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Psychology and other sciences

Between psychology and other sciences there is a two-way communication: in one cases the psychology uses achievements of other sciences for the solution of the problems, and in others - sciences use psychological knowledge for an explanation or the solution of certain questions. Intersubject communications of psychology and other sciences promote their mutual development and practical application.

The psychology in development of questions is guided by data of biology, in particular anatomy and physiology, on theory of higher nervous activity. In turn, this psychology is widely used in medicine, in particular in psychiatry.

The pedagogics widely uses psychological regularities of training and education. Separate branches of psychology (pedagogical and age psychology in particular) are connected with sections of the theory and a technique of pedagogics, didactics, techniques of teaching separate subjects.

One of actual psychology and pedagogical problems of the present is formation of thinking in the course of training which would provide to the pupil opportunity independently to acquire information which constantly is updated and established, would guarantee development of abilities of the subject to productive intellectual activity.

Productive nature of interrelation of psychology and pedagogics is shown that conditions for an advancing of real student teaching are created, new ways for search of effective modern technologies of training and education open.

At the same time the psychology is based on data of pedagogics when studying psychology of formation of the personality. The interrelation of psychology is close related with literature, linguistics, history, art, cybernetics and other sciences.

Historically it developed so that development of the theory of training and education long time was a prerogative only of pedagogics. The first pedagogical book according to the theory of training of Ya.A. Komensky "Great didactics" was written in the XVII century (1633–1638), and the psychology as independent science developed much later, at a boundary of the XIX-XX centuries, i.e. more than on a quarter a millennium later. The arisen new science could undertake not at once studying of problems of training, and only in the 1st quarter of the XX century psychological researches in this area began.

During a time of formation of pedagogics and expansion of practice of mass training actually psychological regularities of assimilation of knowledge and formation of the human person so the pedagogical theory of training and education developed out of communication with data of scientific psychology owing to lack of those weren't known yet. At the same time empirically developed pedagogical theory considered and considers psychology of the person. As communication between pedagogical and psychological sciences the pedagogical and age psychology, psychology of professional pedagogical activity, psychology of management of pedagogical systems and many psychological researches of other fields of education act.

The aspiration of traditional pedagogics of elementary school to impart to the child the correct behavior through demonstration of models of some actions that their assimilation happened by contemplation and imitation these samples, directly contradicts this psychological regularity of education through own activity of the child. It is the first contradiction between pedagogics and the psychological theory. Other contradiction is shown that if the psychology stands up for such training which from the very first class forms theoretical thinking at the child and proves that it not only is necessary, but also is quite available to six - seven-year-old children, the pedagogics believes lawful to rely only on concrete and figurative thinking inherent in the child of preschool age, including theoretical thinking for the younger school student the excessive.

The pedagogical psychology is closely connected with physiology. For understanding of mechanisms of management of physical and mental development of trainees it is especially important to know regularities of activity of an organism in general and its separate parts, functional systems. The knowledge of regularities of functioning of higher nervous activity allows pedagogics to design the developing, training technologies, the tools promoting optimum development of the personality.

Data of sociology promote deeper judgment of a problem of socialization of the personality. Results of sociological researches are base for the solution of the pedagogical problems connected with the organization of student's leisure, vocational guidance, and many others. The reference value for pedagogical science has philosophical knowledge. It is base for judgment of the purposes of education and education during the modern period of development of pedagogical knowledge. The theory of knowledge allows indirectly, to determine thanks to a community of laws regularities of educational cognitive activity and mechanisms of management by it.

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