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From Nerd to Networker. By Denise Winterman (BBC News Magazine)

By Denise Winterman (BBC News Magazine)

Being a boffin1 is no longer going to get graduates the well-paid jobs

they want − the stakes have been raised. As well as academic success,

employers want people who are able to communicate properly, work as

part of a team, are culturally aware and can lead others − skills gained

outside the lecture theatre, says Carl Gilleard, chief executive of the As-

sociation of Graduate Recruiters (AGR).

Traditionally the boffin or nerd was hired for their brains but put in a

backroom job and didn't have to communicate much. But those jobs are

now few and far between. Employees have to communicate all the time

with colleagues and clients so companies want people who can do that

effectively. They have higher expectations now.

For those who spend more time with computers than with fellow hu-

mans, here's the quick guide to brushing up on the social skills required

to get ahead in business.

Communicating. Mumbling2, avoiding eye contact, talking to their

shoes – the boffin’s biggest challenge can often be talking to another

human being. They can decipher3 the most complicated equation but

trying to work out the social etiquette required to converse with someone

else leaves them baffled – and making small talk can be plain scary. The

only way to improve communication skills is to get out of the house and

actually talk to someone. Following a formula called OPEN should set

the socially inept well on their way. It stands for ‘occupation, personal,

environment and non-work activities.’ Use these four areas as the basis

of a conversation and the chat should flow. It’s all aimed at encouraging

small talk.




Team Working. Some students are so focused on one thing − getting

their degree − it can come as no surprise when they are no good at team

activities after leaving university. They need to get involved in different

social groups and mix. At first they will be awful but they will eventually

learn the skills they need to be a good team player. Those skills include

being a good listener and being assertive, but in a way that is respectful

to other people.

Leadership. The ability to lead and inspire a team of people is essen-

tial in a lot of jobs. To improve this skill, seek out a role model. Look for

someone who has good leadership skills in your own office and watch

what they do and what they say. It’s called modeling.

Cultural Awareness. Often the day-to-day life of a boffin involves a

lot of isolation. But in today’s global community, graduates will have to

work with people or deal with clients from many different backgrounds.

Ignorance can result in an embarrassing faux pas5.


1) boffin = nerd n – исследователь, ученый; человек с всепоглощающим

стремлением к учебе, научной деятельности

2) mumble v – бормотать

3) decipher v – расшифровывать, разгадывать

4) small talk – светский разговор

5) faux pas – ложный шаг, ошибка


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