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Урок 64. Магазини Лондона

Мета: продовжувати збагачувати лексико-граматичні знання учнів із теми «Магазини і покупки»; розширити кругозір учнів з теми; ознайомити з найвідомішими магазинами Лондона; розвивати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, читання, перекладу тексту на слух та письма; виховувати толерантне ставлення до співрозмовника.

Обладнання: підручник, матеріали до завдань.




1. Hello! Glad to see you. How are you?

2. Fine (superb, not bad, so-so). Thank you. What about you?

3. T. I’m fine too.


Перевірка домашнього завдання

Впр. 5, с. 119.

Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

1. Listen and agree or disagree with me using your signal cards: agree — green, disagree — red.

2. Department stores are large stores which are popular both with the local residents and tourists.

3. The fishmonger’s is the place where you can buy fish and seafood.

4. The newsagent’s is the place where you can buy milk, cottage cheese and butter.

5. The hairdresser’s is the place where we buy vegetables and fruit.

6. I can buy a loaf of bread and rolls at the bakery.

7. We can buy medicine at the chemist’s.

8. In Great Britain people use dollars and cents doing shopping.

9. In Ukraine people use pounds and pence doing shopping.

10. That person who buys things is a customer.

11. Those people who sell things are shop-assistants.

Keys: 1 +; 2 +; 3 —; 4 —; 5 +; 6 +; 7 —; 8 —; 9 +; 10 +.

Робота в групах. Тест

Т. Where do you buy the following things? Answer the question using flash cards on your desks and the structure:

□ We buy... at the...

□ To buy... we go to the...

Group 1 — apples, tomatoes, melons; smoked meat, ham, sausage; a sofa, a table, a chair; trousers, a shirt; a pen, a ruler, a note book; tea, coffee.

Group 2 — milk, butter, sour cream; fish, crabs; a newspaper, a magazine; a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, a microwave oven, a refrigerator; bread, rolls; ice cream, a bar of chocolate, sweets.

Group 3 — a football, a fishing-rod; a skirt, tights, a dress; cream, shampoo, lipstick; shoes, boots; a rose, a tulip, a pink; a toy-bear, a doll, a machine-toy.

One group answers, the two others show their signal cards, green if they agree with the answer, red if they don’t agree. Groups answer one by one; pupils answer showing their cards to others.

Уведення нової лексики

С. 124.

Говоріння, читання листа про найвідоміші магазини Лондона

Впр. 1, 2, с. 123.


Робота в парах

ü Complete the conversation and act it out.

Jane. Hi, Ann! You look wonderful today! Where... you... (to buy) your new T-shirt and this pair of jeans?

Ann. In Colin’s boutique.

Jane. Where... (to be) it?

Ann. Oh, dear. I know where it is, but I don’t... (to remember) the address. It is not far from Theatralna Metro Station. You... (to go) straight ahead along Bohdan Khmelnytsky Street, and it’s on the right. You... (not, to have to) go far.

Jane. Thank you. I think I’ll find it. How much... (to be) the things you bought?

Ann. I don’t remember the exact price of the T-shirt, but the jeans... (to be) 120 hrn. The style is more important for me than price. And the price is quite important for my mum. She usually... (to pay) for the purchase.

Jane. I like both the style and the price. I’ll ask my mum to visit the boutique this afternoon.

Підбиття підсумків уроку

1. Thank you for your preparations for the lesson!

Домашнє завдання

Впр. 4, с. 125-126.

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