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V. Прочитайте весь текст и письменно переведите 1, 2, 5 абзацы. Из 3 и 4 абзацев выпишите и переведите предложения с Participle I и II

Administration of Justice in Great Britain


1. Persons offending against the law are summoned before a court of law. The summons issued by the court states the charges moved against the offender by the persons sueing him. When a defendant is brought before a court the charge is read out to him and he is asked whether he pleads guilty or not guilty. If he pleads guilty he is sentenced by the court. If he pleads not guilty, a juryof 12 persons must be formed and summoned to attend the court.

2. The trial begins with opening the case for the prosecuting party and hearing the evidence of the witnesses for the prosecution. On the completion of the plaintiff’s case and evidence, the defendant’s case is stated and evidence is heard in support of it.

3. The accused is entitled to be defended by the counsel. Witnesses for the prosecution may be cross-examined by the accused or his counsel. The accused may call witnesses or give evidence in his own defence. At the conclusion of the evidence, and after speeches on both sides, the judge sums up the case to the jury. The jury consider the verdict. If they decide that the accused is not guilty, he is immediately discharged. If the jury return the verdict of guilty, sentence is pronounced by the judge.

4. The following punishments for crime can be inflicted: life imprisonment, imprisonment consisting in corrective training or preventive detention; detention centres for juvenile delinquents, persons between 16 and 21, convicted of offences punishable with imprisonment; fine, a money penalty, generally imposed for minor offences; probation – placing the offender under the supervision of a probation officer and so on.

5. The defendant may appeal against the sentence to the Court of Appeal up to the House of Lords, which is the supreme judicial body of Great Britain.

Примечания к тексту:

detention centre – центр заключения

juvenile delinquent – несовершеннолетний правонарушитель

probation – испытание

probation officer – инспектор, наблюдающий за преступником, направленным на работу



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