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Н/ Hypertension

organs, more often between eyes

Hypertension of the eye [hypertensio oculi < gr. hyper "above, over" + lat. tensio "strain, tension"], syn. ophthalmohypertension - transient rising of the intraocular pressure, when differential diagnosis with glaucoma is necessary

Hypertropia [hypertropia < gr. hyper "above, over" + gr. trope "direction, turn"] - vertical squint, in which squinting eye deviates upwards

Hyphema [hyphaema <gv:hypo- "down, under" + gr.haima "blood"] - hemorrhage into the anterior chamber of the eye globe

Hypophoria [hypophoria < gr. hypo- "below, downstairs, downwards, under" + (hetero-+ phoria] - heterophoria type, in which tendency to the downward deviation of the eye is present

Hypopyon [hypopyon <gr. hypo- "below, downstairs, downwards, under" +gr. pyon "pus"] - an accumulation of the pus in the eye anterior chamber

Hyposhagma [< gr. hyposphagma], syn. haemophthalmus externus - hemorrhage under the eye globe conjuctiva

Hypotropia [hypotropia < gr. hypo- "below, downstairs, downwards, under" + gr. trope "direction, turn"] - vertical squint, in which squinting eye deviates downwards

Horopter [horopter < gr. horos "border, boundary" + gr. opter "an observer"] - a totality of the space points, which images are projected (fall upon) to the corresponding retinal points in the condition of the exact binocular fixation


Incyclophoria [incyclophoria < lat. in- "action, which is directed inside" + cyclophoria] - heterophoria type with the tendency to turn the eye inside of sagittal axis

Incyclotropia [incyclotropia < lat. in- "action, which is directed inside" + cyclotropia] - deflextion from the vertical meridian of cornea in concomitant squint

Iridectomy [iridectomia < gr. iris, iridos "rainbow" + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: an excision of the iris portion

Iridencleisis [iridencleisis < gr. iris, iridos "rainbow, bright colored circle" + gr. enkleio "to enclose, to lock (up)"] — surgical operation in glaucoma: subconjunctival pinching of the iris in the scleral wound to form the way for the passage of the aqueous humor from the anterior chamber to the subconjunctival space

Iridocapsulotomy [iridocapsulotomia < irido- + anat. capsula lentis "lens capsule" +gr. tome "cut, section"] - surgical operation: cutting of the iris and adhered to it posterior surface lens capsule to form artificial cleft-like pupil in iris occlusion after complicated extraction of the cataract

Iridocapsulectomy [iridocapsulectomia < irido-+ anat. capsula lentis "lens capcule" + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: excision of the iris portion together with remnants of the lens capsule to form artificial pupil in iris occlusion of the pupil after complicated extraction of the cataract

Iridocele [iridocele < irido- + gr. kele "bulging, prominence"] - bulging of the iris portion via corneal defect (more frequently in the perforation of the corneal ulcer)

Iridochoroiditis [iridochorioiditis < irido- + anat. chorioidea "choroid" + -itis] -


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