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Formula trade secrets. It is often wisest a new idea through the law of trade secrets, rather

It is often wisest … a new idea through the law of trade secrets, rather

than patent or copyright registration. A trade secret is defined by the

Uniform Trade Secrets Act and by … development. Both under the act

and as a result of case law development, a trade secret is … that:

1. is not … known.

2. is protected through some security … to maintain secrecy.

3. is valuable.

4. requires a … expenditure of time, money, or labour to develop.

To illustrate, product … such as making a cigarette 100 millimeters

long or making a stainless steel razor blade would not be entitled to trade

secret protection since they would fail to meet … 1, 2, and 4 above. In




contrast, the … to make Coca Cola, or a new freeze-drying process

would all be considered trade secrets.

Trade secrets require no … or expensive fees. Trade secrets are not

disclosed to…. A further benefit of trade secrets law is that …, unlike

patents and copyrights, may be protected forever.

17. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

1. The failure of one party to live up to a contractual agreement is

called breach of contract. 2. A contract is a legally enforceable, volun-

tary agreement between two or more parties. 3. Bankruptcy is a legal

procedure for individuals and firms that cannot pay their debts. 4. De-

regulation is the process of reducing the involvement of government in

the regulation of business, by eliminating legal restraints on competition.

5. Collective bargaining is a process by which the representatives of the

firm meet and attempt to work out a contract with union representatives.

6. Mediator is a third party to a labour dispute who tries to get union and

management to reason and works at improving communication between

them. 7. Arbitrator is a third party to a labour dispute who makes the

final, binding decision about some disputed issue. 8. Civil courts usually

do not require compliance but instead impose liability for noncompli-

ance. 9. The legality of a contract is determined by our courts and legal

system. 10. The Justinian Code set the stage for many of the concepts of

the present civil law system, and has many of the attributes of a modern

legal system. 11. Stability and predictability largely flow from the estab-

lishment of clear and easily understood rules that allow people in busi-

ness to draft and negotiate their own agreements. 12. Arbitration allows

parties a degree of flexibility which is denied to them in judicial settle-

ment. 13. National legal systems emerged through the process known as

codification, a movement that began in the Scandinavian countries and

later found its way into the remainder of Europe.

18.* Use infinitive phrases instead of the equivalent Russian attributive


1. This is the firm (которая может предоставить вам такие услуги).

2. To tell the truth, they have nothing (чем они могли бы вам помочь).

3. They were the first (кто начал разрабатывать этот проект). 4. These

are not the evidence (которые можно использовать при принятии

решения). 5. There is nobody here (кто мог бы объяснить ситуацию).

6. This is the problem (которую нужно решить как можно скорее).

7. These are the key terms (которые должны быть включены в кон-

тракт). 8. Define the parameters (которые необходимо определить,

прежде чем начать работу). 9. Here are the questions (на которые

необходимо ответить). 10. The monetary policy has become another

means (которое ускорило концентрацию капитала).



19. Complete the sentences, using a Gerund.

1. Is she in the habit of …? 2. The old gentleman is in danger of ….

3. He stopped me when I was just on the point of …. 4. She went white

at the thought of …. 5. Is there any hope of …? 6. There was no possibil-

ity of …. 7. You need have no fear of …. 8. He left home with the idea

of …. 9. I had no intention of …. 10. He took a special pleasure in ….

11. I was faced with the prospect of.... 12. It’s no use pretending you are

taking no interest in ….

20. * Translate from Russian into English, using a Gerund.

1. Чтение прессы – неотъемлемая часть его утреннего ритуала.

2. Они обсуждали эти вопросы, не зная еще последних новостей.

3. Он не мог не ответить на это предложение. 4. Я предпочитаю

личную встречу телефонному разговору. 5. Она не одобряет сверх-

урочную работу. 6. Мы настаиваем на выплате комиссионных

немедленно. 7. Каждый из нас заинтересован в получении этого

контракта. 8. Он не очень силен в принятии тактических решений.

9. Мы с нетерпением ждем встречи с вами. 10. Я стараюсь избегать

обсуждения таких вопросов с незнакомыми людьми. 11. Я помню,

что разговаривала с ней по телефону. 12. Я думаю, они не будут

возражать против подписания этого соглашения уже на этой неделе.

21. Work with a good law dictionary and match the Latin and Russian


1. a posteriori a. сила закона

2. a prima facie b. временно

3. a priori c. судебный обычай

4. de facto d. с соответствующими


5. de jure e. по общему согласию

6. de lege lata f. неписанный закон

7. in foro g. придерживаться прежних


8. inter partes h. необходимое условие

9. intra vires i. что и требуется доказать

10. in via juris j. задним числом

11. ipso facto k. изменению не подлежит

12. ipso jure l. за и против

13. lex non scripta m. для видимости

14. mutatis mutandis n. в силу самого закона

15. ne varietur o. в силу самого факта

16. omnium consensus p. между сторонами

17. pacta sunt servanda q. законным путем

18. pro et contra r. в действительности



19. pro forma

20. pro tempore

21. quod demonstrandum est

22. sin qua non

23. stare decisis


24. usus fori

25. vis legis



s. в силу закона

t. заранее, априори

u. на первый взгляд

v. в пределах полномочий

w. договоры должны


x. перед судом

y. с точки зрения

действующего закона


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