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Law of syllogism


p → q = “If today is Saturday then library is open”.

q → r = “If the library is open then I must study at the library.


p → r = “Therefore, if today is Saturday, then I must study at the library”.



The test this argument for validity, consider the truth table:

p q r p → q q → r p → r  
F T F T F T  
T F F F T F  
T F T F T F  
T T F T F T  


The rows for which the premises p → q and q → r are true are marked with arrows. Since in each of these cases the conclusion p → r is also true, the argument is valid.


This important argument is known as the law of syllogism. It was one of the contributions to logic by Aristotle (384 – 322 B.C.)


Frequently used rules for making valid arguments.


Argument rule Tautology Name of the rule
A ∴ A ˅ B A →(A ˅ B)≡t Adding disjunction
A, B ∴ A ˄ B (A ˄ B) →(A ˄ B) ≡t Adding conjunction
A ˅ B, ~A ∴ B (A ˅ B) ˄ ~(A→B) ≡t Deleting disjunction
A ˄ B ∴A (A ˄ B) →A ≡t Deleting conjunction
A→ B ∴ ~B → ~A (A→B) → (~B→~A) ≡t Rule of contraposition
A → B, A ∴ B (A ˄ (A→B)) → B ≡t Modus Ponens
A→ B, ~B ∴ ~A (~B ˄ (A→B))→ ~A≡ t Modus Tollens
A→ B, B → R ∴ A→R (A→B) ˄(B→R) →(A→R) ≡ t Law of syllogism

Ex: Is it a valid argument?

«If I am hungry then I do everything quickly.»



«I do everything slowly». Hence, «I am not hungry».





Our common sense says that the argument is logically sound. The formal notation for the argument is as follows (modus tollense):


A B A→ B ~B ~A

A→ B, ~B



Argument is valid.


Ex: Is the argument valid?

(p → ~q) → (q ˄ ~r), p→~q

q ˄ ~r


Solution: It is valid, since it comes from the argument

p → q, p


by replacing p by (p →~q) and q by (q ˄ ~r)


Ex: Is it a valid argument?

If a is 18 then a is divided by 6. (True)

p q

If a is divided by 6 then a is divided by 3. (True)


q r

Therefore «If a is 18 then a is divided by 3».


p r

It is valid because it is a syllogism:

p → q, q→ r

p → r


H/a: Is it a valid argument?

p → q, p→ r

q → r

Prove your answer by a table


H/a: Is it a valid argument?

It is raining or snowing. It is snowing.

Therefore, it is raining.

Prove your answer.

Topic: Boolean algebra

We studied 3 examples of algebras: set algebra, 2-element Boolean algebra and propositional algebra. The properties of these algebras are very similar. It is not by chance. The fact is that these algebras are special cases of a more general type of algebra: Boolean algebra.

Definition: a Boolean algebra is a 6-tuplet:

< B, +, *, ', 0, 1 >,

Where B is a set on which are defined two binary operations: + and *, and a unary operation (complement), denoted '. 0 (zero element) and 1 (unit element) denoted two distinct elements of B.

The following axioms hold for any elements a, b, c є B.

1. Commutative laws:

1.1 a + b = b + a

1.2 a * b = b * a

2. Distributive laws:

2.1 a + (b * c) = (a +b) * (a + c)

2.2 a * (b + c) = (a * b) + (a * c)

3. Identity laws:

3.1 a + 0 = a

3.2 a * 1 = a

4. Complement laws: for any a є B there exists an a' є B, such that:

4.1 a + a' = 1

4.2 a * a' = 0

Precedence: (), ', *, +.

The Duality principle holds for a Boolean algebra. Other laws of the set/propositional/2-element algebras (idempotent, absorption, De Morgan's, etc.) are direct consequences of the axioms 1 - 4.



Theorem 1. (Idempotent law):

(i) a + a = a;

(ii) a * a = a;


(ii) Statement Reason
(1) a = a * U = (1) B3, Identity
(2) = a * (a + a') (2) B4, Complement
(3) = (a * a) + (a * a') (3) B2, Distributive law
(4) = (a * a) + 0 (4) B4, Complement
(5) = a * a (5) B3, Identity

(i) Statement is true by principle of Duality.

Theorem 2.

(i) a + U = U;

(ii) a * 0 = 0;


(i) Statement Reason
(1) U = a + a' (1) B4, Complement
(2) a + U = a + (a + a') (2) Substitution
(3) = (a + a) + a' (3) B2, Distributive law
(4) = a + a (4) Theorem 1. Idempotent law
(5) = U (5) B4, Complement

(ii) Statement is true by principle of Duality.

Theorem 3. (Involution law):

(a')' = a;

That is, if (a) a + a' = U, (b) a * a' = 0, (c) a' + a'' = U and (d) a' * a'' = 0, then a=a''.


Statement Reason
(1) a = a + 0 (1) B3, Identity
(2) = a + (a' * a'') (2) Hypothesis
(3) = (a + a') * (a + a'') (3) B2, Distributive law
(4) = U + (a + a'') (4) Hypothesis (a)
(5) = (a' + a'') * (a + a'') (5) Hypothesis (c)
(6) = (a'' + a') * (a'' + a) (6) B1, Commutative law
(7) = a'' + (a' * a) (7) B2, Distributive law
(8) = a'' + (a + a') (8) B1, Commutative law
(9) = a'' + 0 (9) Hypothesis (b)
(10) = a'' (10) B3, Identity

Theorem 4.

(i) U' = 0

(ii) 0' = U


(i) Statement Reason
(1) U' = U' * U (1) B3, Identity
(2) = U * U' (2) B1, Commutative law
(3) = 0 (3) B4, Complement

(ii) Statement is true by principle of Duality.

Theorem 5. (De Morgan's law):

(i) (a + b)' = a' * b', that is (a + b) * (a' * b') = 0 and

(a + b) * (a' * b') = U

(ii) (a * b)' = a' + b', that is (a * b) * (a' + b') = 0 and

(a + b) * (a' + b') = U


(i) Statement Reason
(1) (a + b) * (a' * b') = (a' * b')* (a + b) = (1) B1, Commutative law
(2) = ((a' * b') * a) + ((a' * b') * b) (2) B2, Distributive law
(3) = ((b' * a') * a) + ((a' * b') * b) (3) B1, Commutative law
(4) = (b' * (a' * a)) + (a' * (b' * b)) (4) B2, Associative law
(5) = (b' * (a * a')) + (a' * (b * b')) (5) B1, Commutative law
(6) = (b' * 0) + (a' * 0) (6) B4, Complement
(7) = 0 + 0 (7) Theorem 2.
(8) = 0 (8) Theorem 1.
(9) (a + b) + (a' * b') = U (9) Steps (1) through (8)

(ii) Statement is true by principle of Duality.


Theorem 6.

(i) a + (a * b) = a

(ii) a * (a + b) = a


(i) Statement Reason
(1) a + (a * b) = (a * U)+ (a * b) (1) B3, Identity
(2) = a * (U + b) (2) B2, Distributive law
(3) = a * (b + U) (3) B1, Commutative law
(4) = a * U (4) Theorem 2.
(5) = a (5) B3, Identity

(ii) Statement is true by principle of Duality.



˗ the 2-element Boolean algebra = < {0, 1}, ∧,∨, ‾, 0, 1>

˗ the set algebra is a Boolean algebra = < P(U), ∪, ∩, ‾, ⌀, U>

where P(U) is a power set = set of all subsets of U.

˗ the propositional algebra is a Boolean algebra =

= <{set of all propositions}, ∧,∨, ~, c, t>

where c is any contradictory statement, t is any tautology.


Considering algebras from more and more general points of view, mathematicians introduce more general types of algebras, such as: lattices, groups, semigroups, rings, semirings etc. For example, a Boolean type algebra belongs also to a lattice type (supertype).


H/a: given algebra = <D70, a + b, a * b, a', 1, 70>, where

D70 = {1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 14, 25, 70}, set of divisors of 70;

a + b = l.c.m(a, b) = least common multiple of a and b; a, b ⋲ D70;

a * b = g.c.d(a, b) = greatest common divisor of a and b.

a' = 70/a;

1 is the zero element, 80 is the unit element.

Is it a Boolean algebra? Prove your answer.


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