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Written tasks

Correcting mistakes

Exercise I. 1)It is important to try to correct your own mistakes when you write. Look at the letter that a student has written to her friend. Her tutor has used symbols to show her the kind of mistakes she has made.


T – Tense WW – Wrong word

P – Punctuation Gr – Grammar

WO – Word order I – Word missing

Prep – Preposition Sp – Spelling

2). Read the letter and correct the mistakes.

Dear Stephanie

How are you? I’m very well. I came in London two weeks ago for to study at a language school. I want learn English because is a very important language. I’m stay with a English family called Bennet. They have two son and a daughter. Mr. Bennet is a teacher, and Mrs. Bennet work in the hospital. English people is very kind, but they speak very quickly.

I study in the morning. My teachers name is Ann. She said me my English is O’K, but I do a lot of mistakes. Ann don’t give us too much homework, so in the afternoon I go always sightseeing. London is much more big than my town. I like very much painting, and I’m very interesting for modern art, so I visit galleries and museums. I have many friends here. Some times we go to the cinema.

Do you like to visit me in London? Why don’t you come for a weekend?

Write to me soon. I’d love to see you.



Exercise 2. Write a similar letter. Imagine you are a student (of languages? of art? of music?) in another town. Write a letter to a friend giving some of your news.

Observe the rule of letter writing.

Exercise 3. Comment the following statement.

Some people think that students should be involved in decisions about their university and should have a say in how things are run. Other people think that students are too young to take part in such important decisions.

What can you say for and against students being involved in running their university.

Follow the plan

1) Make a general statement f the problem.

2) Give arguments for involving of students in running their university.

3) Give arguments against involving of students in running their university.

4) Make the conclusion.


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