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Module 1. Диагностический тест

Замените слова, написанные курсивом, местоимениями.

1. Myuncle isacarpenter.

a) She b) I c) He d) His

2. His daughter is a musician.

a) She b) He c) Hers d) It

3. Their aunt is a manager.

a) He b) She c) They d) Her

4. Our parents are physicians.

a) He b) We c) They d) Our

5. My grandfather and grandmother are pensioners.

a) My b) They c) She d) He



6. His uncle (to be) a fitter.

a) are b) is c) am d) to be

7. My aunt (to have) those books.

a) have b) to have c) has

8. I (to be) his cousin.

a) is b) are c) am d) to be

9. Their friends (to be) students.

a) is b) are c) to be d) am

10. His son (to have) this article.

a) has b) have c) to have


Выберите правильные формы множественного числа.

11. Their friend is a dentist.

a) Their friends were dentists.

b) Their friends are dentists.

c) Their friend was a dentist.

d) Their friends is dentists.

12. That was an article.

a) That was articles.

b) Those was articles.

c) Those were articles.

d) These were articles.

13. This is a clip.

a) Those were clips.

b) Those are clips.

c) These are clips.

d) This are clips.

14. He was a teacher.

a) They were teachers.

b) They are teachers.

c) We are teachers.

d) You are teachers.

15. Your daughter is a pupil.

a) Their daughter is a pupil.

b) Your daughters are pupils.

c) Your daughters are a pupil.

d) Their daughters are pupil.


Выберите подходящие местоимения.

16. Myfriendshave … discs.

a) this b) that c) these d) me

17. … were students.

a) We b) I c) This d) That

18. This is my notebook, and that is ….

a) hers b) your c) you d) me

19. … grandparents are pensioners.

a) Me b) Mine c) My d) Hers

20. … are my pencils.

a) That b) These c) This d) We


Выберите подходящий перевод предложений.

21. У них есть мои кассеты.

a) They had my cassettes.

b) They have mine cassettes.

c) They have my cassettes.

d) They has my cassettes.

22. Мойдядябылмузыкантом.

a) My uncle is a musician.

b) My aunt was a musician.

c) My uncle was a musician.

d) My uncle were a musician.

23. Еёбрат – бизнесмен.

a) Her brother is a businessman.

b) Her brother was a businessman.

c) His brother is a businessman.

d) His brother was a businessman.

24. У меня был их диск.

a) I had their disc.

b) I have their disc.

c) I has their disc.

d) I had this disc.

25. У него есть эта статья.

a) She has that article.

b) He has this article.

c) She has this article.

d) He has that article.

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