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О/R/ Retinophote

Retinophote [< anat. retina + photography] - a device for the eye fundus photography

Retinoschisis [retinoschisis < anat. retina + gr. schisis "splitting"] - dividing of the retina into layers in its cystoid degeneration

Riders [< germ. Reiter "horseman, rider"] - in ophthalmology: partially opacified bundles of the lens fibers, placed at the equator of the perinuclear region in the zonular cataract


Sclera [sklera < gr. skleros "dens, hard"], syn. scleral coat, sclerotic coat, sclerotica, white of the eye - a nontransparent part of the eye-globe fibrous coat

Sclerectasia [sclerectasia < anat. sclera + gr. ektasis "stretching, widening"], syn. sclerectasis - stretching and thinning of the sclera as a result of the inflammatory or dystrophic process

Sclerectomy [sclerectomia < anat. sclera + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: excision of the portion of the sclera

Scleritis [scleritis < anat. sclera + -itis] - an inflammation of the sclera Scleromalacia perforans [scleromalacia perforans < anat. sclera + gr. malakia "softness"] - a necrosis of the sclera with following its perforation

Scleroplasty [scleroplastica < anat. sclera + plasty] - common name of the surgical operations on the sclera for the replacement of its defects or changing of the eye-globe form (e.g., in myopia treatment)

Sclerotenonitis [sclerotenonitis < anat. sclera + anat. obs. capsula Tenoni "vagina of the eye-globe" + -itis] - a posterior scleritis

Sclerotomy [sclerotomia < anat. sclera+ gr. tome "cut, section"] - surgical operation: section of the sclera

Sclerouveitis [sclerouveitis < anat. sclera + anat. obs. uvea "uveal tract of the eye" +- itis] - a combined inflammation of the sclera and uveal tract of the eye-globe

Scotoma [scotoma < gr. skotos "blindness, darkness"] - a visual field defect, not merging with its peripheral borders

Scotometer [scotoma + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - a device for the determination and examination of scotomas in the central part of the visual field

Scotometry [scotometria < scotoma + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - determination of scotoma form and size

Siderosis of the eye [< gr. sideros "iron"] - deposition of the iron junctions in the eye tissues

Sinusotomy [sinusotomia < anat. sinus "shirt" + gr. tome "cut, section"] - surgical operation for the glaucoma treatment, consisting in dissection of the external wall of Schlemm's canal (venous sinus of the sclera)

Sinusotrabeculotomy [sinusotrabeculotomia < sinusotomia + trabeculotomia] - surgical operation in the glaucoma treatment, consisting in combination of the sinusotomy and trabeculotomy

Skiascope [< gr. skia "shadow" + gr. skopeo "to examine, to observe"] - an



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