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Lovelock and nuclear energy


1. Listen to different people comment oning on James Lovelock's current views on nuclear energy and decide who makes these points: Michael, Teresa, Kevin, Raymond, Kerry.


Which person thinks...


1. that a lot of scientists don’t agree with Lovelock?

2. that Lovelock has made a turnaround?

3. that Lovelock now agrees with the government?

4. that Lovelock’s ideas are not really that important?

5. that nuclear power is not safe?

6. that people are impatient?


2. Give your comment ons on James Lovelock's current views on nuclear energy.





Comment on the jokes below.


a) Q: What did one photon say to the other photon?A: I'm sick and tired of your interference.

b) Q: What happens when electrons lose their energy?
A: They get Bohr'ed.

2. Comment on the following pictures.

A) b)




Before reading the text below answer the following questions.


1. Who discovered radioactivity?

2. When was radioactivity discovered?

3. How was radioactivity discovered?


Skim through the text and underline the sentences or the words that best sum up the main idea of the text (key words). With a partner discuss the main idea of the text using the key words or sentences.

Date: 2015-05-18; view: 349; Нарушение авторских прав

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