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Changes of Unstressed Vowels in Early Old English

§ 131. AH the changes described above affected accented vowels. The development of vowels in unstressed syllables, final syllables in particular, was basically different. Whereas instressed position the number of vowels had grown (as compared with the PG system), due to the appearance of new qualitative differences, the number of vowels distinguished in unstressed position had been reduced. In unaccented syllables, especially final, long vowels were shortened, and thus the opposition of vowels — long to short — was neutralised. Cf. OE nama (NE name)to the earlier * namōn.

§ 132. It must also be mentioned that some short vowels in final unaccented syllables were dropped. After long syllables, that is sylla­bles containing a long vowel, or a short vowel followed by more than one consonant, the vowels [i] and [u] were lost. Cf. the fol­lowing pairs, which illustrate the retention of [u] and [i] after a short syllable, and their loss after a long one: OE scipu and scéap (NE ships, sheep, pl from *skeapu); OE werian — dēman (NE wear, deem; cf. Gt dōmjan).

Old English Vowel System (9th-10th c.)

§ 133. The system of OE vowels in the 9th and 10th c. is shown in Table 6. The sounds are indicated with the help of OE letters serving as transcription symbols ([ā] is a nazalised [a]); length is shown by a colon.

The vowels shown in parentheses were unstable and soon fused with resembling sounds: [ā] with [a] or [o], [ie, ie:] with [y, y:].

The vowels are arranged in two lines in accordance with the chief phonemic opposition: they were contrasted through quantity as long to short and were further distinguished within these sets through quali-lative differences as monophthongs and diphthongs, open and close, front and back, labialised and non-labialised.

Table 6

Old English Vowels

Monophthongs Diphthongs
Short i e (œ) æ (ā) a   u y (ie) ea eo
Long i: e: (œ) æ: a:   o: u: y: (ie:) ea: eo:

Cf.some minimal pairs showing the phonemic opposition of short and long vowels:

OE dæl — dǣl (NE dale, ‘part’)

is — īs (NE is, ice)

col — cōl (NE coal, cool).

The following examples confirm the phonemic relevance of some qualitative differences:

OE rǣd — rād — rēad (NE ‘advice’, road, red)

sē — sēo ‘that’ Masc. and Fem,

mā — mē (NE more, me)

The OE vowel system displayed an obvious tendency towards a symmetrical, balanced arrangement since almost every long vowel had a corresponding short counterpart. However, it was not quite symmet­rical; the existence of the nasalised [ā] in the set of short vowels and the debatable phonemic status of short diphthongs appear to break the balance.

§ 134. All the vowels listed in the table could occur in stressed position. In unstressed syllables we find only five monophthongs, and even these five vowels could not be used for phonemic contrast:

i — ǣnis (NE any)

e — stāne, Dat. sg of stān as opposed to

a — stāna. Gen. pl of the same noun (NE stone)

ob ǣ ron — Past pl Ind (of beran as opposed to b ǣ ren, Subj. (NE bear)

u — talu (NE tale), Nom. sg as opposed to tale in other cases

The examples show that [e] was not contrasted to [i], and [o] was not contrasted to [u]. The system of phonemes appearing in unstressed syllables consists of three units: e/i a o/u

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