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L / Lenticonus

"cutting out"] - 1) removing of the lens by the special approaches (via pars plana of the ciliary body or from the vitreous body; 2) refractive surgical operation, in which transparent lens is removed from the eye globe; is used for the correction of the high myopia

Lenticonus [lenticonus<lenti- + gr. konos "cone"]-developmental anomaly: cone- shape prominence of the anterior or posterior surfaces of the lens

Lentiglobus [lentiglobus < lat. lentis "lens, lentil", anat. "lens" + lat. globus "ball"] - developmental anomaly: ball-shape prominence of the anterior or posterior surfaces of the lens

Leptoscleria [leptoscleria < gr. leptos "thin, weak" + anat. sclera], syn. blue sclera's symptom - grayish-blue colour of the scleras: a symptom of some diseases, characterized by sclera thinning

Leukocoria [leukokoria<gK leukos "white" +gr. kore "pupil"]-white colour of the pupil, more often occurs in mature cataract

Leukoma [leukoma < gr. leukoma "something white, wall-eye"] - opacification of the cornea, caused by its scar-like changing

Limbitis [limbitis < anat. limbus (cornea) + -itis] - an inflammation of the limbus, more often of trachomatic origin

Limbus [limbus cornea < lat. limbus "border, edge"] - a part of the cornea, directly adjoining to the sclera

Limbosclerectomy [limbosclerectomia < anat. limbus (cornea) + anat. sclera + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation in glaucoma: excision of the part of the limbus and sclera


Macropsia [macropsia<g^ makros "big, long" + gr. opsis "vision"], syn. megalopia, megalopsia-vision disorder, in which objects seems to be bigger, than they are in reality

Maculitis [maculitis < anat. macula lutea retinae "yellow spot of the retina" + -itis] - an inflammation of the retina and choroid of the eye-globe in the yellow spot region

Maculopathy [maculopathia < maculo- + gr. phatos "disease, suffering"] - common name of the yellow spot lesions of noninflammatory origin

Madarosis [madarosis < gr. madarosis "coming out of the hairs, especially on the eye-lids"] - an absence of the lashes, caused by destruction of the hair shafts

Megalocornea [megalocornea < gr. megas (megalu) "big, large" + anat. cornea], syn. macrocornea, giant cornea - developmental anomaly: increasing of the cornea size

Megalopapilla [megalopapilla < gr. megas (megalu) "big, large" + anat. obs. papilla nervi optici "optic disc"] - developmental anomaly: increasing of the optic disc size

Meibomitis [meibomitis < meibomian glands + -itis], syn. blepharadenitis - acute purulent inflammation of the eye-lid tarsal plate gland

Metamorphopsia [metamorphopsia < gr. meta- prefix, meaning "following after something, location between something, interval in the space or in the time, passage from one place or condition into another"+ gr. morphe "form, shape" + gr. opsis "vision"], syn. dysmorphia - disorder of the visual perception, characterized by the distortion of the shape



Nystagmoscopy /N /53

and sizes of the visible objects

Microblepharon [microbiepharon < gr. mikros "small" + gr. blepharon "eye-lid"] - developmental anomaly: small vertical size of the eye-lids

Microcornea [microcornea < micro- + anat. cornea] - developmental anomaly: small diameter of the cornea, observed in microphthalmos, rarely independently

Microcycloscopy [< micro- + gr. kyklos "circle" +gr. skopeo "to examine, to see"] - method of examination of the ciliary body region with a gonioscope and a slit lamp

Microphakia [microphakia < micro- + gr. phakos "lens, lentil"] - developmental anomaly: small size of the lens

Microphthalmos [microphthalmus < micro- + gr. ophthalmos "eye"], syn. microphthalmos, ophthalmomicria—developmental anomaly: small size of the eye-globe Micropsia [micropsia < micro- + gr. opsis "vision"] - vision disorder, in which sizes of the seen objects seem to be smaller, than they are in reality

Microzonuloscopy [micro- + zonuloscopy] - method of examination of the ciliary zonule of the eye-globe (orbiculus ciliaris, zonula Zinni) with the help of slit lamp and gonioscope

Miosis [miosis < gr. meiosis "decreasing"] - narrowing (constriction) of the pupil Monochromasia [monochromasia < gr. monos "one" + gr. chroma, chromatos "color, stain"], syn. achromasia, achromatopsia, colour blindness -see Achromatopsia

Muscletrainer [< muscle + trainer] - a device for the training of the extraocular muscles to increase the eye motility

Mydriasis [mydriasis; perhaps < gr. amydros "dark, vague"] - a dilatation of the


Myopia [myopia < gr. myops "screwing up one's eyes", myo "to close" + gr. ops, opos "eye"], syn. nearsight, nearsightedness, shortsightedness - eye refraction error, in which the main focal point of the optical system is located between the retina and lens


Nephelopsia [nephelopsia < gr. nephele "cloud, fog, mist" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"] - blurred vision

Nictalopia [nyctalopia < gr. nyx, nyktos "darkness, night" + gr. alaos "blind" + gr. ops "eye"] - improving of the vision in the lower luminosity; e.g. it was marked in nuclear cataract1

Niphablepsia [niphablepsia < gr. niphas "snow" + a- Greek prefix, meaning negation or absence something + gr. blepsis "vision"] - snow blindness, caused by the sun shining on the snow

Nystagmus [nystagmus < gr. nystagmos "drowsiness", nystazo "doze, drowse"] - involuntary rhythmical movements of the eye-globes

Nystagmography [< nystagmus + gr. grapho "to image, to write"] - method of the nystagmus examination, based on the graphical registration of the eye movements

Nystagmoscopy [< nystagmus + gr. skopeo "to observe, to see"] — method of the nystagmus revealing, based on the observation of the eye-globes movements by the optic devices

'Some authors have opposite opinion about the meaning of this term (see Hemeralopia).



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