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The Procedure of the Lesson
The Photo of the Plan of the lesson
Date: 28 January 2015
Group: 7“V”
Teacher: Tuyakbai Akerke
Level: pre- intermediate
Theme: “The USA”
The aim: Educational: to give practice in usage of Present Simple
Developing: to develop memory, speech and pronunciation.
Bring-up: To bring up pupils' interest to the traditions and culture
a) To check home work (new words and retell the text The Great Britain
b) Checking up the tasks fulfilled orally
The type of the lesson: new lesson
The teaching method: class work, games, group work, pair work, answering the questions, critical thinking;
Visual aids: internet books, pictures, cards, illustrations, board, chalk, pictures
The Procedure of the Lesson
| The strategy of the Lesson
| Introduction
Warm-up activity
Checking home task
Main part
Presentation of the new theme
| Akerke’s greeting was about 1-2minut. It was in the following order
- T:. Good afternoon dear children
- How are you?
- Who is absent?
- What is your home task was?
- Ok, let`s begin our new lesson.
- Today we shall have a very interesting lesson. I hope you are ready to show your knowledge and abilities.
- Today we`ll speak about animals
- I`ll ask you some questions.
Akerke prepared warm-up activity
: “Jumbled letters! ”
Students find the words:
ks and write down the new words:
1) STATE - tsate
2) BORDER- rebrod
3) SITUATED - disuatet
4) SEABORDER - aesbodrer
In order to check up home works of pupils she at first asked what exercises were given to home. What was your home task for today? Are you ready? Now, let’s check
Akerke on the lesson could assess everyone and when children had mistakes she tried to correct as quickly as possible.
Akerke explained new material :
They used group work activities. Children did activity for understanding the new material.
All of the children worked individually during the exercises. The visual aids were colorful. There were colorful papers with cartoon pictures;
After, Akerke introduced new text The USA.
Then Akerke introduced each new word concerning to Britain with its translation and with examples
Akerke gave new words for pupils and they are connect
Akerke conclude the lesson by asking questions as Do you understand our new theme? Do you likeThe USA?
- What is the capital of The USA?
- Have you been in USA?
- What do you know about The USA?
- What do you know about ‘White House’
Do you have any questions? Children asked their questions concerning with the theme. Then teacher evaluated students and gave them home task. Home task was write essay about KZ and The USA.
- T: Your home task for next lesson – to retell the text, write essay about KZ and The USA.
- T: Thank you for your work, you were very active. bye
- The lesson was interesting.
- The children were so active.
- Learners understood new theme and new vocabulary.
- She used Interactive blackboard in order to show new theme.
| Disadvantages
- Akerke speaks few words in English.
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