c) generale medicine

d) generall medicine

e) generale medicina


120. Choose the correct word combination.

a) preminente scientist

b) prominente scientiste

c) +prominent scientist

d) praminent scientiste

e) preminent scientist


121. Choose the correct word combination.

a) future proffesion

b) future professione

c) future prafession

d) +future profession

e) future profesion


122. Choose the correct word combination.

a) voluable remedy

b) valuebla remedy

c) valuable ramedly

d) valuable remady

e) +valuable remedy


123. Choose the correct word combination.

a) +free of charge

b) frii of charge

c) free of chage

d) frea of charge

e) free off charge


124. Choose the correct word combination.

a) forein languages

b) +foreign languages

c) foreign languagis

d) foreighn languages

e) foreign langueges


125. Choose the correct word.

a) succssfulli

b) succssfuly

c) succesfully

d) sukcessfully

e) +successfully


126. Choose the correct word.

a) moto of life

b) motta of life

c) +motto of life

d) matto of life

e) matta of life


127. Choose the correct word.

a) paleace

b) +palace

c) palcee

d) pelace

e) pcaela


128. Choose the correct word.

a) currenci

b) cuurensy

c) +currency

d) currensy

e) currensi


129. Choose the correct word.

a) saquare

b) cquare

c) squure

d) +square

e) squrea


130. Choose the correct word combination.

a) +reception ward

b) riception ward

c) reciption ward

d) recepteon ward

e) reception word


131. Choose the correct word combination.

a) a gret art

b) a grate art

c) + a great art

d) a great arte

e) a greta art


132. Choose the correct word.

a) overdosoge

b) ovirdosage

c) overdasage

d) +overdosage

e) ovyrdosage


133. Choose the correct word.

a) physican

b) fysician

c) physisian

d) +physician

e) physicion


134. Choose the correct word combination.

a) educasion

b) edacation

c) +education

d) etucation

e) edicacion


135. Choose the correct word.

a) fruitfyl

b) frietful

c) friitful

d) +fruitful

e) fruitfol


136. Choose the correct word.

a) favaurable

b) +favourable

c) favouroble

d. favourible

e. favoure`ble


137. Choose the correct word.

a) +anesthesia

b) anesthezia

c) anisthesia

d) anesthisia

e) anecthesia


138. Choose the correct word.

a) deciduaus

b) decyduous

c) diciduous

d) desiduous

e) +deciduous


139. Choose the correct word.

a) instriment

b) +instrument

c) inctrument

d) instrumynt

e) instrament


140. Choose the correct word.

a) tangue

b) toongue

c) +tongue

d) tongui

e) tonguy


141. Choose the correct word.


b) niecee

c) niice

d) neece

e) niese


142. Choose the correct word.

a) dauhter

b) daugter

c) daoghter

d) dautere

e) +daughter


143. Choose the different word.

a) institution

b) polyclinic

c) department

d) faculty

e) +toothache


144. Choose the different word.

a) university

b) + disease

c) government

d) state

e) college


145. Choose the different word.

a) disease

b) treatment

c) pain

d) toothache

e) +nephew


146. Choose the different word.

a) spoon

b) cup

c) +sofa

d) knife

e) fork


147. Choose the different word.

a) soft

b) hard

c) mild

d) easy

e) +temperature


148. Choose the different word.

a) Literature

b) History

c) Natural Science

d) +Notebook

e) Technical drawing


149. Choose the different word.

a) surgeon

b) nurse

c) +university

d) therapeutist

e) dentist


150. Choose the different word.

a) north

b) south

c) west

d) east

e) +high


151.Choose the different word.

a) country

b) capital

c) territory

d) population

e) + polyclinic


152.Choose the uncountable word.

a) +water

b) heart

c) tooth

d) eyes

e) mouth



153. Choose the different word.

a) cavity

b) gum

c) tongue

d) palate

e) +instrument


154. Choose the uncountable word.

a) dentist

b) +blood

c) person

d) doctor

e) patient


155. Choose the different word.

a) to treat

b) to fill

c) +to read

d) to extract

e) to save


156. Choose the correct word.

a) toothpast

b) +toothpaste

c) touthpaste

d) tothpaste

e) tuthpaste


157. Choose the different word.

a) square

b) street

c) station

d) monument

e) +jaw


158.Choose the different word.

a) heart

b) lung

c) +capital

d) vessel

e) stomach



159.Choose the different word.

a) stomatologist

b) dentist

c) + examination

d) neurologist

e) therapeutist


160.Choose the different word.

a) canine

b) surface

c) incisor

d) +station

e) cavity


161.Choose the different word.

a) +hospitable

b) outer

c) inner

d) upper

e) lower


162. Choose the different word.

a) flowers

b) grasses

c) plants

d) trees

e) +children


163. Choose the different word.

a) institute

b) academy

c) university

d) college

e) +injection


164.Choose the correct word.

a) sience

b) skience

c) +science

d) sceence

e) scienke


165.Choose the correct word.

a) stamach

b) +stomach

c) stomash

d) stomakh

e) stomak


166.Choose the correct word.

a) ekzamination

b) examynation

c) +examination

d) examenation

e) examinasion


167.Choose the correct word

a) + prominent

b) pruminent

c) promynent

d) prominant

e) praminent


168. Choose the different word.

a) plain

b) desert

c) mountain

d) +climate

e) valley


169. Choose the different word.

a) patient

b) nurse

c) physician

d) doctor

e) +classroom


170. Choose the different word.

a) label

b) dose

c) injection

d) +city

e) drug



171. Choose the different word.

a) temperature

b) +environment

c) blood pressure

d) heartbeat

e) urinanalysis


172. Choose the different word.

a) south

b) north

c) west

d) east

e) +river


173. Choose the different word.

a) +mountain

b) river

c) lake

d) sea

e) ocean


174. Choose the different word.

a) to gein confidence

b) to gaen confidence

c) to gaine confidence

d) to gayn confidence

e) +to gain confidence


175. Choose the different word.

a) scientist

b) +box

c) pilot

d) politician

e) teacher


176. Choose the different word.

a) literature

b) mathematics

c) physics

d) +drug

e) science


177. Choose the different word.

a) neck

b) pulp

c) +label

d) root

e) tissue


178. Choose the different word.

a) to erupt

b) to extract

c) + to write

d) to appear

e) to fill


179. Choose the correct word

a) nephuw

b) nephiw

c) nefhew

d) +nephew

e) nepfew


180. Choose the correct word

a) kitneys

b) kitniys

c) +kidneys

d) kitnies

e) kitneyz

181. Choose the different word.

a) dentist

b) stomatologist

c) teeth

d) jaw

e) +education


182. Choose the different word.

a) teeth

b) cavity

c) tongue

d) palate

e) +ache


183. Choose the different word.

a) dentist

b) +teacher

c) surgeon

d) therapheutist

e) nurse


184. Choose the different word.

a) stomatology

b) polyclinic

c) consulting room

d) +library

e) treatment


185. Choose the different word.

a) to extract

b) to fill

c) +to understand

d) to treat

e) to save


186. Choose the different word.

a) room

b) laboratory

c) +headache

d) cabinet

e) lecture



187. Choose the different word.

a) heart

b) lung

c) +patient

d) liver

e) spleen


188. Choose the different word.

a) scientist

b) teacher

c) doctor

d) dentist

e) +health



189. Choose the different word.

a) tooth

b) +population

c) tongue

d) lips

e) skin


190. Choose the different word.

a) west

b) east

c) +climate

d) north

e) south


191. Find the common word for this group:

a) Balkhash

b) Ala-Kol

c) Tengis

d) Zaisan

e) +lakes


192. Give the synonym for “sick person”.

a) doctor

b) dentist

c) scientist

d) nurse

e) +patient


193. Give the synonym to “famous”.

a) common

b) +well-known

c) special

d) important

e) significant


194. Give the antonym for “old”:

a) different

b) strong

c) quick

d) easy

e) +young



195. Choose the correct word.

a) admenistration


c) adminestration

d) atminstration

e) adminstrotion


196. Give the antonym for “dry”:

a) cold

b) +wet

c) hot

d) sunny

e) mild


197. Choose the correct word.

a) +heartbeat

b) heatbeat

c) heartbeet

d) hartbeat

e) hartbeet


198. Give the synonym to the word “stylish”.

a) ugly

b) terrible

c) interesting

d) dangerous

e)+ fashionable


199. Give the antonym to the word “silent”.

a) rich

b) +noisy

c) wealth

d) quite

e) cheap


200. Give the antonym to the word “possible”.

a) polite

b) +impossible

c) nice

d) important

e) kind



201. Choose the antonym of the word “big”.

a) +small

b) hot

c) mild

d) wet

e) soft


202. Choose the correct word.

a) frequentli

b) frekuently

c) friquently

d) frequintly

e) +frequently


203. Choose the word in correct order.

a) ifanmatlionm

b) ilanmaftmino

c) iniflammation

d) +inflammation

e) inflemmation


204. Find the antonym to the word “true”.

a) dangerous

b) stupid

c) difficult

d) +false

r) easy


205. Find the antonym to the word “sick”.

a) adult

b) beautiful

c) +healthy

d) wealthy

e) famous


206. Choose the correct word combination.

a) to make a correkt diagnosis of the disease

b) to make a carrect diagnosis of the disease

c) to make a corect diagnosis of the disease

d) +to make a correct diagnosis of the disease

e) to make a correkt diagnosis of the desiase


207. Choose the correct word combination.

a) +a number of different procedures

b) a number of diferent procedures

c) a number of different prosedures

d) a number of different prosidures

e) a number of different procegures


208. Complete the sentence:

The room where we cook is …

a) a living-room

b) a bedroom

c) a bathroom

d) + a kitchen

e) a hall


209. What generalizing word refers to the following words:

treatment, teeth, mouth, gum, toothache.

a) +dentist

b) teacher

c) worker

d) driver

e) pupil


210. Choose the correct word combination.

a) +new methods of dental treatment

b) new metods of dental treatment

c) new methods of dental treetment

d) new methods of dental tretment

e) new methods dental of treatment


211. Choose the correct word.

a) direktion

b) derection

c) direkcion

d) +direction

e) direcsion


212. Choose the correct word combination.

a) direction for adminestration

b) direktion for administration

c) +direction for administration

d) direction for admenistration

e) direction for administraition

213. Find the proper word for definition:

A person who treats the teeth

а) +dentist

b) surgeon

c) biologist

d) chemist

e) teacher


214. Choose the correct word combination.

a) drugs for intramascular injections

b) drugs for intramusculor injections

c) drugs for intremuscular injektions

d) +drugs for intramuscular injections

e) drugs for intramuscular ingections


215. What generalizing word refers to the following words:

prescription, medicines, remedies, label, dose, drug cabinet

a) school

b) +chemist’s

c) department

d) college

e) station


216. Choose the correct word.

a) intramascular

b)+ intramuscular

c) intramusculor

d) intremuscular

c) entramuscular


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