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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным
Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками
Как сделать то, что делать не хочется?
Как сделать погремушку
Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами
Как сделать идею коммерческой
Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног?
Как сделать наш разум здоровым?
Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше
Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили?
Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям
Как сделать свидание интересным?
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Unit 12 The Passive Voice
Exercise 164 Id, 2n, 3i, 4o, 5h, 6m, 71,8k, 9j, 1Gb, lie, 12a, 13g, 14f, 15c Exercise 165 A 1. My watch was broken. 2. The rule was explained to the students. The students were explained the rule. 3.1 am often asked to help them. 4. Written exercises are done in class. 5. A new discovery will be made soon. 6. A report will be made at the conference. 7. Tennis is played all year round. 8. His betrayal was never forgiven by his friends. 9.1 am offered several jobs. Several jobs are offered to me. 10. Much will be promised, but don't imagine you will be given everything (everything will be given to you). 11. Parcels with fruit from his parents' garden were regularly sent to him. He was regularly sent parcels with fruit from his parents' garden. 12. A leave in July will be given to me if there is no urgent work. I'll 11* 323 be given a leave in July if there is no urgent work. 13. Three ships were offered Columbus by the Spanish government. Columbus was offered three ships by the Spanish government. 14. Their children are usually sent to camp for summer. 15. A very important mission was charged him with. He was charged with a very important mission. 16. I'm sure the matter will be settled easily. 17. The driver was fined for exceeding the speed limit. 18. She is called by somebody every day. 19. The passengers leaving for London are requested to register. 20. Contracts will be signed by the manager tomorrow. В 1. The police was sent for. 2. This book is much spoken about. 3. He is often laughed at. 4. Our conversation was listened to very attentively. 5.1 think we will be waited for only in a week. 6. His late arrival was not taken notice of. 7. All the advertisements were looked through very attentively. 8. He was a brilliant speaker, and whenever he spoke, he was listened to with great attention. 9. He will be looked after in hospital much better. 10, Her new dress was looked at with interest. 11. A taxi was sent for. 12. The successful performance of the young actress will be talked much about. 13. He is always made fun of. 14. Gross mistakes in the translation were pointed out. 15. Very interesting plans were referred to. 16. Monday was agreed upon as the most suitable day. 17. This question was not touched upon unfortunately. 18. He was spoken to about his promotion yesterday. С 1. Don't come in! Students are being examined. 2. Can I read the article? — No, it is being typed. 3. We had to hurry. We were being waited for. 4. It was noisy. He was not being listened to. 5. Does he realize that he is being laughed at? 6. Look at this man. I think we are being followed by him. 7. Listen carefully! A very interesting talk is being given. 8. We are being served rather fast. 9. Morning mail was being looked through. 10. Their conversation is being translated rather well. 11. The brief ing is in full swing. The participants of the conference are being interviewed. 12. A new project was being developed by the company. 13. You can't watch the film now. The TV set is being fixed. D 1. Our house has been repaired lately. 2. When the fire brigade came, the building had been destroyed by the fire. 3. Much better results have been shown by the athlete since he is trained by this coach. 4. All the business letters will have been answered by noon. 5. The document has been signed by the president of the board. 6. Is she washing the floor? — No, it has already been washed. 7. By his arrival his car had been repaired. 8. The tickets have been booked and will have been brought by 2 o'clock. 9. They house had been painted by his arrival. 10. The reason for the accident hasn't been found yet. 11. Has anything been touched here? 12, A lot of students have been interviewed by the sociologist, 13. Have all the machines been tested? 14. Considerable damage has been caused by the flood. 15. The papers will have been received by tomorrow, E 1. The job can be found by her easily. 2. The matter is urgent. She should be phoned immediately. 3. The boss wants Mr, Black. He must be found. 4. An interesting offer can be made to you. 5. He's got a pay rise and now a new house can be bought. 6. The document must be sent as quickly as possible. 7. The weather is warm. The flowers may be planted. 8, The document is of great importance. It must be shown to us» 9. The book must be given back on Sunday. 10. Their kitchen is large and it can be used as a dining room. 11. Ecologies say that our planet should be taken care of, 12. The doctor must be sent for immediately. 13. The lecture is over. Questions may be asked. 14. The centre of town should be avoided during rush hours. 15. They agreed that the club membership fee should be raised. Exercise 166 lc, 2a, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6c, 7b, 8c, 9a, lOb, lib, 12c, 13a, 14b, 15b Exercise 167 1) was not discussed, had been withdrawn; 2) has been sent; 3) is being fixed; 4) is being constructed, will be built; 5) will be taken, have been spoken; 6) were told, were being waited; 7) can be solved; 8) must be done; 9) was admitted; 10) are being listened to; 11) has ... been approved, is being discussed, has... been discussed; 12) will have been settled; 13) have been bought, has been postponed; 14) was lent, has not been given; 15) was being looked through, were being typed, were being answered, were being held; 16) is being laid; 17) was invented; 18) may be written; 19) had... been done; 20) are asked Exercise 168 Correct sentences: 2, 6 1. Don't bring the article today. It will be typed only tomorrow. 3. The book that was written last month is being discussed a lot. It has been written a lot of articles about. 4. When I came, an experiment was being held in the lab. 5. Do you know that this house belonged to Mr. Brown? 7. The building collapsed during the earthquake. 8. Have you seen him? Has he changed Much? 9. Do you know that ycu are being followed? 10.1 hope this journal can be found at the library. Exercise 169 1» Unfortunately, such questions were not touched upon at the conference. 2. Who told you that the agreement had already been signed? 3. English is spoken here. 4. She was allowed to go in for sports. 5. Visitors are received every day. 6. Betsy 1ь not permitted to come here. 7. He was badly looked after in hospital. 8. Has he been sent for yet? — Yes, he was called and told to come at 8 o'clock. 9. A new cinema is being built in our street. 10. Don't say it, otherwise you'll be laughed at. 11. I haven't been told about it yet. 12. Shall we go to the country if it rains tomorrow? — Yes, we must go there, we'll be waited for. 13. This building had just been built when we csme here. 14. The work had been finished by evening. 15. When we returned, we were told a lot of interesting news.
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