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Selecting Employees
Selection is the process of collecting systematic information about applicants and using that information to decide which applicant to hire. The major purpose of various devices of selection – application form, interviews, testing, and reference checking – is to gather information about the applicants’ job related skills. A very important principle of the questions should reflect the activities of the job to be filled. The application. Traditional application forms ask information about educational and work history, avocational interests, and honors. How- ever, such forms have limitations. In the majority of cases, they have limited space, so the applicant can supply only basic information such as the manes of schools attended, major, dated of attendance, and previous job titles and dates of employment. A second limitation is that a large percentage of respondents falsify the information that they report. Such falsification is easy because often all that is requested is brief information such as job title and major. One device that has been used successfully is a training and experience form, which presents a small number, for example five, of the important tasks of the job. The form asks applicants to indicate whether they have ever performed or been trained in each of the activities. If they answer yes, they are then asked to describe briefly how to perform the activity. The interview. The interview is, perhaps, the most often used selec- tion device. The purpose of the interview is to allow at least one mem- ber of the organization to interact with each applicant and assess that applicant’s job-related KSAs (key selection areas). Two aspects of the interview format are especially important. First, the interview should be structured, meaning that the interviewer asks the same set of job-related questions of each candidate. This ensures that the interviewer gathers full information from each applicant, and it makes comparisons among applicants easier because they all are evaluated on the same character- istics. The second aspect of the format is the nature of the questions. Questions about job-related behaviors have proven to be quite useful. The idea behind them is that gathering information about behaviors that are performed on the job is useful in making selection decision. The in- terviewer must evaluate the accuracy and completeness of the response.
Tests. Many organizations use tests during the selection process to identify those applicants who have the specific KSAs needed for the available position. Human resource managers can use many kinds of tests. The most common are the following: Ability tests are paper-and-pencil quizzes, usually multiple choice, that measure an applicant’s knowledge of specific work content or cog- nitive ability. Performance or work-sample tests verify an applicant’s ability to per- form actual job behaviors identified from a job analysis. Perhaps the old- est example is a typing test. Assessment center tests are programs that typically simulate manageri- al tasks. One of the most often used simulations is the In-Basket, which simulates 20 to 30 office memos, complete with an organizational chart and relevant company policy statement. Integrity tests measure an applicant’s attitudes and opinions about dysfunctional behaviors such as theft, sabotage, physical abuse, and sub- stance abuse. Companies usually use paper-and-pencil, multiple choice tests that ask about the applicant’s thoughts and reactions to a number of illegal or unethical situations. Personality inventories measure the thoughts, feeling and behavior that define an individual and determine that person’s pattern of interac- tion with the environment. Two general types of personality tests have been used in selection. One is a multiple-choice questionnaire. The second type of personality tests is the projective test, which asks an ap- plicant to write a story about ambiguous pictures or to finish partially completed sentences. Physical examinations test individuals for placement in manually and physically demanding jobs. Reference checks. A company considering hiring a particular appli- cant often contacts previous employers or others who know him or her well to verify the information previously obtained. Reference checks can be handled in three ways. The first, and most often used, is through tele- phone conversations, in which previous supervisors of the applicant are contacted. Other ways include in-person visits and mail inquiries. The organization may also obtain reference information from investigative agencies, credit bureaus, and public documents.
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