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Задание 6.5 Retell process steps for the production of fancy books

Методические рекомендации:

Выполнение заданий к тексту требует его общего понимания. Контроль понимания достигается через выполнения этих упражнений. Информация, извлеченная при прочтении текста, может быть использована студентами в последующих заданиях.

Рекомендуемая литература: 1 осн. [44-52], 4 осн. [58-63]

Контрольные вопросы:

1. What operations are carried out in the print finishing process sections?

2. Describe a manufacturing process for hardcovers for fancy books.

3. Describe the main operations for the production of brochures.

4. Which working methods do apply in finishing?

5. Which products are produced in the finishing sector?


1. Auxiliary Verbs "Be", "Do", "Have"

An auxiliary verb helps the main (full) verb and is also called a "helping verb." With auxiliary verbs, you can write sentences in different tenses, moods, or voices. Auxiliary verbs are: be, do, have, will, shall, would, should, can, could, may, might, must, ought, etc.

  • I think I should study harder to master English.
  • I am having a cup of coffee.
  • You have been practicing hard.
  • It was written by a petitioner.
  • You may choose what you like.

The verb forms of be, do, and have can be used either as a main (full) verb or an auxiliary verb.

The following examples show these verbs used as auxiliary verbs.
1. "Be" as an auxiliary verb
a. Used in progressive sentences:

  • I am taking a bath.
  • She is preparing dinner for us.
  • They have been studying all night.

b. Used in passive sentences:

  • I was given a free meal.
  • He was seen by fans at the airport.
  • This song has been sung by all nations.

2. "Do" as an auxiliary verb
a. Used in negative sentences:

  • I do not know the truth.
  • She doesn’t agree with me.
  • They didn’t arrive here yet.

b. Used in questions:

  • Do you want to have another one?
  • Did he finish his homework?
  • Do we need to keep going straight?

3. "Have" as an auxiliary verb
a. Used in perfect sentences:

  • I have been following you for a mile.
  • We have done a lot so far.
  • She had been queen of the town.

2. Going to or will

When we want to talk about future facts or things we believe to be true about the future, we use 'will'.

  • The President will serve for four years.
  • The boss won't be very happy.
  • I'm sure you'll like her.
  • I'm certain he'll do a good job.

If we are not so certain about the future, we use 'will' with expressions such as 'probably', 'possibly', 'I think', 'I hope'.

  • I hope you'll visit me in my home one day.
  • She'll probably be a great success.
  • I'll possibly come but I may not get back in time.
  • I think we'll get on well.

If you are making a future prediction based on evidence in the present situation, use 'going to'.

  • Not a cloud in the sky. It's going to be another warm day.
  • Look at the queue. We're not going to get in for hours.
  • The traffic is terrible. We're going to miss our flight.
  • Be careful! You're going to spill your coffee.

At the moment of making a decision, use 'will'. Once you have made the decision, talk about it using 'going to'.

  • I'll call Jenny to let her know. Sarah, I need Jenny's number. I'm going to call her about the meeting.
  • I'll come and have a drink with you but I must let Harry know. Harry, I'm going to have a drink with Simon.

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