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Kinds of Crimes in the USA
The word ‘crime’ is generally associated with the wrongdoing but not every type of wrong is a crime. For instance, failing to fulfil a term of a contract is a wrong, but it is purely a dispute between individuals. However, stealing from another person is also a wrong but it falls under the criminal law because such actions are offences which can result in prosecution. Thus, we may say a crime is an act that violates the criminal law of a community. Every crime is a crime against the state. In general, there are two kinds of crime. Felonies, which include murder, robbery and arson, are the most serious. Anyone who commits a felony can be sent to a state prison. In some states certain felonies carry the death penalty. Misdemeanors are less serious. The penalty is a fine or imprisonment of up to a year in jail. Shoplifting and driving while drunk are examples of misdemeanors. In cases where it is not clear whether the crime is a felony or misdemeanor, it is a judge who makes the final decision. Crimes may also be classified as being against persons or against property. Crimes against person include assault, murder and kidnapping. Property crimes include burglary, robbery and auto theft. Crime in the USA is often big business. Criminal organizations such as the Mafia and the Cosa Nostra are highly organized groups who control criminal activities in a community. Many criminals today hide behind respectable businesses and use them as cover-ups for their profitable criminal activities. T e x t 3 Crimes in the USA In the United States the causes of serious crimes are hotly debated, as elsewhere. Among them are unemployment, drug-abuse, poverty, inadequate police enforcement, ineffective courts, racial discrimination, television and “a general decline in middle-class values”. Many communities have started their own campaigns against crime. They encourage their citizens to participate in crime prevention programs and to report crimes. Several civil rights groups actively support such “self-help” campaigns. In some neighborhoods, citizens participate in “neighborhood watch” programs and organize groups to patrol the streets. Public opinion polls show that most Americans feel handguns are responsible for the high murder rate. A majority of Americans, some 70 percent, favor laws banning the private ownership of all handguns. At present, there are about 23,000 state and local gun laws and ordinances throughout the US. Some states only prohibit carrying handguns. In others owners must register all handguns and have a license to carry them. In some communities people are not allowed to own any handguns. Many Americans cite the Second Amendment to the Constitution: “…the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. They say “Guns don’t kill, people do”. Date: 2016-07-18; view: 554; Нарушение авторских прав |