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Give Your Life For Rock And Roll


Beat the toms
be the fox on the kit
The Queen of shock
with black tape on your tits

Pulling teeth
got a bass - make it scream
Tight blue jeans - packed with TNT

They will just be an ember
- yet your flame´s burning high
They will not be remembered
- yet your sound is alive

Give your life for rock and roll
Your soul shall live on

Give your life for rock and roll
You´ll never be gone

Crank up you flying V - with the white polka dots
Tragedy - you´re the diamond, red hot

Under the gun - You got animalized
Wild and the young - With pride wearing stripes

Though you may die we still in your presence
Our lives change while yours does not end.
From the realm of the darkness,
youd bid us hear you,
that we may praise you
for ever and ever.



Don't Let My Mother Know


I set the mood
It's like Evil Dead II
Out in the woods
Spread the fear with my tools

I need to see you
I need to feel you
Skull & bones
Grins & moans
Let me be the one to shock you

Don't let my mother know,
Don't let my Mother know
that her baby's bad

Don't let my mother know,
Don't let my Mother know
that her baby's bad

Don't let my mother know!

Go tell the world
Mr. Monster is here
The great slash-o-rama's multen fear

I need to see you
I need to feel you
Skull & bones
Grins & moans
Let me be the one to shock you

Don't let my mother know,
Don't let my mother know
that her baby's bad

Don't let my mother know,
Don't let my mother know
that her baby's bad

Don't let my mother know!

I need to see you
I need to feel you
Skull & bones
Grins & moans
Let me be the one to shock you

Don't let my mother know!

Don't let my mother know,
Don't let my mother know
that her baby's bad

Don't let my mother know,
Don't let my mother know
that her baby's bad

Don't let my mother know,
Don't let my mother know
that her baby's bad


Date: 2015-12-13; view: 373; Нарушение авторских прав

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