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I. Quick check. 2. Why is sugar cane called a C4 plant?
1. Name two C3 plants. 2. Why is sugar cane called a C4 plant? 3. When do CAM plants fix carbon dioxide? 4. Suggest which type of carbon dioxide fixation (C3, C4, or CAM) is most efficient: a. If it is not hot and sunny and the carbon dioxide level is low, but water is freely available b. In hot, dry and sunny climates where stomata are closed c. In bright light and temperate regions where there is an ample water supply.
II. Fill in the missing words:
III. Use monolingual English dictionary and write down what could the words given below mean: adapt, hot, dry, condition, growth, compound. IV. Match these words with their definitions:
V. Find English equivalents to the following word combinations:
VI. Give Russian equivalents to the following English terms:
VII. Find synonyms among the pool of words:
VIII. Answer the following questions. Use all information given before: 1. Where do green plants thrive? 2. How do C3 plants fix carbon dioxide? 3. What are two major disadvantages of C3 plants in hot, dry environments? 4. How do C4 plants fix carbon dioxide? 5. What are the bundle sheath cells? 6. What is the Hatch-Slack pathway? 7. What are two main advantages of C4 plants in hot, dry environments? 8. What are CAM plants? 9. Why can CAM plants survive in very dry climates? IX. Match the sentence halves. Make complete sentences:
X. Read and translate the short text without any dictionary: Fact of life: Plants are not very efficient at harnessing energy from the sunlight they receive. Under the most carefully controlled laboratory conditions plants can reach 25% efficiency but on cloudy days the natural photosynthetic efficiency of most individual plants is about 0.1%. The annual winter evening primrose, Oenothera claviformis, has the highest natural photosynthetic efficiency at 8%, closely followed by sugar cane at 7%. XI. Food for thought: If C4 plants have a greater photosynthetic efficiency than C3 plants, suggest why all plants do not have C4 metabolism.
Date: 2016-02-19; view: 473; Нарушение авторских прав |