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Isocoria /I /49

combined inflammation of the iris and choroid of the eye

Iridochromoscopy [irido- + gr. chroma "colour, stain" + gr. skopeo "to examine, to see"] - iris byomicroscopy (slit lamp examination) in the specific colour light

Iridocoloboma [iridocoloboma< irido- + gr. coloboma "dificient part"] - congenital or rare acquired defect (coloboma) of the iris

Iridocyclectomy [iridocyclectomia < gr. iris, iridos "rainbow" + gr.kyklos "cycle, circle" + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: an excision of the portions of the iris and ciliary body, which are damaged with the malignant tumor

Iridocyclitis [iridocyclitis < gr. iris, iridos "rainbow" + gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + -itis], syn. anterior uveitis - an inflammation of the iris and ciliary body

Iridocyclochoroiditis [iridocyclochorioiditis < gr. iris, iridos "rainbow" + gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + anat. chorioidea + -itis]-,see Uveitis

Iridocycloretraction [iridocycloretractio < gr. iris, iridos "rainbow" + gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + lat. retractio "deffering, delaying"] - surgical operation in glaucoma: introducing of two strips of the sclera between the iris root and trabecular meshwork region; is directed to improve the aqueous outflow

Iridocyclosclerectomia [iridocyclosclerectomia < gr. iris, iridos "rainbow" + gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + anat. sclera + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: an excision of the portions of the iris, ciliary body and sclera, which are damaged with the malignant tumor

Iridodialysis [iridodialysis < irido- + gr. dialysis "division, separating"] - partial estrangement of the iris from the ciliary body, which evokes in the eye trauma

Iridodonesis [iridodonesis < irido- + gr. donesis "fluctuation, tremble"] - iris trembling in sharp eye movements, observed in aphakia, subluxation or luxation of the lens Iridoplegia [iridoplegia < irido- + gr. plege "blow"], syn. iridoparalysis - paralysis of the iris sphincter as a constant maximal dilatation

Iridoschisis [iridoschisis <gr. iris, iridos "rainbow" + gr. schisis "splintering, splitting"] - pathological splitting of the iris tissue

Iridosclerectomy [iridosclerectomia < irido- + anat. sclera + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: excision of the iris portion and sclera; is used in glaucoma to form of the way of the aqueous humor outflow from the anterior chamber under conjunctiva

Iridosclerotomy [iridosclerotomia < irido- + anat. sclera + gr. tome "cut, section"] - surgical operation of the simultaneous dissection of the sclera and iris near its root; is used in glaucoma

Iridoscopy [irido- + gr. skopeo "to see, to examine"] - iris byomicroscopy (slit lamp examination)

Iridotomy [iridotomia < irido- + gr. tome "cut, section"] — surgical operation: discission of the iris; is used to form the artificial pupil and for the approach to the lens in the cataract extraction

Iris bombe [anat. iris + fr. bombe "bulging, prominent"], syn. "bombed" iris - iris anterior bulging, developing in the presence of the adherence between the lens and pupillary margin of the iris and in seclusio pupillae (exclusion of the pupil)

Iritis [iritis < anat. iris + -itis] - an inflammation of the iris; as a rule is associated with the inflammation of the ciliary body (iridocyclitis)

Isocoria [isocoria < gr. isos "equal" + gr. kore "pupil"] - an equality of the pupils


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