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Structure of wood

Wood is primarily composed of hollow, elongate cells that are arranged parallel to each other along the trunk of a tree. When lumber and other products are cut from the tree, the characteristics of these fibrous cells and their arrangement affect such properties as strength and shrinkage as well as the grain pattern of the wood.

A cross section of a tree shows the following well-defined features (from outside to centre): bark, which may be divided into an outer corky dead part (A) and an inner thin living part (B), which carries food from the leaves to growing parts of the tree; wood, which in merchantable trees of most species is clearly differentiated into sapwood (D) and heartwood (E); and pith (F), a small core of tissue located at the centre of tree stems, branches, and twigs about which initial wood growth takes place. Sapwood contains both living and dead tissue and carries sap from the roots to the leaves. Heartwood is formed by a gradual change in the sapwood and is inactive. The wood rays (G), horizontally oriented tissue through the radial plane of the tree, vary in size from one cell wide and a few cells high to more than 15 cells wide and several centimeters high. The rays connect various layers from pith to bark for storage and transfer of food. The cambium layer (C), which is inside the inner bark and forms wood and bark cells, can be seen only with a microscope.


In most species in temperate climates, the difference between wood that is formed early in a growing season and that formed later is sufficient to produce well-marked annual growth rings. The age of a tree at the stump or the age at any cross section of the trunk may be determined by counting these rings. The inner part of the growth ring formed first in the growing season is called earlywood and the outer part formed later in the growing season, latewood. Actual time of formation of these two parts of a ring may vary with environmental and weather conditions. Earlywood is characterized by cells with relatively large cavities and thin walls. Latewood cells have smaller cavities and thicker walls. The transition from earlywood to latewood may be gradual or abrupt, depending on the kind of wood and the growing conditions at the time it was formed.

Growth rings are most readily seen in species with sharp contrast between latewood formed in one year and earlywood formed in the following year, such as in the native ring-porous hardwoods ash and oak, and in softwoods like southern pines. In some other species, such as water tupelo, aspen, and sweet gum, differentiation of earlywood and latewood is slight and the annual growth rings are difficult to recognize. When growth rings are prominent, as in most softwoods and ring-porous hardwoods, earlywood differs markedly from latewood in physical properties. Earlywood is lighter in weight, softer, and weaker than latewood. Because of the greater density of latewood, the proportion of latewood is sometimes used to judge the strength of the wood. This method is useful with such species as the southern pines, Douglas-fir, and the ring-porous hardwoods (ash, hickory, and oak).


Запомните необходимый минимум профессиональной лексики

trunk ствол (дерева)
fibrous cell клетка волокна
shrinkage усадка, сжатие
merchantable пригодный для торговли; коммерчески выгодный
bark кора
sapwood заболонь
heartwood ядровая древесина
pith сердцевина
tissue ткань
stem ствол, стебель
branch ветвь, ветка
twig веточка, прут
sap сок (древесный)
wood ray древесный луч
growth ring годичное кольцо, годичный слой
stump пень
earlywood весенний слой
latewood поздняя древесина
cavity полость (клетки)
hardwood твердая древесина
softwood мягкая древесина
density плотность, удельный вес

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