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The Importance and Role of the Personnel Department. Personnel refers to all the people who work for a firm

Personnel refers to all the people who work for a firm. Most large

companies have special personnel departments which are responsible

for employer-employee relations. The personnel department is a staff

department, which means that it is not directly involved with produc-

tion, but that it provides a service to the managers. The most important

services which the personnel department provides are recruiting, that is,

finding new workers or managers for the company, deciding which com-

pany applicants are most suitable for employment by the firm, and de-

veloping putting into use and implementing personnel policies and pro-

cedures for the benefit of good the company as well as the employees.

Most businesses continually need to recruit good personnel to re-

place workers who retire or quit and to fill new jobs created when the

company expands. After management has determined the goals of the

company and the positions needed, the personnel department must find

qualified people to fill those positions. Depending upon management

policy and the nature of the position, recruiting may be done internally

or externally. Internal recruitment means that the person chosen for the

position is selected from the current employees of the company. This

is either by promotion or transfer. Promotion means an employee re-

ceives a job with more authority and responsibility than his present job.

The employee usually expects to receive an increase in salary along with

the new position. A transfer refers to a job or department change for a

worker. A transfer without promotion is a lateral transfer. It may involve

different working conditions or different hours. Companies that recruit

internally often promote internally, which means that the managers have

worked their way up from lower positions. It may also mean that the

company may hire new employees only at lower positions.

External recruitment means that the company is looking for new em-

ployees from outside the firm. All companies do some type of external

recruitment. If they are looking for employees with special training or

education, they will often recruit at university campuses. They make ar-

rangements with the placement office at the campus to interview gra-

duating students. Sometimes they are seeking top level managers who

they will recruit from other firms, often from their competitors. Other




methods of recruiting involve the use of advertising in newspapers and

professional publications, and even paying a fee or commission to an

executive placement service.

Most recruiting involves a job announcement containing a descrip-

tion of the job. The personnel department produces a formal job de-

scription. If the firm is not well known, the job description may begin

with some basic information about the company and its products. This

is usually followed by the title of the position the company wants to fill,

for example, Senior Design Engineer or Vice President in Charge of Fi-

nance. Then the duties and responsibilities of the job are given, as well

as where that position fits in the organizational chart (that is, who the

person reports to and who the person supervises). Next appear the quali-

fications for the job, such as the professional training or skills needed.

The salary and fringe benefits paid for by the company should also be

mentioned. Finally, the job description will tell the applicant exactly

what to do if he is interested in the position.

The personnel department should have a method for choosing the

best candidate from among the applicants for the position. In some

companies this may involve testing prospective employees. Civil service

or government jobs often require applicants to compete with each other

on written tests. Those applicants with the highest scores are selected for

an interview. Other companies may assign points for certain items on the

application form, such as experience or education. They may then total

the points and select the applicants with the highest totals. After the ap-

plications have been evaluated, the best qualified applicants are invited

to an interview. In the interview the applicant’s personality and ability to

work with others may be judged.

Some people feel the most important function of the personnel de-

partment is the development of personnel policies. For efficiency and

fairness, a company should have a specific formal written procedure for

dealing with its employees. Otherwise, decisions must be made on a case

by case basis, and this could adversely affect employee morale. These

procedures should state working conditions, salary scale, and fringe

benefits such as paid vacation, paid sick leave, group insurance, pension

or retirement plan—all things received in addition to pay. Part of the

policy may also include a procedure for notifying employees of openings

or promotional opportunities. In addition, there is often a procedure

for handling grievances, which an employee can use if he feels that he

has been treated unfairly by the employer. All of these items may be part

of a union contract between the employer and the employees who are

members of a union.




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