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АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника


Pseudopterygium [pseudopterygium. < gr. pseudos "lie"+ pterygium] - false


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pterygium, developing after ulcerations, burnings and corneal lesions; unlike with true pterygium has no tendency to grow

Pseudoptosis [pseudoptosis < gr. pseudos "lie" + gr. ptosis "fall"], syn. false ptosis - drooping of the upper lid, reminding of ptosis, caused by the thickening or hanging down of the upper lid skin

Pterygium [pterygium < gr. pterygion "something, similar with the wing"] - a triangular slowly growing eye-globe conjunctiva fold, adhered with corneal surface

Ptosis [ptosis < gr. ptosis "fall"], syn. blepharoptosis - drooping of the upper lid, caused by the disorder of the levator muscle

Pupillography [< lat. pupilla "pupil" + gr. grapho "to image, to write"] - method of the pupil reactions examination, based on the registration of the pupil size changes with photo or cinema shooting

Pupillometer [< 1 at. pupilla "pupil" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - an instrument for the pupil diameter measurement

Pupillometry [< lat. pupilla "pupil" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - a measurement of the pupil size

Pupiilotonia [< lat. pupilla "pupil" + gr. tonos "strain, tension"], syn. neurotonic pupil reaction - pupil reaction, characterized by the pupil slowing-down narrowing in lighting and its slowing-down dilatation after stopping of lighting of the eyes


Recession [recessio < lat. recessus "removal, retreat, stepping back"] - surgical operation: correction of the squint, which consists in replacement to the back of the scleral attachment siteofoneofthe extraocular muscles

Reclination of the cataract [reclinatio cataractae < lat. reclinatio "inclination to the backwards, leaching back"] - surgical operation: displacement of the opaque lens into the vitreous body (aside from the visual axis) to improve the vision in the cataract

Refraction of the eye, clinical [refractio oculi < lat. refractus "refracted"] — characteristics of the refractive power of the eye optic system, which is determined according position of the posterior main focal point in the relationship of the retinal position

Refraction of the eye, physical [refractio oculi physicalis] - refractive power of the eye optic system, calculated in diopters

Refractometer (eye) - an optical instrument for the objective determination of the eye refraction

Refractometry of the eye - an objective determination of the eye refraction by means of the optical instruments refractometers

Retina [retina < lat. rete "network"], syn. optomeninx - an inner coat of the eye-globe

Retinitis [retinitis < anat. retina+ -itis] - an inflammation of the retina Retinoblastoma [retinoblastoma < anat. retina + blastoma], syn. glioma of the retina - malignant neuroepidermal tumor of the retina

Retinopathy [retinopathia < anat. retina + gr. pathos "disease, suffering"] - common name of the some retinal lesions of non-inflammatory type



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