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Traditional Scottish Cuisine. The signature dish of Scotland is undoubtedly Haggis, and impressive though it is, Scotland's kitchens have a whole lot more to offer
The signature dish of Scotland is undoubtedly Haggis, and impressive though it is, Scotland's kitchens have a whole lot more to offer. Traditional Scottish cuisine is based on local produce - oats for porridge and oatcake biscuits (bannocks), salted, or smoked meat and game. Fish is a staple and the city of Aberdeen has been known for its cured fish since the 13th Century. Today Scotland's chefs take the best of their culinary heritage, re-interpreting their grandmothers' recipes to produce delectable variations on the old standards. Recipes highlight Scottish ingredients at their very best. Scotland is famous for Aberdeen Angus beef, succulent lamb, and delicate summer fruits such as raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries. An increasing number of specialist farms in the Highlands produce venison, and cheese making is a rediscovered art. The Scots are a nation of self-confessed sweet addicts. Aside from whisky the Scottish have a second national drink - Irn Bru. It is very sweet, very orange and defies description except to say that it consistently outsells Coca Cola in Scotland. Meat Scotland's free-range beef is renowned for its taste and tenderness. The herds roam freely on Aberdeenshire's rolling hills eating a natural diet free of recycled protein, hormones or additives.The distinctive Scottish Black Face sheep produces lean and succulent lamb which is a staple in the Scottish diet. The Scots cook with all of the animal as witnessed by Haggis. Haggis Haggis is one of those dishes that divides people - you love it or you hate it. It is made from sheep's offal (pluck) which is chopped finely, mixed with toasted oatmeal then sewn into the sheep’s stomach lining and boiled for a further three hours. Haggis is traditionally eaten on Burns Night, January 25, when Scotland celebrates the birth of its most famous poet, Robert Burns. During the celebration, Burns’s poems are read, and the haggis is addressed by a member of the party, with verses from Burns' poem, 'Address to a Haggis.' Fish Scotland produces some of the finest salmon in the world. The Rivers Tay and Tweed are major salmon fisheries and salmon fishing has been a traditional pass-time for the aristocracy and commoners alike. Scotland also has a large sea fishing industry yielding cod, haddock, plaice, halibut, and whiting. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы по-русски или по-английски:
1). What is the Scottish cuisine based on? 2). What is Haggis? 3). What happens on January 25 every year?
5. Письменно переведите на русский язык весь текст.
Date: 2015-12-12; view: 839; Нарушение авторских прав |