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LISTENING. 1. You are going to listen to the staff report “IAEA Welcomes US Contribution of $50 million to Nuclear Fuel Bank”
1. You are going to listen to the staff report “IAEA Welcomes US Contribution of $50 million to Nuclear Fuel Bank”. Mind the following proper names: IAEA George Bush IAEA Director General Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) NTI advisor Warren Buffett Former US Senator Sam Nunn, Co-Chairman of the NTI Angarsk
2. Listen to the staff report “IAEA Welcomes US Contribution of $50 million to Nuclear Fuel Bank”. Note only the essential details of what you hear: 1. The IAEA … 2. US President George Bush … 3. Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei said that … 4. The US contribution … 5. Former US Senator Sam Nunn, Co-Chairman of the NTI … 6. An IAEA-controlled fuel bank … 7. The law signed on 26 December … 8. The concept of a multilateral LEU supply bank … 9. A Russian proposal … 10. A German plan … 11. The establishment of a nuclear fuel supply system … 12. Enriched uranium provides …
3. Listen to the staff report again and complete the gaps in sentences below with the correct word or phrase you hear: 1. The IAEA has recognized a recent _______________ allocation by the US Congress for purposes of a nuclear fuel reserve under the auspices of the Agency. 2. "At the core of such mechanisms will be _______________, under IAEA auspices. 3. I also have welcomed _______________ for a fuel bank under IAEA control and a German initiative calling for the creation of an international enrichment centre, open to participation by all interested States. 4. This contribution was made by _______________ Warren Buffett in September 2006 with the stipulation that one or more IAEA Member States contribute an additional $100 million (or low-enriched uranium [LEU] equal in value) to the reserve. 5. An IAEA-_______________ is essential to reducing global nuclear dangers because the same nuclear enrichment technology that is used to make nuclear reactor fuel can also be used to make material for a nuclear weapon. 6. Assurances of supply of nuclear fuel, including _______________ (or banks), could provide States confidence in obtaining nuclear fuel for electricity generation and protect against disruption of supply for political reasons. 7. The risk of such _______________ could possibly dissuade countries from initiating or expanding nuclear power programmes or create vulnerabilities in the security of fuel supply that might in turn drive States to invest in national uranium enrichment capabilities with possible additional proliferation risks. 8. The plant would be financed by countries who would act _______________ of the plant´s nuclear fuel. 9. As an increasing number of nations plan for the development of _______________, concern has grown over the potential for diversion of nuclear material and technology from peaceful to military use. 10. Providing a _______________ to nations with a burgeoning nuclear power programme eases the economic cost and nuclear weapons-related risks intrinsic with building enrichment capabilities.
4. Listen to the staff report “IAEA Welcomes US Contribution of $50 million to Nuclear Fuel Bank” again and retell it.
Date: 2015-05-18; view: 405; Нарушение авторских прав |