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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным
Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками
Как сделать то, что делать не хочется?
Как сделать погремушку
Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами
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Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног?
Как сделать наш разум здоровым?
Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше
Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили?
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Как сделать свидание интересным?
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Формы английского глагола
Упражнение 19. Выберите подходящий вариант из предложенных: 1. You often work/Do you often work at the weekend? 2. I don’t know/not know why your invoice hasn‟t been paid. I‟ll try to find out. 3. Excuse me, does you know/do you know if this is the way to the IT seminar? 4. Sorry, that projector don’t work/doesn’t work. Use this one instead. 5. A: Do you know our new sales rep Martha? B: Yes, I do/Yes, I know. 6. A: Is that Linda Napier over there? B: Yes, she works/she do work here. 7. I writing/I’m writing the report at the moment. 8. They not replying/They are not replying to my e-mails. I‟ll have to phone them. 9. Why is there such a long delay? What is happening/is happen? 10. You are enjoying/Are you enjoying this conference? 11. Can Karen call you back? She’s speak/She’s speaking on another line. 12. A: Is Sarah Kennedy expecting me? B: Yes, she’s expecting/Yes, she is. Упражнение 20. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму: Claude, _______ (you/know) Joao? Joao _______ (be) from Brazil, but he worked with me in Paris last year. He _______ (know) a lot about your line of work. Really! Well I _______ (be) very pleased to meet you, Joao. Pleased to meet you too, Claude So, what exactly _______ (you/do)? I _______ (work) in the oil industry as a market analyst. Oh, so you _______ (make) decisions about levels of production? No, I _______ (not make) any decisions really. My job _______ (involve) studying market trends and giving advice on level of production. Still, that‟s a lot of responsibility. Well, yes, but Brazil _______ (not be) a major producer like Saudi Arabia. What about you? I work for a French company that _______ (supply) specialized equipment to the oil industry. We _______ (be) one of the biggest companies in our market. Oh, really? And _______ (you/often/come) to London? Yes, quite often. My company _______ (have) an office here. It _______ (not/take) long to get here now, if you travel by Eurostar. Could I give you my card? Упражнение 21. Выберите подходящий вариант из предложенных: 1. A: What do you do/are you doing? B: I‟m an executive secretary. 2. A: What do you do/are you doing? B: I‟m looking for the details on the computer. 3. A: Where do you work/are you working? B: Paris this month, then Bonn the next. 4. A: Where do you work/are you working? B: At our head office in Paris. 5. My name‟s Walter, and I come/I’m coming from Frankfurt. 6. I come/I’m coming to Frankfurt next Thursday – I can call in to your office. 7. I deal with/I’m dealing with Andrew‟s clients while he is on holiday. 8. I deal with/I’m dealing with the paperwork and general administration. 9. A: Who do you go/are you going to the Trade Fair with? B: This year with Stefano. 10. A: Who do you go/are you going to the Trade Fair with? Упражнение 22. Поставьте глаголы и скобок в Past Indefinite или Present Continuous: 1. I ______ (look at) the details on the screen right now. 2. I ______ (look at) the sales results in detail every month. 3. The production line ______ (not, work) at weekends. 4. The production line ______ (not, work) at the moment. 5. Yes, I agree. I ______ (think) it‟s a good idea. 6. I ______ (think) about it. I‟ll let you know tomorrow. 7. Helen ______ (stay) at the Astoria while she is in Madrid this month. 8. Helen ______ (stay) at the Astoria when she is in Madrid. 9. We ______ (take) a sample for testing once a day. 10. We ______ (take) a big risk if we go ahead with the project. 11. They ______ (be) usually very flexible if we need to change the order. 12. They ______ (be) flexible about giving us credit for a few more months. *Упражнение 23. Исправьте неправильные предложения. Учтите, что не во всех предложениях есть ошибки: 1. Which wine are you going to have? 2. Which wine are you preferring? 3. That‟s ridiculous – I‟m not believing it! 4. That‟s ridiculous – I‟m not doing business with them again! 5. I‟m sorry, I‟m not following what you‟re saying. 6. I‟m sorry, I‟m not understanding what you‟re saying. 7. This building is containing all the printing machines. 8. This building is getting very old – soon we‟ll have to move. *Упражнение 24. Заполните пропуски глаголами в форме Past Indefinite: go, take, think, sell, like, have(2), make(2), be(4), buy Hi, Jill. You (1) ______ to the Milan Fashion Show last week, didn‟t you? (2) ______ you ______ a good trip? Yes, it was great. (3) ______ you ______ any useful contacts? Well, there (4) ______ loads of people at the show, and I (5) ______ a lot of good contacts but we (6) ______ nearly as many orders as last year. Oh, why was that? (7) ______ they ______ our new styles? No, no, that (8) ______ the problem. The shoes (9) ______ really well, but we (10) ______ so successful with some of our other products, like handbags, for example, and there (11) ______ much more competition this year. Who from? Well, the Paul Smith stand was really busy. Oh, but his clothes are expensive ______ Um, (12) ______ people at the show ______ our prices were too high? Possibly. But we (13) ______ the authority to lower them at the time. Oh, what a shame. So it was a waste of a trip then? Well, not exactly ______ I(14) ______ this great pair of Prada shoes and this Gucci handbag Упражнение 25. Выберите подходящий вариант из данных: 1. A: What was she doing this morning? B: She interviewed/was interviewing candidates for the sales job. 2. A: How did Brenda spend her holiday? B: Most days she went/was going to the beach. 3. A: What happened after you launched the product? B: While we promoted/were promoting it, our main competitor dropped/was dropping their prices. 4. A: I didn‟t see you in the office last week. B: No, I worked/was working at home for a few days. 5. A: What did Pat do when she saw the artwork? B: She called/was calling the designers and said/was saying it wasn‟t suitable. 6. A: Why did Renata take so long to get here? B: She said they mended/were mending the road and so the traffic moved/was moving very slowly. Упражнение 26. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Indefinite или Past Continuous: 1. What ______ (eat) when you ______ (go) to Paris? 2. While I ______ (negotiate) the contract, my boss ______ (phone) me to say that he wanted completely different conditions. 3. The last time something like this ______ (happen), she ______ (call) a press conference immediately. 4. Anne ______ (explain) her proposal when Pedro ______ (interrupt) her. 5. We never got the chance to interview him. While we ______ (investigate) the incident, he ______ (resign). 6. When he ______ (finish) reading the article, he ______ (give) it to me. 7. Everyone ______ (wait) for the meeting to begin when he ______ (call) to say that he was stuck in a traffic jam. 8. When I ______ (clean) the piece I ______ (look) for some other documents. 9. I ______ (find) the missing file while I ______ (look) for some other documents. 10. When Tim ______ (arrive), we ______ (tell) him what had happened. Упражнение 27. Выберите подходящий вариант из данных: 1. While I looked/was looking for my keys, I suddenly remembered I left/had left them at home. 2. In those days the unions used to/had used to go on strike whenever there was/was being a problem. 3. After they were buying/had bought the company, they started/were starting to make a lot of people redundant. 4. Jack used to have/was having a Mac, but then he used to change/changed to a PC. 5. I asked about my package in reception, but they said/were saying that it still hadn’t arrived/wasn’t arriving. 6. I was sure that I used to lock/had locked the door to my office last night, but it was/had been open this morning. 7. I‟m sure that the winters used to be/had been colder when I was a child. I remember that we used to walk/were walking to school in the snow every winter. 8. I had gone/went back to the restaurant to look for my umbrella, but found/was finding that someone took/had taken it. 9. When George saw/was seeing Diane at the seminar, he knew/was knowing that he met/had met her somewhere before. 10. While I had/was having breakfast I looked/was looking at the financial pages to see the share prices. I saw/was seeing that my original investment grew/had grown by over 40%. Упражнение 28. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Pas tIndefinite или в Past Perfect: 1. After she ______ (make) a few notes, she ______ (start) writing the introduction to the Annual Report. 2. Gary ______ (be sure) that he ______ (set) the alarm before leaving the office. 3. I ______ (call) my wife on my mobile because the meeting ______ (still not finish). 4. Once I ______ (speak) to him, I ______ (realise) there had been a misunderstanding 5. After Jill ______ (give) her first presentation, she ______ (feel) much less nervous. 6. Before Edite ______ (become) Michael Edward‟s personal assistant she ______ (already work) in the company for two years. 7. I ______ (not see) the figures before the meeting, so it ______ (put) me at a disadvantage during the discussion. 8. Sorry it took so long. I ______ (have to) go down to the store room because we ______ (run out of) paper for the photocopier. 9. The train ______ (stop) by the time I ______ (get out of) the taxi. 10. I ______ (be) surprised to find that she ______ (already leave). Упражнение 29. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в Past Indefinite, Past Continuous или в Past Perfect: Interviewer: So, Alan, why did you quit your last job? Alan: Well, at the time I (1) ______ (work) as a financial officer for an International Accountancy firm in London. I (2) ______ (be) in the same company for three years. Interviewer: How (3) ______ (you/get) the job? Alan: Just after I (4) ______ (finish) university I (5) ______ (go to a job fair. I still (6) ______ (decide) what I wanted to do and I was interested to see what kind of jobs there (7) ______ (be) at the fair. While I (8) ______ (look) at information on one of the stands for a large international accountancy firm, someone (9) ______ (give) me an application form to fill in. I thought this might be a good career opportunity for me as I (10) ______ (already/take) some accountancy exams for my degree. So I (11) ______ (complete) the form and (12) ______ (send) it off. They (13) ______ (interview) me the following week and I got the job. At first I (14) ______ (feel) satisfied with the job, but as time went by, things (15) ______ (change) and I began to hate working there. Interviewer: So what (16) ______ (go) wrong? Alan: Well, the situation was this: I (17) ______ (work) for a person who was very difficult, er …very demanding … never satisfied. What‟s more, my job (18) ______ (become) too repetitive and I really wanted to do something more creative. So, that‟s why I resigned … I (19) ______ (not have) another job to go to, but I knew I (20) ______ (have) to make a change. Упражнение 30. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в Present Perfect: 1. Are you sure it isn't working? _______ (you/try) it? 2. I _______ (never/see) such a boring presentation. 3. Luckily, our customers _______ (not/complain) about the price rise. 4. We _______ (already/spend) quite a lot of money on this project. 5. _______ (they/reply) to your last email? 6. I _______ (not/get) the figures to hand – can I call you back later? 7. Unemployment _______ (go/up) by 5% since January. 8. I‟m sorry, she‟s not here. She _______ (just/leave). 9. Their shares _______ (fall) by 15% since the merger. 10. _______ (you/ever/take) the Eurostar to Brussels? Упражнение 31. Заполните пропуски словами: already, yet, ever, never, just, for, since, always: 1. The goods will be with you soon. They‟ve _______ left our warehouse. 2. I‟ve _______ had a great idea. Why don‟t we launch a new range of colours? 3. We‟ve known each other _______ more than twenty years. 4. I‟ve _______ used my credit card on the Internet. I don‟t think it‟s safe. 5. I haven‟t had a chance to speak to Magda _______, but I‟m sure she‟ll agree. 6. I‟ve _______ worked in insurance, ever since leaving university. 7. I‟m sorry he hasn‟t called you back. He‟s been in a meeting _______ lunchtime. 8. Have you _______ been to Sao Paulo? It‟s completely different From Rio. *Упражнение 32. Заполните пропуски, выбрав подходящее слово из предложенных: Mike, Sorry I haven‟t contacted you (1) _______ last week, but I‟ve been very busy. I‟ve (2) _______ to Katowice in the south-west of Poland (3) _______ a few days, and I‟ve (4) _______ returned to my hotel in Warsaw, from where I‟m sending this email. I visited several firms when I was in Kato-wice and one of them looks quite promising. I‟ve (5) _______ seen their factory, and I‟ve got some product samples to show you. Unfortunately I haven‟t met the guy in charge (6) _______ He wasn‟t there – he‟s (7) _______ to Gdansk and should be back next week. So, the trip has been quite successful (8) _______. Have you (9) _______ been to Central Europe? Every is changing very fast – I‟ve (10) _______ seen so much building work going on. Anyway, I‟ll email you again later in the week to let you know what‟s happening. Regards, Steve. 1. A – for; B – since; C – just; D - so far 2. A – going; B – gone; C – being; D – been 3. A – for; B – since; C – already; D - so far 4. A – now; B – been; C – just; D - so far 5. A – yet; B – already; C – been; D – gone 6. A – just; B – already; C – now; D – yet 7. A – going; B – gone; C – being; D – been 8. A - so far; B – yet; C – just; D – now 9. A – yet; B – since; C – ever; D – never 10. A – yet; B – since; C – ever; D – never Упражнение 33. Поставьте глаголы в подходящую форму в Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite или Past Perfect: 1. The company is doing very well. Last year sales _______ (go up) by 15%, and so far this year they _______ (go up) another 12%. 2. We _______ (operate) all Latin America. Recently we _______ (set up) branches in Peru and Ecuador. 3. This _______ (not look) like the right block. Are you sure we _______ (come) to the right address? 4. _______ (you/see) my laptop? I‟m sure I _______ (leave) it here earlier. 5. I _______ (just/meet) Andrew from Sales _______ (you/know) him? 6. I _______ (never/speak) to him, but I _______ (speak) to his assistant on the phone yesterday. 7. I _______ (work) for WorldCom now - _______ (be) there for more than five years_______ (you /know) WorldCom? 8. I _______ (work) for WorldCom since last year, but now I _______ (want) to change jobs. _______ (you/hear) of any vacancies? *Упражнение 34. Выберите подходящий вариант из предложенных: 1. A: Are you free next Tuesday morning? B: Sorry, I’ll have//I’m having a meeting with Sue. A: Oh, right. Well, what about Thursday? 2. A: What are your plans for next year? B: We’ll open/we’re going to open a new factory in Hungary. A: That sounds interesting. 3. A: What do you think about their new marketing campaign? B: I think it’ll probably succeed/it’s probably succeeding. A: Do you really? 4. A: What about tomorrow at around five thirty? B: OK, I’ll see you then./I’m seeing you then. A: Bye. 5. A: So as you can see, I‟ve been thinking about this problem quite a lot. B: Yes, I see. So, what are you going to do?/what are you doing? A: Resign! 6. A: It would be nice to see you next week. B: Yes, it would. Are you doing anything/Will you do anything on Wednesday? A: No, I‟m free. Упражнение 35. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в одну из форм будущего времени. Используйте ''will'', ''be going to'' или Present Continious 1. Have you heard the news? Vivendy _______. (buy) Seagram. 2. I _______. (meet) Andrea at nine next Thursday morning outside the station. 3. I‟ve just had a call from Richard – he _______ (be) late. 4. Next year _______. (be) the company‟s centenary year. 5. This taxi driver is terrible. He _______.(have) an accident. 6. In the future video-conferences _______. _______ (probably replace) many international meetings. 7. We _______. (test) the new machine sometime next week. 8. I _______. (go) to Manchester on Friday. 9. Would you mind waiting for a moment? I _______ (not be) long. Упражнение 36. Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных: 1. Tomorrow I’ll interview/I’ll be interviewing candidates all morning. 2. We will have moved/will be moving to our new premises in August. 3. We will have moved/will be moving to our new premises by August. 4. What time does your train/will your train leave? 5. Don‟t forget to turn off the lights before you are leaving/you leave. 6. We can‟t send the goods until we’ve received/we will receive a firm order. 7. We will be repaying/will have repaid the bank loan by December. 8. Unless they’re/they will be more reasonable, we‟ll have to break off negotiations. 9. I was going to write/was writing to them, but I forgot. 10. I hope/I will hope to be able to speak at the press conference myself. 11. Our visitors are due to arrive/due arriving at 10.30. 12. I hope I won’t/I don’t hope I’ll be late for the meeting. 13. I think I won’t/I don’ think I’ll be late for the meeting. 14. When the contract is/will be ready, I‟ll let you know. 15. Will we/shall we break for coffee now? 16. Sorry, I can‟t speak now, I’ll just have/I’m just about to have a meeting Упражнение 37. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму Present Indefinite, Future Continuous, Future Perfect: 1. By the time all the papers are ready, the deadline _______. (pass). 2. The flight _______ (leave) at 1 pm and _______ (arrive) at 3.45. 3. I _______ (see) Nick tomorrow, so I can give him a message 4. This taxi is so slow. By the time we get there the meeting _______ (finish). 5. Sorry, I can‟t see you on the 15th – I _______ (play) golf with a client. 6. I won‟t do anything until I _______ (hear) from you. 7. Hurry up! By the time we arrive, the play_______ (start). 8. What _______ (you/learn) by the end of your course? 9. _______ (you/see) the conference room next Tuesday? 10. When I _______ (see) him, I‟ll ask him. Date: 2016-02-19; view: 2325; Нарушение авторских прав |