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Упр. 133. Вставьте модальные глаголы should иди had to. Раскроите скобки, употребляя тре­бующуюся форму инфинитива

1. Не was out when we came, and we... (to wait) for over an hour. 2. It was raining hard. We... (to wear) our raincoats. 3. I... (to take) a taxi, otherwise I should have missed the train. 4. You walked all the way here carrying this heavy suit­case. You... (to take) a taxi. 5. They won't be able to buy anything but lemonade on the train. You... (to give) them some sandwiches at least. 6. Mother was coming to dinner, so I... (to bake) her favour­ite cake. 7. You knew I was bringing people to dinner. You... (to bake) a cake. 8. She is quite an authority. You... (to ask) her. 9. I could not stand that noise any longer. I... (to go) out and (to tell) them to stop. 10. How can you work in this noise? You... (to tell) the children to stop.


Упр. 134. Вставьте модальные глаголы should, need или to have to. Раскройте скобки, употреб­ляя требующуюся форму инфинитива.

1. You... not (to go) out in this rain; as it is you have a cold in your head. 2. It was Sunday, and we... not (to go) to school. 3. Everything is all right. You see that you... not (to worry). 4. You are out of breath. You... not (to run): you know how bad it is for you. 5. You... not (to tell) her about it. Now she is sure not to sleep the whole night wor­rying. 6. You... not (to go) with her: she knows the way perfectly well. 7. You... not (to put) so much pepper in the meat. No one will be able to eat it. 8. You... not (to give) them any lunch. They can get coffee and sandwiches on the train.


Упр. 135. Вставьте подходящие модальные глаголы (must, can, need),

1. If you want to improve your English, you... work very hard. 2.... I take this book? — Certain­ly, but you... not give it to anybody. 3. Mother,... I go to the country tomorrow? — No, you... not. The doctor says you... stay at home for a day or two. 4. There is something wrong with your tele­vision-set. You... call a repair-man. — Oh, we... not do, it! My brother... fix it himself. 5.... we bring these text-books every day? — No, you... not: you... take them from the library. 6.... you go to the country with us? — No, I am afraid I • •• not: I... go to the library.

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