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Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками
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Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног?
Как сделать наш разум здоровым?
Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше
Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили?
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Krasnoyarsk territory
Founded: 1934 Governor: Lev Vladimirovich Kuznetsov (elected February 2010). Duma deputies: Igor Anatolyevich Isakov (Kansky district)(United Russia); Raisa Vasilievna Karmazina (Yenisei district)(United Russia); Alexander Nikolayevich Klyukin (Achinsky district)(United Russia); Valery Mikhailovich Zubov (Krasnoyarsk district)(Independent) Population: 2,966,200 including Evenkia Autonomous Area and Taimyr Autonomous Area; 2,908,700 excluding Evenkia and Taimyr (2002 census) Area: 2,339,700 square km (903,124) Capital: Krasnoyarsk (population 911,700), 3,955 km from Moscow Other major cities: Norilsk (135,100), Achinsk (118,700), Kansk (103,100) Federal district: Siberian Economic region: East Siberia Time zone: Moscow +4, GMT +7, EST +12 Geography: Krasnoyarsk is a large Siberian region that takes up one-tenth of Russia’s total territory. Krasnoyarsk shares a border with the Republic of Tuva; Altai Territory; Yakutia and the Kemerovo, Tomsk, Tyumen, and Irkutsk regions. The topography varies from plains to mountains including the Sayan mountain range. The Yenisei, Kureika and Yadun rivers flow through the territory and form some of the largest waterfalls in Russia. Urban population: 76%, Rural population: 24% Ethnic make-up: more than 124 nationalities including Russians (87.6%) and Ukrainians (8.9%) Economy: Krasnoyarsk’s economy is highly industrial. Major economic sectors include hydropower and mining. Krasnoyarsk is Russia’s leading gold producer. It also possess large reserves of platinum, coal, iron and lead-zinc. The American manufacturer Midway United Ltd and the Krasnoyark administration are developing a $100 mln plywood processing plant in Sosnovoborsk which will create over 1,000 jobs. The plant will produce large ply-wood boards and commercial veneer and, with a design capacity of 500 cu m, will be the largest such facility in Russia and Europe. 10% of production is scheduled for teh domestic market, with the bulk of exports aimed at US, European and Japanese markets. www.russiaprofile.org/resources… Date: 2015-12-13; view: 461; Нарушение авторских прав |