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Criticisms Of Advertising

Advertising is widely criticized not only for the role in selling prod-

ucts but also for its influence on our society. Some critics charge that

at its worst advertising is downright untruthful, and, at best, it presents

only positive information about products. Others complain that adver-

tising psychologically manipulates people to buy things they can’t af-

ford. There are many discussion questions on the topic.

Does advertising debase our language? The defenders of traditional

English usage don’t like advertising. They feel advertising copy is too

breezy, too informal, too casual, and therefore improper. Advertising,

the believe, has destroyed the dignity of the language. The fact is that

advertising must speak to people, must be understandable and readable.

Some critics don’t acknowledge that ads are designed for specific audi-

ences and therefore should reflect different language usage. Advertising

research shows that people respond better to a conversational tone than

to a more formal tone.

Does advertising make us too materialistic? Some critics claim adver-

tising adversely affects our value system by suggesting that the means to a

happier life is the acquisition of more material things instead of spiritual

or intellectual enlightenment. Advertising, they say, encourages people

to buy more things than they need – all with the promise of greater sta-

tus, greater social acceptance. But These critics fail to realize that they

often tend to force their own values on others. Some people prefer a

simple life, others enjoy the material pleasures of a modern, techno-

logical society. Proponents of advertising also point out that, through its

support of the media, advertising has brought literature, opera, drama to

millions who otherwise might never have experienced them.

Does advertising manipulate us into buying thing we don’t need? An oft-

heard criticism is that advertising forces people to buy thing they don’t

need by playing on their emotions. Some critics believe advertising’s

persuasive techniques are so powerful that consumers are helpless to de-

fend themselves. Some specialists point out that the persuasive power

of advertising has been exaggerated. Advertising powerful ideas doesn’t

guarantee a sale if people aren’t interested.

Is advertising excessive? One of the most common complaints about

advertising is simply that there is too much of it. Experts say the average

American is exposed to over 500 commercial messages a day. We are con-

stantly bombarded at hone with ads on radio and television, in newspa-

pers, and through the mail. Advertisements also reach us in our cars and

in elevators, parking lots, hotel lobbies, movie theatres, and subways.



Is advertising offensive or in bad taste? Many people find advertising

offensive to their religious convictions, morality, or political perspec-

tives. Others find advertising techniques that emphasize violence or body

functions in bad taste. Taste is highly subjective. What is good for some is

bad taste to others. And tastes change. What is considered offensive to-

day may not be offensive in the future. Often the products themselves are

not offensive, but the way they are advertised may be open to criticism.

Is advertising deceptive? Perhaps the greatest criticism of advertising

is that it attempts to deceive the public. Critics define deceptiveness not

only as false and misleading but also as any false impression conveyed,

whether intentional or unintentional. Consumers must have confidence

in advertising if it is to be effective.


Unit 4

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