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Упражнения на лексические трудности перевода английской научной и технической литературы

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. In this way each of the waveform gates is switched on in turn for one line period.

2. A mechanical method was substituted for an electric one.

3. This rate, formerly in general use, is now reserved for manual calls.

4. The question arises whether rocks are all natural combinations of mineral matter.

5. Given ferrite-core material, very good transformers can be made.

6. However simple the basic principle of the approach may seem, in many situations such an approach is not used.

7. In the preceding discussion the availability of wideband transformers was assumed.

8. The use of metals is affected by the available ore resources, the cost of extraction and refining, and the way in which they can be employed to practical advantage.

9. Low anode capacitance is of course essential.

10. The prune purpose of giving the computer a daily health check is preventive rather than corrective.


Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. The lower the thrust the longer the smoothing tune can be.

2. Contact for 2 hours was necessary for the 10 –2,5 dilution to effect significant receptor modification.

3. The average repeater spacing is therefore 16.2 nautical miles (30 kilometres).

4. The question now arises as to how the behaviour of metals is affected by the changes in temperature.

5. The calculation of the correlation of the noise coefficients is now a great deal more involved.

6. The plasticity of steel, whether at room temperature or at elevated temperatures, allows it to be worked either hot or cold.

7. Both a random error channel and a channel with burst errors are considered.

8. The region surrounding a magnet, in which appreciable magnetic forces exist is known as the magneticfleled.

9. Figure 10 illustrates how this self-checking is accomplished.

10. During the remainder of each line period the amplifier operates in a normal manner.


Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. In this presentation one should follow a logical rather than a historical order, though referring to the historical aspects where they are of interest.

2. The plasma is generated in a glass tube by a continuous r. f. discharge at a frequency of 50 megahertz.

3. The charge of an atom is not affected by the number of neiitrons present but depends on the balance between electrons and protons.

4. It remains to be established if the opening-angle distribution depends on the declination of the region.

5. Experience shows that work study does in fact provide one of the most valuable means of improving production efficiency.

6. With the exception of this cell, the data are well fitted to a Poisson distribution with a mean of 19.

7. The increasing demand for oil can only be met by the application of the most efficient methods for its extraction and subsequent treatment.

8. Separate groups of lines for the rotary equipment are no longer justified.

9. The qualitative examination of an organic compound is followed by a quantitative analysis.

10. Such impulse noise is experienced in a wide range of communications media.



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