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Woodworking with softwood lumber

The term “softwood” actually refers to a group of different species of trees from which the wood is harvested. A general rule of thumb is that softwoods come from coniferous, or “evergreen” trees, where hardwoods typically come from deciduous, or leafy trees. This can be a bit deceiving, as the softest wood available, balsa wood, would be considered soft and extremely lightweight, but is technically a hardwood.

Softwood (conifer) forests are found primarily in the northern hemisphere. The greatest concentration in North America is found in the northwestern United States and Canada, although there is also a concentration found in the southeastern US. Conifers are fast-growing, can be easily cultivated, and produce relatively straight trunks, which makes harvesting and processing much less expensive. Conifers are also used in the manufacture of fiberboard and paper.

In most home centers, you’ll find two predominant types of softwood lumber: SPF, and (yellow) pine. SPF is an acronym that stands for spruce, (white) pine and (Douglas) fir. Lumber marked as SPF could be any Softwood these three species. It is quite light in colour and growth rings are typically rather widely spaced.

No matter which types of softwoods you choose to use in your projects, keep in mind that most softwoods are developed for construction uses, and not necessarily for building furniture. Keep in mind that softwoods need to become acclimated to the environment in which the finished project will reside before beginning woodworking to avoid excessive movement after the project is completed.

Woodworking with softwood lumber can be a fine choice when building utilitarian projects (cabinets for the woodshop, painted projects, dog houses, etc.), but should probably be avoided when you intend to use stain for the finish or want to use the completed piece to be employed inside the house.

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