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Сочинения английских авторов

Tooker W. Charisma sive donum sanationis seu explicatio todus quaesdonis de mirabilium sanitatum grada, in qua praecipue agitur de solenni et sacra curadone strumae, cui Reges Angliau rite inaugurad divinitus medicad sunt et quan serenissima Elizabetha, Angliae, Franciae et Hiberniae Regina, ex coelesd grada sibi concessa, Applicadone manuum suarum, et contactu morbidarum pardum, non sine Religiosis ceremoniis et precibus, cum admirabili et faelici successu in dies sanat. Pedt in-4°. London, 1597.

Clowes W. A right frutefull and approved treadse for the artificiall cure of that malady called in Ladn, Struma, and in English, the Evill, cured by Kynges and Queenes of England. Pedt in-4°. London,1602.

To the Kings most Excellent Majesty The Humble Peddon Of divers hundreds Of the Kings poore Subjects, Afflicted with diat grievous Infirmide Called the Kings Evill. Of which by his Majesdes absence they have no possibility of beind cured, wandng all meanes to gain accesse to his Majesty, by reason of His abode at Oxford. London. Printed for John Wilkinson, Feb. 20, Ann Dom. 1643, plaquette (8 p.) (Bridsh Museum Thomason Tracts E 90 (6)[745]).

Bird J. Ostenta Carolina, or the late Calamities of England with the Authors of them. The great happiness and happy government f K. Charles II ensuing, miraculously foreshewn by the Finger of God in two wonderful diseases, the Rekets and Kings-evil. Wherein is also proved, I that the rekets after a while shall seize in n more children but vanish by means of K. Charles II, II that K. Charles II is the last of Kings which shall so heal the Kings-evil. Pedt in-4°. London, 1661.

Хирб^ОдГ). The Excellency or Handywork of the Royal Hand. Pedt in-4°. London, 1665.

Wiseman R. Severall Chirurgical Treadses. Book IV: A treadse of the King's Evil. Chap. I, Of the Cure of the Evil by the King's touch. 1" ed. – London, 1676; 6е ed. – 1734. Т. I. P. 392 – 397.

BrowneJ. Adenochoiradelogia; or an anatomick-chirurgical treadse of gandules and strumaes, or king's evil swellings; together widi the royal gift of healing, or cure thereof by contact or imposition of hands, performed for above 640 years by our kings of England, continued with dieir admirable effects and miraculous events; and concluded with many wonderful examples of cures by their sacred touch. London, 1684 (третья часть, носящая название «Charisma Basilikon or die Royal Gift of Healing Strumaes or Kings-Evil», посвящена непосредственно королевскому чуду и имеет отдельную пагинацию; кроме особо отмеченных случаев, я цитирую именно ее).

Carr R. Epistolae medicinales variis occasionibus conscriptae. London, 1691. Ep. XIV. P. 152 – 158.

A Letter from a gendeman at Rome to his friend in London, giving an account of some very surprizing Cures in the King's Evil by the Touch, lately effected in the Neighbourhood of that City. Translated of the Italian. Petit in-4°. London, 1721.

Beckett W. A free and impardal inquiry into die antiquity and efficacy of touching for the cure of die King's evil... Now first published in order to a compleat confutation of diat supposed supernatural power lately jusdfred in a pamphlet, intudled A Letter from a gentleman at Rome to his friend in London... Petit in-4°. London, 1722.

Blackmore R. Discourses on the Gout, a Rheumadsm and the King's Evil. In-120. London, 1726.

(Werenfels S.) Occasional dioughts on the power of curing for the king's-evil ascribed to die kings of England. Pedt in-4°. London, 1748 (вторая часть, с отдельным названием и отдельной пагинацией, брошюры «A Dissertadon upon superstition in natural diings». Petit in-4°, London, 1748).

Badger J. Cases of Cures of the King's Evil perfected by the royal touch. London, 1748 (указано в: Notes and Queries. З*^ series. 1682. Т. I. P. 258; насколько мне известно, отсутствует в Британском музее).

(Douglas J.} The Criterion or Mirackes examined with a view t expose the pretensions of Pagans and Papists to compare die Miraculous Powers recorded in the New Testament widi diose said to subsist in Later Times, and to shew the great and material Difference between them in Point of Evidence: from whence it will appear diat the former must be True, and die latter may be False. In-12. London, 1754. P. 191 – 205.


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